
Chapter 2069: Irregularities

As soon as this was said, everyone at the scene suddenly brightened their eyes, showing interest in their eyes.

Some people even started to look greedy and fierce in their eyes.

Chen Fei understood that Louis deliberately mentioned these in order to attract firepower to the Huaxia team and cause trouble.

After all, Song Hongyue is only in the early stage of the heavenly level, and among these participating players, he is not very good.

And there are many treasures in her body, which will naturally attract everyone's attention, and even make some greedy people take risks and directly act on Song Hongyue.

Regardless of the result, it is not a good thing for the Huaxia team.

Zhao Kejin naturally understood this. The horse's face sank, his eyes swept around in the restaurant, and then he shouted in a cold voice: "The members of my Chinese team are united and not to be violated!"

Zhao Kejin's words were extremely powerful, even with a warning.

Suddenly, the scene was silent, and many people's eyes changed and they lowered their heads to think.

Knock and Louis also changed their faces slightly, and then said: "Mr. Zhao is so confident, then we wish the Huaxia team good luck."

The two bit the word "good luck" very hard, then turned and left.

"I also wish the United States and the film country team good luck."

Zhao Kejin looked at the two with a gloomy expression, and stunned back with the same words.

Knock and Louis smiled upon hearing this, and walked away.

However, just two steps away, Knok seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Chen Fei and said: "This is China Chen Fei Mr. Chen, right?"

"I heard that Mr. Chen was very powerful, and he killed several masters on the dark list, even including members of the Addis family."

"We, the United States, have a lot of dark-listed masters.

Therefore, Mr. Chen had better be careful, otherwise it would not be good to be retaliated before he has time to participate in the competition. "

After speaking, Knok left with a smile.

But Zhao Kejin's expression sank, and he looked at Chen Fei with worry.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei nodded to him and said: "Chairman Zhao, it's okay, I'll be careful."

Zhao Kejin nodded, and then everyone quickly finished the meal and went back to their rooms.

When something happened in the restaurant, Zhao Kejin asked the team members to be more careful. Then, he received a message temporarily and prepared to leave the hotel.

Before leaving, he deliberately found Chen Fei. He did not hide the reason why he was out. "Chen Fei, I will go out in the afternoon to meet with our personnel in the United States and exchange some information."

"During my absence, you are responsible for the situation of the players, try not to make any accidents, if something happens, you feel free to contact me."

"Well, I will be responsible."

Chen Fei nodded.

"With your words, I'm relieved."

Zhao Kejin patted Chen Fei on the shoulder, and then left.

Afterwards, Zhao Kejin gathered the team members and told everyone about Zhao Kejin's going out, so that everyone was more careful, and if something happened, he would go to himself.

Of course, Song Hongyue remained the same, ignoring Chen Fei's call, and did not attend the meeting at all.

Chen Fei made a phone call, sent a message to Song Hongyue, said the matter again, and did his own thing.

Nothing happened all afternoon, and Chen Fei was so happy.

Just as Chen Fei was about to summon everyone to go downstairs to eat together, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Fei opened the door and saw Yu Qin standing at the door. He couldn't help but curiously asked, "Yu Qin, what's the matter?"

Yu Qin looked at Chen Fei and said, "Captain, there is something, I want to report to you."

"you said."

Chen Fei said.

Yu Qin said: "Just now, I was in the corridor and accidentally saw a man entering Song Hongyue's room."

"A man!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but wrinkle.

Yu Qin looked a little worried, and quickly explained: "Captain, I didn't spy on other people's privacy, I just happened to see it.

Moreover, if Chairman Zhao is not there, you have asked us to be careful. I am worried about an accident. That's why—" Chen Fei saw this and quickly comforted Yu Qin, "Yu Qin, don't worry, you are doing the right thing.

In this way, let's take a look at Song Hongyue. "

After all, in the restaurant just now, the film country leader Louis exposed Song Hongyue's body with treasures, which may arouse some people's mischief.

Therefore, Chen Fei is ready to see the situation.

Soon, the two walked to the door of Song Hongyue's room.

Chen Fei knocked on the door, but there was no response inside.

However, Chen Fei had already exuded his mental power, and felt the situation inside. There were indeed two people.

Suddenly, Chen Fei frowned, increased his strength, and knocked on the door again.

But there was still no response in the room.

Upon seeing this, Yu Qin couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and whispered: "Captain, maybe I got it wrong, I--" Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Yu Qin, you are right, there is someone inside."

With that said, Chen Fei patted the door of the room directly, and said: "Song Hongyue, I know you are inside, I have something and want to talk to you."

While speaking, Chen Fei kept knocking on the door.

Song Hongyue finally couldn't help it, and said impatiently, "What are you doing!"

Chen Fei said, "Excuse me, please open the door, I have something to talk to you."

"I'm not interested, let's go!"

Song Hongyue said.

Chen Fei did not leave, and continued: "Things are very important!"

"I care if you are important or not, I'm not interested, just get out of here."

Song Hongyue scolded impatiently.

Chen Fei couldn't help but his face sank, and his voice rose sharply, and said in a deep voice, "Song Hongyue, there is a man in your room. I need to check it.

This is for your safety and for the safety of all of us. "

"You watch me."

Upon hearing this, Song Hongyue became excited and couldn't help shouting.

Chen Fei said: "Trouble open the door."

"Go away!"

Song Hongyue shouted angrily, feeling quite agitated.

Chen Fei's voice immediately became stern, "Either you come to open the door, or I break in, you choose!"

"I'll let you go away, don't you understand human words?"

Song Hongyue cursed directly.

Hearing this, Chen Fei stopped talking, and kicked out with his leg up.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, the door of the room was kicked open.

Chen Fei walked into the room and saw Song Hongyue hurriedly getting dressed.

On the bed, there was also a naked foreigner. It was the Jace who drove a sports car with Song Hongyue at the entrance of the hotel yesterday.

"Get out, get out of here!"

Song Hongyue pointed at Chen Fei and burst into anger.

Chen Fei stayed still, looking at Song Hongyue, coldly said: "What's going on, can you explain it?"

Song Hongyue put on her clothes, covered her body, then glared at Chen Fei, and said angrily: "You don't have eyes, this is my boyfriend.

What do we like to do, is it related to you? "

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