
Chapter 2094: Looking for a wife

Chen Fei nodded, jumped from the top of the ruins, and returned to the Huaxia team.

Upon seeing this, the staff immediately announced: "This international youth warrior competition team competition is now over.

Champion, China Team.

The runner-up, the Teddy Bear national team.

Third place, Pakistan national team. "

Needless to say, the first and second runners-up, as for the third runner-up, it was the staff who observed the freeze frame of the video frame by frame in the surveillance video.

The Pakistan player was the last to fall when he was attacked by Chen Fei because he was on the periphery.

Therefore, he won the third place.

After announcing the results, Knok and Louis immediately rushed to the rubble and began to save people.

The Huaxia team and the Mao Xiong national team went to the work office to receive their respective rewards, and then returned to the hotel with a smile on their faces.

Without staying too much in the hotel, Zhao Kejin immediately contacted the transfer and prepared the whole team to return home quickly.

After all, the results of this international youth warrior competition were unexpectedly good.

The Huaxia team swept both individual and team championships and won a total of six taboos. It can be described as the biggest winner.

Moreover, taking the last chance, he also knocked on the United States and got a meal of Blackstone.

It can be said that this trip to China has been full of rewards and completely exceeded expectations.

Relatively speaking, the United States, which was originally full of confidence, this time can be said to be completely unsatisfactory and suffered heavy losses.

In the individual competition, two players were killed by Chen Fei himself.

The team players were buried in the rubble by Chen Fei's army, and their lives are still uncertain.

In addition, he also lost an extra two tons of blackstone mine, which can be said to have lost his wife and broke down.

This sharp contrast between gains and losses, coupled with Zhao Kejin's own injuries.

He is worried that the United States will do irrational things under the anger, so he must return to the country as soon as possible to ensure the safety of personal and property.

Everyone packed their luggage and rushed to the airport, but Chen Fei did not travel with everyone, but left alone.

Chen Fei left alone because Chen Fei was going to meet someone.

That person was Lin Qiuhan, the wife who sent Lin Qiuyuan to America to meet his biological parents some time ago.

At that time, it was said that Lin Qiuhan returned to China after sending it to Lin Qiuyuan.

As a result, Lin Qiuhan had something to do in the United States, and planned to accompany Lin Qiuyuan for a while, but he never returned to China.

In the middle of the journey, Chen Fei also called his wife several times, and even wanted to come directly to the United States to find his wife.

But it has been delayed by things until this time, because the game came to the United States.

Now that the game is over, Chen Fei has nothing to do, but he can easily find his wife Lin Qiuhan.

Looking at Chen Fei, who was getting off the car with his luggage, Zhao Kejin asked again for the last time: "Xiao Chen, you must be careful in the United States. After all, this is a foreign country.

In addition to the events of this game and the Addis family, you must--" By your side, Chen Ziling interrupted Zhao Kejin with a smile, "President Zhao, when are you such a mother-in-law?

What I said just now, I say it again now. "

"Brother, come on, hurry up and take my sister-in-law back."

Chen Ziling cheered on Chen Fei.

The other team members also waved goodbye to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei waved his hand, then turned and left.

………At the same time, in a hidden office somewhere in the United States, Knock stood in an office.

Opposite him, sat a majestic old man with gray hair and military uniform.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Knok, who is usually infinitely majestic outside, seemed a little nervous at the moment, and said: "General Abbott, this game is my fault. Please punish me."

General Abbott snapped his fingers on the table, and he was silent for a few seconds before he said: "Of course you are responsible for the game.

Needless to say, we will deal with it. "


Knock's forehead was sweaty.

Abbott then opened his mouth and said: "I just received a message, you have a look."

With that said, he pushed a document in front of Nok.

Knock leaned over to look at the document, and soon his complexion changed, with a surprised expression on his face, "The Huaxia team has returned to China, and Chen Fei is still in our country alone."

"Yes, the news is accurate.

A quarter of an hour ago, he had just separated from the Huaxia team. "

General Abbott said.

Knok's eyes changed, he looked at General Abbott, and said cautiously and tentatively: "General, what do you mean, we sent someone to deal with Chen Fei and leave him in the United States."

Abbott shook his head and said, "You have to remember our identity.

We are official representatives and cannot do anything casually.

Otherwise, the Huaxia official side, we are not easy to explain. "

"This—" Knok suffocated, then thought of something, and said, "The general order means to let unofficial personnel do it.

For example, the Addis family that Chen Fei offended, as well as the masters of the dark list, they can—" "There are some news, you can disclose it appropriately.

For example, that Chen Fei got six taboo orders—" General Abbott raised a point.

Nok understood immediately, and his expression became excited, "As soon as this news is released, we don't need to send someone.

I am afraid that warriors from all walks of life in the United States and even all over the world will be dispatched to find Chen Fei's trouble.

General, your trick is too high. "

"Killing with a knife is nothing more than Huaxia's art of war thousands of years ago."

General Abbott smiled and shook his head slightly.

"It's the general that you have rich experience before you can think of using such a strategy."

Noke said with a smile.

Abbott smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Okay, don't flatter yourself.

Get started! "


Nok made a sound, then turned and left immediately.

………At this time, Chen Fei has already embarked on the journey to Los Angeles.

The closer to Los Angeles, the more vehicles and people on the road increased.

Chen Fei understands this very well, because the world-famous Hollywood is in Los Angeles.

Countless people come here from all over the world every day, either to admire famous places or look for opportunities.

Very unlucky, when there were more than 20 kilometers away from Los Angeles, Chen Fei's old passenger car broke down on the road mercilessly.

In the helpless voice of cursing, everyone could only get out of the car, and they had to find a way.

Chen Fei looked at the desolate surroundings, and then at the white vehicles that had left. Finally, he shook his head slightly, carried his luggage, and prepared to walk directly to Los Angeles.

A distance of more than 20 kilometers, for a master of Chen Fei's level, it took less than half an hour to attack with all his strength.

Of course, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Chen Fei did not rush.

Just carrying the luggage along the road, walking forward step by step.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded, and then accompanied by the sound of brakes, a red sports car stopped not far in front of Chen Fei.

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