
Chapter 2022: The real culprit

"Offend me?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes, and then asked aloud, "Last night, I took someone to smash the Qingmei jewelry offensive and injured Yu Qingmei.

Did you do it? "

Upon hearing this, Cai Qi suddenly understood what was going on, his eyes rolled quickly, thinking about how to explain, "About that matter, it wasn't me—" "Don't admit it?"

Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and there was a touch of coldness in his hands, "If you don't tell the truth, then go to death!"

Seeing this, Cai Qi was frightened, and quickly said: "No, I didn't mean that.

What happened last night was indeed what I did, but it was not me who led the matter, but someone else. "

"who is it?"

Chen Fei asked aloud.

Cai Qi paused and said to Chen Fei: "That's a big man, a real big man.

It is indeed my fault to smash the shop and beat people.

But let me be honest with you, that big man is not something we can mess with. "

"I ask you, who is it?"

Chen Fei's voice became cold and his eyes became a little impatient.

Seeing this, Cai Qi quickly said: "Don't do it, I say, I say everything."

With a hint of hesitation and struggle flashing in his eyes, Cai Qi said: "I don't know who the big man is."

"What--" Chen Fei's face sank, and the strength on his feet increased a lot.

Cai Qi was stepped on and coughed, and a puff of blood poured out of his mouth. He quickly said: "Don't do it, you listen to me."

"I don't know the specific identity of that big man, but I know where he came from.

He only came down from the mountain recently, a disciple of a certain martial arts sect.

The only information he revealed was these. "

"But after my inference and investigation, I can roughly guess it.

Recently, a group of disciples from the four great heavenly sects went down the mountain, and that big man should be one of these disciples.

However, I dare not ask about the specific identity. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but squinted, "A disciple of the Heavenly Sect."

Immediately, Zong Han, Zou Pu, and Huizheng came to his mind, and his eyes became colder and colder.

And this expression fell into Cai Qi's eyes, and it became worry and fear. He immediately said: "What I said is true.

Brother, I didn't lie to you just now, the other party is a real big shot, not something we can afford.

In this matter, there is no alternative but to swallow. "

"To swallow?"

Chen Fei snorted coldly, his eyes sank, and the cold light showed, "In my place, Chen Fei, I have never swallowed these four words."

"Say, where are Mo Xiaowei and the big man in your mouth now?"

Chen Fei asked.

"This, they should be in the presidential suite of the Sovereign Hotel!"

After getting the disciple, Chen Fei didn't say a word, clicked twice, and interrupted Cai Qi's legs in a scream, and then left the private room without looking back.

It wasn't until Chen Fei completely left the private room that the frightened companions and bodyguards rushed to Cai Qi's side.

"Brother Qi, are you okay!"

"Brother Qi, how are you?

Does it hurt? "

"Brother Qi, what should I do now?

Want to call someone? "

... "I've broken my leg, you guys call for emergency!"

Cai Qi cried out in pain.

Only then did the companion come back to his senses, and started making emergency calls in a hurry.

At the same time, someone called Cai Qi's father to inform him of the incident.

In less than ten minutes, the extremely angry Father Cai rushed to the private room aggressively.

Seeing Cai Qi lying on the ground, Cai's father was both distressed and angry, and rushed over, "Qi'er, who beat you like this!"

Cai Qi was full of hatred, and said: "I am a young man, I don't know him, but it should be from Qingmei Jewelry."

On the side, the companions quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

After listening, Father Cai looked fierce and gritted his teeth and said: "What a green plum jewelry, what a Yu Qingmei.

She was only a female classmate, she really thought she was something, and she dared to bully me on Cai's family. "

"My Cai family will never give up."

"Dad, I want revenge, I want to break that guy's legs.

No, not enough, I also interrupted his hands. "

Cai Qi said resentfully.

But at this moment, the bodyguard brought by Cai's father came over with a mobile phone, "Mr. Cai, through the mobilization of surveillance, people found it and basically confirmed the identity.

Look—" "I've confirmed it, what else do I need to see."

You don't know to arrest people! "

Father Cai shouted angrily.

The bodyguard was taken aback, but still did not move, and said: "Cai, you, you better take a look."

"What's so good! Is this the quality of your bodyguards?

Lao Tzu feeds you tens of millions every year, and this little thing can't be done well. "

Father Cai said angrily.

But the bodyguard directly handed the phone over and said, "Mr. Cai, I hit Cai Shao's person.

It seems to be the Master Chen. "

"I don't care about Master Chen, my son was beaten, you guys immediately give me—" Father Cai roared, but when he was halfway through the roar, he suddenly realized something, grabbed the phone in the bodyguard's hand, and clicked on the video. one look.

Suddenly, Father Cai's face turned pale, "It's him, how could it be him?

This, this—" "Dad, what are you doing in a daze.

That guy must have not gone far. He is going to the Sovereign Hotel. If you send someone to arrest someone now, you can definitely—" Cai Qi is still shouting.

But Father Cai slapped his hand on Cai Qi's face and shouted angrily: "Shut up."

"Dad, you, how do you hit me?"

Cai Qi was beaten up, clutching his cheeks and looking at his father.

Father Cai's face was pale, his eyes rounded, and he shouted angrily: "You have **** in your eyes, why don't you look at people? Even people like Master Chen dare to offend him."

"Master Chen, what Master Chen?"

Cai Qi hasn't recovered for a while.

Father Cai shouted angrily: "Master of martial arts, champion of trials, Master Chen Fei and Chen.

He was the one who beat you, do you understand now? "

"What, it turned out to be him! This, how is this possible, I—" Cai Qi didn't expect that he would offend a big man like Chen Fei, and for a moment he was so scared that he didn't know what to do.

Father Cai said with a calm face, gritted his teeth and said: "This matter, stop here, you are absolutely not allowed to participate in it anymore.

Otherwise, it is not only yourself that is unlucky, but also our entire Cai family. "

"But, Dad, my legs--" Cai Qi was still a little unwilling, but seeing his father's horrified eyes, he also knew that his thoughts of revenge would definitely come to nothing.

Burying the hatred in his heart, Cai Qi said in his heart: "The surname is Chen, don't be too overwhelmed.

Although your Master Chen's name is good, the opponent is a disciple of the Tian-level sect, and offends that kind of big man, even if you are Master Chen, don't even think about having good fruit. "


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