
Chapter 1689: Warband opens

"Brother Uchida is threatening me?" Akao snorted and slapped his palm on the table.

Suddenly, the Akao family members in the main house stood up with an overwhelming aura. Inside

When Tian Minghai saw this, his face sinking like water, he coldly shouted: "Akao Kento, it seems that you are determined to fall back on your account. If that's the case, don't blame me for being polite."

I just want to spare more time, but Uchida brother and Miss Lisa are aggressive, and I can't help it! "Akao Kento looked like he was forced, but the Akao family members in the hall were gathering more and more.

Of course, the Akao family is ready to go to war. on

In such a tense atmosphere, Chen Fei stepped forward, looked at Akao Taketo, and smiled: "The Akao family is ready to do it. It seems that the lessons yesterday seemed to be insufficient!"

When Akio Kento saw Chen Fei, his complexion couldn't help but a look of alertness appeared on his face. and

The Akao Xian on the side couldn't help the anger in his heart, and pointed directly at Chen Fei and cursed: "Hua Xia boy, do you think you are invincible? Yesterday, you killed my Akao family to bear with blood. Today, I will definitely want you to pay. The price comes."

While talking, Akao Xian waved his hand and shouted, "Do it!"

At that moment, there was a bang, and more than a dozen warriors all dispatched and besieged Chen Fei.

These warriors are all warriors of the Xuan-level realm, and their strength is quite impressive under the siege. Obviously, the Akao family saw Chen Fei's strength yesterday, and today they regard him as the first target, and behead first. and

When Narumi Uchida saw the Akao family doing it, he immediately shouted, "Do it!"

At that time, more than 20 elite guards brought into the hall, drew out their weapons, and greeted the opponent's martial artist. and

At the same time, outside the manor, there was also a sound of fighting and shouting. Obviously, the large forces outside are also at war at this moment.

"Kill them!" Seeing the start of the war, Akio Kento no longer continued to pretend to be false. He shouted sternly and ordered his subordinates to attack. At the same time, he rushed into the crowd and started his hands.

Akao Kento is a heavenly master, and when he stepped out of the field, the pressure on the Uchida family's guards suddenly doubled.

Uchida Narumi rushed over, shaking with Akao Taketo. The others also found their targets and turned on the counterattack mode.

At this moment, facing the besieging Chen Fei, he let out a cold snort, and moved straight into the encirclement, putting all the samurai besieging him down. Less than three minutes before and after. from

With no pressure on his side, Chen Fei turned his eyes and saw Hu Yu, Huang Qian and the others. He leaped forward and knocked down all the warriors who were fighting against them. Of course

Later, Chen Fei shouted in a low voice: "According to the plan, you start to act. Go inside the Akao family and look for the trail of Datian Guiyou and Academician Song."

it is good! "Hu Yu nodded, and immediately jumped into the Akao family. Zhao

Zhenfei and Huang Qian also followed immediately.

Chen Fei looked at the backs of a few of them, his eyes a little deep. this

At this moment, there was chaos inside the Akao family, and there were people running almost everywhere, one by one holding weapons and constantly gathering in the direction of the hall.

Although Hu Yu and the others are careful, they will inevitably encounter each other's people.

However, the people in the investigation team are strong, at least they are all martial artists at the prefecture-level realm, and Zhao Zhenfei, a martial artist at the early stage of the sky level, has not fully recovered from his injuries, but there is still no problem with a few Xuan-level martial artists.

The four knocked down more than a dozen samurai all the way, and quickly rushed into the depths of the Akao family.

As they were looking around, Zhao Zhenfei suddenly pointed to the front and shouted: "There!"

The remaining three people turned their heads and saw that a middle-aged samurai came out carrying a samurai sword in front of them. "

It's Daejeon tortoise! "Hu Yu recognized the other party at first sight, and immediately said, "We go together, we must catch him and ask about the whereabouts of Academician Song." "With

That is, a few people rushed out together, with great momentum. Big

Seeing a few people approaching, Tomomi Taguio's face was full of surprise, and then he drew his katana and greeted the others. turn

Immediately, the two sides fought recklessly. and

Hu Yu, who rushed to the front, turned pale for a moment, and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. Big

Tian Guiyou and Hu Yu are warriors of the same realm, and both are in the pinnacle realm of the earth level. And Hu Yu is injured, so naturally he is not Ota Kameyou's opponent. "

Captain Zhao, help me. "Hu Yu couldn't hold it anymore, and hurriedly shouted to Zhao Zhenfei.

Zhao Zhenfei's eyes moved, and then he rushed out. Behind them, Huang Qian followed up immediately and fought with Datian Guiyou. Hu

Yu took a sigh of relief, rushed out again, and joined the battle group. One

At time, the four of them launched a siege on Daejeon Kameyou. he

Although his strength was good, he was still incapable of facing the siege of the four people, and gradually fell into a disadvantage, with several more scars on his body.

Seeing that Friends Datian was about to be unable to support it, Hu Yu gritted his teeth and launched a fierce attack, shouting: "Old Zhao, let's work together to knock him down."

Hearing this, Zhao Zhenfei glanced obliquely and glanced at Hu Yu, but his movements were a bit slow.

But at this moment, Hu Yu, who was in the middle of the attack, seemed to be hit hard suddenly. His body fell directly in the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Huang Qian, who was on the side, was about to shout something, but immediately turned pale, spouted a mouthful of blood, and staggered a little. The remaining Zhao Zhenfei's attendant, at this moment, was even more straightforward, his complexion sank, and he fell directly to the ground. Big

Seeing this, Tian Guiyou screamed in his eyes, holding a samurai sword, and rushing over fiercely, Yang Dao slashed towards Hu Yu.

Hu Yu fought hard to resist, barely blocking this move. Then he was anxious and shouted to Zhao Zhenfei: "Old Zhao, do it quickly, I can't hold it anymore."

At this time, Zhao Zhenfei, standing in place, did not have any help. Instead, he shot a burst of energy, pierced into the heart, and directly killed his follower.

Upon seeing this, Hu Yu couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Zhao Zhenfei, what are you doing?"

kill! Can't you see it at all? A smirk appeared at the corner of Zhao Zhenfei's mouth. He continued to step forward and walked towards Huang Qian, his fingertips hesitating.

"Zhao Zhenfei, you are a traitor, and you are a traitor. Academician Song's matter has something to do with you?" Hu Yu shouted sharply.

"Did you just find out now?" Zhao Zhenfei grinned and said, "However, it is too late."

Zhao Zhenfei, you are treason. As the Zhao family, you have collaborated with the enemy and treasoned the country. The organization will not let you go. "Zhao Zhenfei shouted sharply.

Zhao Zhenfei smiled indifferently, and shook his head: "Do you think they will know about this? When I kill you, I will go back to China. The traitorous agent, that's you, not me."

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