
Chapter 2074: Hard fight broke out

Upon seeing this, Song Hongyue's expression changed drastically, and she said in horror: "You, what do you want to do?

I gave everything you wanted, what else do you want? "

"This is just the beginning!"

Joey smiled, then shouted outside the stadium, "Chairman Zhao, won't you come out?

If you don't do anything, we will leave. "

Hearing Joey's words, Song Hongyue couldn't help but was taken aback, with a surprised expression on her face.

At this time, behind an abandoned wall on the opposite side, three figures came out. The leader was Zhao Kejin, and beside him, there were two middle-aged men who were staff members of the Huaxia team.

"Chairman Zhao, why are you—" Song Hongyue couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Zhao Kejin appear.

"Go back and talk about it!"

Zhao Kejin glanced at Song Hongyue, then his body tensed and looked at the warrior beside Joey warily.

Joey laughed when he heard the words, "Go back?"

"I'm afraid, President Zhao, you can't go back!"

As soon as the voice fell, those warriors suddenly started and rushed towards Zhao Kejin fiercely.

Zhao Kejin took the two staff members and immediately started to move, and the true essence broke out and rushed over fiercely.

The battle broke out in an instant.

After all, Zhao Kejin is a warrior in the late stage of the heavenly rank. After all the battles, facing this kind of battle, he immediately made arrangements to let the two staff members protect Song Hongyue, and he rushed to each other fiercely.

Suddenly, there were bursts of rumbling and cracking noises in the huge stadium.

A figure was shot into the air, blood was spilling in the air, and the sound of collision accompanied by screams made the whole stadium lively.

In less than three minutes, Zhao Kejin actually beat five opponents.

Three of them slumped on the ground without any movement, and they seemed to be too dead to die.

The remaining two people were also dying, their bodies motionless.

Under this situation, Song Hongyue couldn't help but get excited, and the worry in her heart also disappeared, instead she wanted to rush out to help.

However, at this moment, Joey sneered at the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhao Kejin, and said, "As expected, he was a teammate with Xu Junshan back then, and his strength should not be underestimated!"

"In this case, I can only give this gift in advance."

Following Joey's words, five figures appeared in the stadium, with terrifying true vitality, whizzing towards Zhao Kejin.

Zhao Kejin felt the other party's vigor, his expression changed and his expression became stern.

Because the momentum of these five people is not weaker than him.

This shows that the martial art realm of these five people is at least in the late heavenly realm.

Even if Zhao Kejin is strong, facing the siege of five masters of the same level, he does not have the confidence to win.

Thinking of this, Zhao Kejin quickly calmed himself down and immediately made a decision. He turned his head and said, "You two, protect Song Hongyue from leaving."


Although the two staff members were very worried about Zhao Kejin, they had long formed the habit of order and prohibition, and they had no intention of disobeying Zhao Kejin's orders.

It was Song Hongyue, who hadn't recovered yet, and was a little unclear. So, "I won't leave, I want to—" As a result, before she was finished, Joey pointed at Song Hongyue and said, "Zhao Kejin, give it Five sky knights.

The rest, take Song Hongyue. "


In an instant, more than a dozen people besieged Song Hongyue.

At the same time, the five sky knights also exploded with a terrifying aura and besieged Zhao Kejin.

In an instant, bursts of rumbling explosions erupted in the stadium.

Mud, stones, reinforced concrete, many sundries were thrown into the sky by the atmosphere of the explosion, and a yellow smoke and dust were scattered.

Zhao Kejin continuously shot out a series of true essences to block the attacks of the five sky knights, and at the same time he shouted: "Go!"

Two staff members guarded Song Hongyue, watched the siege of nearly twenty people, and struggled to break out of the stadium.

To say that these two staff members are not low-hands, their strength is about to approach the middle stage of the sky level, but facing an enemy ten times their own, there is still no way. They can only resist constantly, and the scars on their bodies are one after another. More.

To say that Song Hongyue has good strength in her own right, reaching the early days of the heavenly rank, and coming from the real martial family, her strength should be very good.

But her actual combat experience is not rich. At this moment, facing this chaotic battle, she was shocked for a while, and she didn't know how to fight back.

"Be careful!"

During the melee, a staff member suddenly screamed, and then saw an air blade flying past him, flying towards Song Hongyue's chest.

Song Hongyue didn't react at all. Seeing the air-strike coming, she was shocked and stupefied. She stayed in place, completely unable to move.

Upon seeing this, the staff member gritted his teeth fiercely, his legs burst with vitality, and he jumped directly and threw his body out.

At the last moment of the battle, she appeared in front of Song Hongyue and blocked her aura.

An agitated shot hit the staff member's chest, hitting a burst of blood.

The look in the staff's eyes quickly passed, and fell to the ground, no more sound.

When another staff member saw this, his eyes were scarlet and his eyes were about to split, "Sixth!"

Hearing the cry, Zhao Kejin, who was fighting hard, turned his head at this moment and saw his subordinates killed in battle. His heart was full of grief and heartache. With a bang, a group of extremely violent true essence broke out, and all the five heavenly knights around him were bombarded away. Come.

Taking time out, Zhao Kejin rushed over, slapped a few palms, and shot the personnel besieging Song Hongyue flying out, then gritted his teeth and shouted: "My queen, you leave!"

The rest of the staff held back the grief in their hearts and directly hugged Song Hongyue, who was stunned, and then ran wildly.

On the other hand, Zhao Kejin urged Zhenyuan frantically, pouring out like a torrential rain, and instantly blew up four or five opponents.

However, the five sky knights were basically not seriously injured. Instead, they watched all this with cold eyes, and even smiled on the corners of their mouths.

"This Zhao Kejin is the last explosion!"

"True Yuan consumes too much, he is about to die."

"Those who can't escape, all these **** will be buried here."

...... Joey squinted his eyes, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and said: "Not enough, then Chen Fei hasn't come yet.

He is the greatest enemy of my Addis family. If he does not die, our actions will not be considered successful. "

"Master Joey, what do you mean?"

The sky knight leader looked at Joey.

Joey gritted his teeth and said: "Continue to pursue, but don't kill Song Hongyue and Zhao Kejin for now, wait for Chen Fei to arrive.

He is my biggest goal, understand? "


The sky knight uttered neatly, and then chased it out.

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