
Chapter 2008: Dragon Dance

Then, everyone saw that a tall woman wearing a light yellow gauze skirt came in.

The woman dressed up in ancient costumes walked among the guests in suits, leather shoes and long dresses, but there was no sense of disobedience at all.

On the contrary, she was born to be like this. Coupled with the old-fashioned houses of the Long Family, it made the guests seem a little out of place.

For a while, everyone's eyes were all attracted by the woman, and they couldn't help but look over.

"This woman is so beautiful, like a fairy in a TV movie?"

"The fairies dressed up by actresses in TV movies are just pretending.

But the temperament does not have any fairy temperament, the one in front of him is the real fairy temperament. "

"Who is this woman?

How come to Long's house? "

"Shao Long just called her sister, is she also from the Long family?"

"However, I haven't heard of the Long family still having a daughter?"

"I have heard a rumor that the Long family once had a daughter. When she was very young, she was favored by an expert and sent to learn martial arts.

Could it be that this is the one——"...Just as everyone was talking in a low voice, Long Zetian hugged the woman and said in a pleasantly surprised voice: "Sister, you are back, I want to kill you. "

The woman patted Long Zetian's back lightly, showing a petting smile, and said: "Xiaotian, you are all grown-ups, why are you still pestering sister like a child!"

"Sister, I will always be a child in front of you."

Long Zetian smiled at the woman.

Upon seeing this, the woman smiled, patted the back of Long Zetian's hand, then pointed to the direction behind her, and said, "We will have a good chat later. Now, let me introduce some of my friends to you. ."

Long Haoyun also walked over at this time and said with a smile: "Wu Tian, ​​you are back!"

Long Wutian nodded, and then said: "Dad, I will bring some friends to the Long Dragon Banquet, you can arrange it."

Following the woman's words, everyone's eyes looked over immediately.

Then it was discovered that behind the woman, three people were still following.

One of the young women, dressed very similar to Long Wutian, but looked younger than Long Wutian.

The other two are two men.

A man in a cyan robe with a smile on his face looked quite polite, giving a kind of bookish air.

The other man was tall and burly, with a serious face, his hands on his chest, his eyes were torch, and his eyes swept over, almost no one dared to look at him.

All of these people exuded a palpitating power, which made the people around them uncontrollably stay away.

Long Haoyun also noticed that they were good, and his voice became respectful and enthusiastic, "Wu Tian, ​​who are these distinguished guests?"

Long Wutian smiled and introduced: "Dad, we came down the mountain as contestants in the International Youth Martial Arts Competition this time.

The game is about to begin, and the division let us who have obtained the quota come down the mountain, and everyone gathers in advance to get acquainted with it. "

Hearing what Long Wutian said, everyone at the scene immediately understood what was going on.

And the gazes that looked at the few people became more and more in awe.

"Contestants, that means that these are all disciples of the Heavenly Sect?"

"Looking at the momentum, it is absolutely, too strong, I hardly dare to look up at them."

"As expected to be a disciple of the Celestial Sect, this momentum is extraordinary."

... Long Wutian continued to introduce, pointing to the young woman next to her, and said: "This is Yu Qin, like me, who is studying martial arts in Lingyan Pavilion. It is my junior sister."

"Hello, uncle!"

Yu Qin showed a smile, nodded to Long Haoyun, and greeted him.

Long Zetian on the side looked at Yu Qin, who was so sweet, and stars suddenly began to appear in his eyes.

However, the other party was a disciple of the Celestial Sect, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and immediately retracted his eyes.

Later, Long Wutian continued to introduce.

Pointing to the bookish man in a blue shirt, he said, "This is Zou Pu, a disciple of Wushuanglou.

Moreover, Zou Pu's uncle is Zou Dukong and Zou head of Wushuang Building. "

Hearing this identity, Long Haoyun's expression changed, his hands stretched out, and he shook hands with Zou Pu, "It turned out to be the wise nephew of the head of Zou, but when I saw it today, I felt uncomfortable.

"Uncle Long is polite. It is also my honor to be a guest at Long's house today."

Zou Pu smiled. Although it was just a polite remark, the smile and gentle tone on his face made people feel like spring breeze.

Finally, Long Wutian introduced the burly and serious man, "This is Senior Brother Zong Han, Senior Brother Zong is a disciple of Tian Wuzong."

"Nice to meet you!"

Long Haoyun greeted with a smile.

But Zong Han's temper was much colder, he just nodded lightly, and responded with an "um".

After introducing the three people, Long Wutian smiled and said, "There are still a few people who have not come today. I will introduce them to you when I have the opportunity."

After speaking, Long Wutian stepped in, and finally looked around, especially when he saw the guards who fell to the ground and were still wailing, he couldn't help but frowned, "Dad, what's the matter?

Isn’t the Long Dragon Banquet held today?

This—" Speaking of this, Long Haoyun couldn't help but his face sank.

And Long Zetian on the side was instantly excited, and quickly said: "Sister, you have to call the shots for me.

Today, someone came to my Long's house to make trouble. His attitude was very arrogant, and he even wanted to do something to me. You must teach him a lesson. "

"What! There is such a thing!"

Long Wutian's complexion suddenly sank, "Who, so bold, dare to make trouble in my Long's house?"

"Sister, they just left, they shouldn't have gone far. They are outside. Go and stop them."

Long Zetian pointed in the direction where Chen Fei and Chen Ziling had left, and hurriedly said.

"Huh! Bold fanatic, watch me go and get him back."

Long Wutian let out a cold snort, and pulled out an afterimage, and quickly rushed forward.

Seeing this, Long Zetian showed a look of excitement in his eyes, and shouted: "Sister, you must catch that Chen Fei back and give him a severe lesson."

"Chen Fei!"

Mentioning this name, the faces of Yu Qin, Zou Pu, and Zong Han changed slightly.

Long Haoyun immediately introduced: "The person who caused the trouble was named Chen Fei, a casual martial artist, who has been making a lot of noise in the capital recently. He has the name of Master Chen."

"By the way, Chen Fei recently won the championship of the trials and also got a place for the competition.

Speaking of it, he still—" Before Long Haoyun finished speaking, the expressions of the three of them all changed.

Yu Qin was very surprised, "It is Chen Fei. Recently, his fame has spread to our Heavenly Sect. Many people are talking about him."

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