
Chapter 1703: Beijing Guards

After stabilizing the situation on the ship, Chen Fei inspected the bodies of the three of Yuehu and the others, and found nothing useful, or even anything that could prove their identity.

But Chen Fei still kept their bodies. After all, several crew members died on board, and someone must be responsible for this.

The next voyage went smoothly, and there were no more accidents. In the early morning of the next day, the group finally arrived at Huaxia.

When Hu Yu and Huang Qian were on the ship, they used the communication device to report the situation on the ship.

Therefore, immediately after the cruise ship docked, a police officer came to find out the situation.

Chen Fei and the others were also very cooperative, telling each other in detail what happened. Of course, the matter of Academician Song involves five-star secrets, so it can't be said casually. Hu

Yu and Huang Qian have special identities. After the police made relevant records, someone from the relevant department took them and took Chen Fei and them back to Beijing to report the details of the incident.

At two o'clock in the afternoon that day, the group finally arrived in the capital. in

After being desperate overseas for almost a month, they returned to the familiar capital again. Several people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and they all relaxed physically and mentally.

In particular, Academician Song was a little excited at this moment. After all, apart from his identity as a scientist, he was just an ordinary person. The experience of spies, guns, fights, and deaths has had a great impact on him. It takes time to slow down. car

After Zi drove into an institution similar to a police station, Chen Fei helped Song Ganlin out of the car. Knot

Guo, without waiting for a few people to stand firm, a group of people in crimson uniforms walked over here with a serious face.

The leader was a 35-six-year-old man. The man looked at Chen Fei and them, took a closer look, then waved his hand and ordered: "Take them away." Shun.

In between, more than a dozen uniformed personnel behind the man walked out with a splash, detained Chen Fei and the others, and were about to take them away. Such as

This posture made Chen Fei totally unexpected. Chen

Fei couldn't help but his eyes became cold, and the few uniformed personnel who were about to catch him shook away, then looked at the leader, and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"A few of you are related to the case of Song Ganlin's treason. Now we are asking you to go back with us for investigation." The man said coldly. Chen

Hearing this, Fei's expression became even more serious, and he said: "We have investigated the situation clearly. Academician Song is not treasonous. Please advise your words."

"Is there any treason? It doesn't matter if you say it. After investigation, the conclusion can be made." The other party's tone was cold, and then he ordered his men to arrest people.

At this moment, when Hu Yu saw this, he couldn't help frowning, and said, "Which one of your units is from and which leader wants you to come over."

The leading man heard this, looked at Hu Yu, and then said: "We are from the Beijing Guards. As for which leader's order, you are also suspects, and there are some things that cannot be disclosed to you."

Beijing Guards? "Chen Fei is a little unfamiliar with this name.

Hu Yu understood it at once, frowning and said: "Our matter has always been the Security Bureau. When will it be the turn of the Beijing Guards to intervene in this matter?"

Captain Hu, please advise your words. This is an important matter related to national security, not a separate matter of any department. If you engage in hilltop doctrine now, that is a principled error. "The leading man sternly said to Hu Yu.

After that, before Hu Yu could speak, he looked at Chen Fei and said: "You better cooperate with our investigation. Otherwise, your behavior is in our eyes a resistance to arrest, and we have the right to use coercive measures against you. ." With

Following the man's words, the team members behind him made a clatter, took out their pistols, and pointed their guns at Chen Fei and the others.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's face sank, his expression completely cold, and a chill in his eyes.

These people have gone through all the hardships to return to the country, not to mention the credit for the time being, the hard work is always true. But these people completely ignored them. Instead, they treated Chen Fei and the others as criminals, and they pointed their guns at several people, which made Chen Fei very angry. Hu

Yu noticed Chen Fei's anger, and hurriedly shouted to the man: "Please advise your behavior. Mr. Chen is an investigator licensed by General Xu. If something happens, can you bear the responsibility?"

Hearing the name of General Xu, the other party's expression changed slightly, he hesitated, and finally put the gun away. He said: "Everyone is for the case, please cooperate and understand." This

The tone of the words will not be as cold and arrogant as before. Hu

After all, Yu is an official person and can understand each other's behavior. Nodding lightly, "We will naturally cooperate with the investigation."

After speaking, Hu Yu looked at Chen Fei and persuaded: "Mr. Chen, the army has the rules of the army, we—"

Chen Fei looked at Hu Yu, and finally nodded and said: "I can cooperate with your investigation. However, Academician Song has worked so hard all the way and now needs a good rest."

We understand that it will be arranged. "The other party said coldly.

Immediately, Chen Fei and his party went out and got on the car of the Beijing Guards. also

After driving for about an hour, when Chen Fei and the others got out of the car again, they had already arrived in an unfamiliar compound. Chen

Fei looked at the surrounding environment, it should be somewhere on the outskirts of the capital. Do not

After Chen Fei took a closer look, the other party urged, "Go inside."

Enter a small building in the courtyard, and then take the elevator down to the basement. Chen Fei and the others were taken to an empty room. that

After the leading man let them sit down, he went out immediately. Big

After about a few minutes, he came back again and looked at several people and said: "Wait, we will ask some questions about this case, and you need to answer truthfully."

This is natural. "Hu Yu nodded.

That is, the leading man pointed to Hu Yu and said, "You come first."

The two came in and led Hu Yu out. Big

After about four or five minutes, the lead man came in again, this time pointing to Huang Qian, and said: "It's yours."

Huang Qian got up, took a look at Chen Fei, and then went out. again

After a few minutes, the other party came again and took Academician Song out. most

Afterwards, only Chen Fei was left in the room. This time, it took nearly twenty minutes before the other party came back and said to Chen Fei: "Finally, it's you. Come with me!" Although

Although a little dissatisfied with the other party's tone, Chen Fei followed the other party out of the room and entered a room similar to an interrogation room.

The other party arranged for Chen Fei to sit down on a chair, and then pressed the switch, an iron gate appeared in the middle, separating Chen Fei from the other party.

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