
Chapter 2237: Master Chen's younger brother

Amidst the sound of doubt, someone sharp-eyed reminded: "There are a few small characters in the lower right corner. Take a closer look. It may be a clue."

So, the person in charge approached and looked at the small characters in the lower right corner of the plaque, "Chen Fei, He Qingcheng Mountain Wuguan Conference."

"Chen Fei, who is it?"

"It turned out to congratulate the martial arts conference."

"Why did it come here at this time? Is it a mistake?"

… Everyone was talking, and suddenly someone thought of something and said, "Chen Fei, this, isn’t this Master Chen’s name?

Is it a gift from Master Chen? "

As soon as he said this, the scene suddenly became silent, and then there was a burst of laughter and discussion.

"Don't be kidding, what level of big man is that Master Chen, how can he pay attention to our little martial arts conference."

"Yes, even if you pay attention.

Who is qualified to let Master Chen send gifts, isn't this a joke? "

"The news is not saying that Master Chen went out to retreat because of his injury.

How could he send gifts? "

"I think someone is playing a prank."

"This kind of thing, let's lose it.

Otherwise, it will really make a big noise, and let Master Chen know it, but it will not be good. "

……… Everyone’s discussion sounded, Wei Tian and Huang Fatzi looked at each other, and then looked at Chen Fei together, "Brother Fei, this—" Chen Fei also showed a look of astonishment on his face, then shook his head and whispered. Said: "It's not me."

"That's—someone pretending to be Brother Fei you?"

The two frowned.

"Brother Fei, would you like to explain?"

Fatty Huang looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei was still thinking about the plan he had secretly discussed with General Xu, and was inconvenient to reveal his identity, so he waved his hand and said, "No, it doesn't matter."

………At this time, after a lot of discussion, the person in charge of the organizer still regarded the plaque as a prank and prepared to send someone to throw it out.

But just when they were about to do it, they found a note on the back of the plaque with a line of small characters on it.

Look closely, the content of the small print is a website.

"Well, what's going on?"

Seeing this website, everyone was puzzled.

"Is it the website of the shop where the plaque is made for publicity?"

Someone guessed.

"Maybe it was accidentally entrained."

"Enter the URL and see if you know it?"

Someone is an activist. According to the website address on the note, he directly took out his mobile phone and started to log on to the web page.


Soon, a burst of exclamation sounded from the crowd.

"what's happenin?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the person who screamed was not someone else, but the guy who logged on to the webpage.

With a shocked face, the young man turned his phone on to everyone, his voice trembling and said, "Yes, it's true.

Is it really a gift from Master Chen Fei? "

"What, it's really Master Chen, isn't it possible?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"On the website, what exactly did you see?"

………Some people questioned, and some people followed the URL to open the website.

Soon, among the crowd at the scene, there were constant exclamations.

Someone directly projected the content of the website onto the big screen of the venue and played it on the spot.

For a while, everyone's eyes gathered on the big screen.

At the moment, a video is playing on the big screen.

The protagonist of the video turned out to be Master Chen Fei.

Master Chen stood in front of the camera with a smile, and said: "I recently heard that the Qingcheng Mountain Martial Arts Conference will be held. Chen Fei, I hereby wish the conference a complete success.

At the same time, I would like to thank all my martial arts colleagues for their help to my junior-"Many people were surprised when they heard this.

"It's really Master Chen, it's really a plaque he gave."

"Master Chen's younger brother, could it be said that his younger brother also participated in the competition, so he sent the plaque?"

"No, I haven't heard that Master Chen has a younger brother?"

"What do you know, how much do you know about a mysterious figure like Master Chen?"

"Then who is Master Chen's junior?"

………Amidst the noisy discussion, Chen Fei in the video thanked him for a while, and finally warned: "Junior Brother Luo Xin, your first time going down the mountain, experience is the main thing, remember to act low-key and don't make publicity."

Then, the video content ended and the screen went black.

At this moment, the hotel venue was full of hustle and bustle, and everyone's eyes were cast on Luo Xin, with expressions of surprise.

"Luo Xin is Master Chen's younger brother?

Is this true? "

"It must be true. Didn't you see that Master Chen said it all by himself?"

"No wonder this Luo Xin suddenly appeared, I haven't heard of it before?

It turns out that he is Master Chen's younger brother! No wonder so! "

………For a time, everyone was talking about it, and many of them couldn’t wait to walk over to Luo Xin, and talked with Luo Xin with a smile on their faces.

Even Fang Qingxi's complexion changed at this moment. He looked in Luo Xin's direction, his cheeks were red, his expression was excited, and a ray of light came through his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Fang Baimu understood that his sister was tempted.

After all, she was inclined to Luo Xin.

It was only because Luo Xin lost to Wei Tian that he was ruled out.

But now, with a turnaround, Luo Xin turned out to be Master Chen's junior.

With this level of identity, Luo Xin's strength is not a problem at all, and the family will definitely not object.

Therefore, Fang Qingxi was naturally excited.

At this moment, she couldn't wait to take the initiative to rush forward and express her heart to Luo Xin, saying that he was the one she chose.

But just when she was about to leave, Fang Baimu grabbed her and reminded: "Qingxi, calm down."

"Brother, I—" Fang Qingxi's cheeks were red, and his expression was a bit shy, but he was more excited and excited.

Fang Baimu frowned lightly and said, "Qingxi, things are still undecided, don't be impulsive."

"Brother, but the videos are available, there will be no fake things."

Fang Qingxi was still a little excited.

Fang Baimu said: "If Luo Xin is really Master Chen's junior, with Master Chen's strong strength, how could Luo Xin's strength be so weak that he would stop at the third round."

"This—" Fang Qingxi couldn't explain it after hearing this doubt.

At this moment, among the crowd surrounding Luo Xin, some people also raised this question.

Faced with doubts, Luo Xin smiled, and calmly explained: "You have also seen it just now. This is my first time going down the mountain to experience. My senior asked me to keep a low profile."

"Plus, when I participated in this martial arts conference, I just wanted to experience life under the mountain.

Winning or losing makes no sense to me.

So, when I felt it was almost done, I quit. "

"Proactively quit?

So, Master Luo, you lost to Weitian on purpose. "

Luo Xin nodded with a smile, and said lightly: "To some extent, you can understand that."

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