
Chapter 1669: Chen Fei's suspicion

Chen Fei made a hissing gesture, and then continued with a serious face: "You are a very hidden toxin. It is difficult to find out. Moreover, the other party has controlled the weight and will not poison you all at once. It will take effect slowly, causing you to gradually become poisoned and die.""

According to my speculation, in about five or six days, you will have more obvious discomfort. After half a month, you will be completely poisoned and eventually die. ""

what! "Although Huang Qian kept her voice down as much as possible, the shocked expression on her face still couldn't conceal it. Chen

Upon seeing this, Fei patted Huang Qian on the shoulder, and comforted: "Don't worry too much, I can cure your poison. When I reviewed and treated you just now, I already gave you the antidote. Persevere. After taking the medicine for a period of time, toxins can be completely eliminated."

Hearing this, Huang Qian was relieved, "Thank you Mr. Chen." No

However, Chen Fei's expression was not very relaxed at this time. Instead, he stared at Huang Qian and continued to mutter in a low voice: "There is still something I want to tell you."

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter?" Huang Qian looked at Chen Fei's solemn expression and couldn't help being a little worried. Chen

Feida: "According to my inspection, only three of the four of you have been poisoned by this kind of poison. The other one is not poisoned."

"What, this—" Huang Qian felt her mind stuck, "Who is not poisoned?"

"Zhao Zhenfei." Chen Fei said the name, then stared at Huang Qian with round eyes.

Huang Qian was a little dazed at this time, and she was at a loss for a while, "This, Captain Zhao is not poisoned, how could this happen, this--"

There is indeed an insider in our investigation team, and this insider is not me. It's Zhao Zhenfei! "Chen Feining said.

"Captain Zhao is a traitor, this, it's impossible!" Huang Qian couldn't believe it for a while. "It's just that there will be no poisoning. This does not prove that Captain Zhao is a traitor.

Perhaps it was because Captain Zhao was too strong and the opponent couldn't poison him. Maybe it is because the toxin effect is not great for Captain Zhao, maybe there are other reasons, this—" Huang Qian still couldn't believe it.

But at this time, Chen Fei continued: "If it's just that there is no poisoning, the reason you mentioned is also possible."

But what I can tell you is. The toxin in you is the same toxin in Lisa's grandfather's mother. As for the two of them, it is very likely that they were poisoned by members of the Akao family. In this way, you can understand why I say that Zhao Zhenfei is a traitor! "Chen Fei looked at Huang Qian, and Zhen said again."

This, this — can't explain it either. After all, we broke into the base camp of the Akao family, and it is also possible that people from the Akao family were poisoned with the same toxin. "Huang Qian still couldn't believe it.

Chen Fei continued: "But that toxin is not an ordinary poison, but a poison that is very difficult to prepare. Even within the Akao family, not everyone can have it."

You think, if it's just an accident. There will be someone in the Akao family who has this precious toxin on hand, and happened to meet you who sneaked in, and then used it on you, and finally missed Zhao Zhenfei. ""

This, this, this is indeed too bad—" Huang Qian couldn't explain it at this time.

And Chen Fei lowered his voice and said, "If Zhao Zhenfei is an insider, then the matter can be explained."

"When you first were in Hancheng, I investigated Ota Kameyou's news. We did not tell anyone. Only a few people in our investigation team knew about it. Then, we went to the tea plantation, Ota Kameyou left early, and also Arranged for an ambush waiting for us.""

Afterwards, you tracked down the news about Friends of the Tortoise in Daejeon and came to Shimakyo, where you encountered the same ambush time, and you were seriously injured. "

"The same thing twice is too coincidental. If Zhao Zhenfei confided in the news, it would all make sense."

Huang Qian followed Chen Fei's train of thought for a while, the expression on her face couldn't help but sink, and her face was very ugly. "

Captain Zhao, he—this is a matter of great importance. Do you want to report it? I—" Huang Qian was at a loss for a while.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Reporting now will only be a surprise. After all, we have no conclusive evidence, and there is no news from Academician Song."

What do you think of Mr. Chen—" Huang Qian looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said: "Now pretend to be ignorant of this, first hold Zhao Zhenfei. I will find a way to find evidence."

"Also, Hu Yu's side. You still don't disclose the matter to him, just hint a little at ordinary times, let him pay attention."

Why, Boss Hu, he--" Huang Qian puzzled. Chen

Feidao: "Hu Yu is stubborn and he is very disciplined in doing things. Moreover, he is not like how you trust me. If you tell him these things, he will definitely doubt and ask for verification. At that time, he will not only startle him, but even you. I will also be in danger." Huang

Qian listened, nodded in agreement, and then said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

Ok! Chen Fei nodded, and then patted Huang Qian on the shoulder, "Don't worry too much. Zhao Zhenfei dare not act rashly now that you live here." "...


On the investigation team, Chen Fei returned to the headquarters of the Baqihui Manor. Korea

Sha learned of the conflict between Uchida Chun and Chen Fei, found Chen Fei, and apologized to Chen Fei for Uchida Chun.

Chen Fei said that it was nothing, and immediately helped Lisa deal with the Baqi meeting. because

To approach the 80th Anniversary of the Baqi Society, Lisa's affairs have been busy during the recent period.

After all, the major Baqi guild forces, including the Akao family, will all gather together, and no one can say what will happen at that time. each

Chen Fei didn't understand and was not good at this kind of internal affairs, so he didn't intervene. But on the basis of the arrangement and training of bodyguards, Chen Fei gave them some guidance and strengthened the defense of Lisa.

A few days passed in a flash, and the commemorative meeting will be held tomorrow. mention

The day before, many people from the Baqi Society had already rushed over and settled down.

And Lisa also received an invitation message at this time, an invitation to the meeting from Akao Kento herself. Lisa and her party are invited to negotiate. Korea

Sha accepted the invitation, and immediately rushed to the past with Narumi Uchida, Jun Uchida, Brother Yokoyama, and Chen Fei.

The meeting was held in a He's club. When Lisa and her party arrived, the Akao family had already arrived. red

Ou Jianren took a group of people and greeted him at the door with a smile on his face, with a very enthusiastic attitude. If you are seen by someone who doesn't know, you think the relationship between the two parties is very good.

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