
Chapter 2277: Lord Blood Witch

The passengers were confused, but judging from the words "Heaven-level master" in the other party's words, it is enough to know that the leader of the blood witch cult is a very powerful existence. As for the lord of the witch, he is even more powerful. The presence.

For a while, the passengers were a little dazed.

They couldn't figure out how they would provoke a big figure at the level of a heavenly master if they went out on a tour on their own.

The passengers instinctively wanted to persuade Chen Fei to stop, not to annoy the big people of that level.

But when the words came to the lips, they couldn't say it anymore.

I can only look at Chen Fei blankly, hoping that he will not be impulsive.

At this moment, Chen Fei was not impulsive, but a little surprised.

He didn't expect that he would teach a local **** to get involved with the witch cultivator and the blood witch sect.

He was here for the Wumen Conference. Originally, Chen Fei was going to figure out the location of the conference and then directly hit the door.

But now, with this connection, he has a new idea.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei looked down at Nanda, and sternly asked, "Where is the leader of the Blood Sorcerer you mentioned?"

"Uh-you, what do you want to do?"

Nanda was stunned for a while, then looked at Chen Fei in surprise.

"Didn't you say that the leader of the blood witch cult is powerful?

I want to meet him. "

Chen Fei sneered.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone including Nanda was stunned.

Even Zhan Qinqiu, who supports Chen Fei the most, is full of surprise at this moment. After a few seconds, he can't help but say anxiously: "Mr. Chen, don't be impulsive.

The other party is a heavenly master, it's too dangerous, you--" Chen Fei smiled at Zhan Qinqiu and believed: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. "

After speaking, Chen Fei directly mentioned Nanda and started to move forward.

Seeing this, Zhan Qinqiu bit his lip, then trot to follow.

Behind him, Hu Kang gritted his teeth when he saw it, and followed suit.

Seeing this, Chu Hui stretched out her hand to hold Hu Kang, "Hu Kang, what are you doing with the past?"

Hu Kang said: "I want to see how the kid surnamed Chen is deflated."

"However, the leader of the Blood Witch Cult is very dangerous.

We--" Chu Hui worried.

Hu Kang lowered his voice and said, "It is also very dangerous for us to stay here.

There must be people from Nanda nearby. "

Upon hearing this, Chu Hui's expression changed and she immediately understood what Hu Kang meant.

The people of Nanda were beaten away by Chen Fei.

Now, Chen Fei is leaving, and they continue to stay here, they are very likely to be attacked by the people of Nanda.

Without Chen Fei, with their strength, they were definitely not opponents of the other side.

Therefore, although he hated Chen Fei in his heart, Hu Kang chose to follow suit.

After thinking about this, Chu Hui bit her lip lightly and followed.

When the other passengers behind him saw this, there was a lot of discussion. In the end, everyone chose to follow.

What Hu Kang can think of, they can naturally also think of it.

………Just as Chen Fei and the others were moving, a five-story pagoda-shaped splendid building was located in the center of Mengnao City.

A thin middle-aged man in a blood-colored robe sat cross-legged in the room on the top floor, adjusting his breath and meditating.

This person is no one else, but the leader of the blood witch sect, Lord Blood Witch.

Suddenly, there was a thumping knock on the door.

Master Blood Witch opened his eyes and said, "Come in!"

A man who also wore a blood-colored robe came in. He respectfully bowed to Master Blood Witch, and then said: "Master, something happened to Nanda."

"Nanda, what happened to him?"

Master Blood Witch asked indifferently.

Menxiahui reported: "A Chinese tour group came in and there was a conflict in Nanda's shop.

Among the opponents, there was a martial arts master who defeated many of Nanda's men. "

"People from China Travel Group?

Do I need to report such little things to me? "

Master Blood Witch frowned somewhat displeased.

A look of horror flashed across his subordinates’ faces, and hurriedly said: “Master, just heard the news that Nanda brought more than a hundred people to the challenge, but the other party knocked down half of them in less than three minutes.”

"If this goes on, Nanda will probably be defeated too! So, the people below ask you for advice, do you want to send someone to help?"

The subordinate asked.

"In less than three minutes, fifty people were knocked down!"

Master Blood Witch's complexion changed, he paused, waved his hand and said, "Send a guardian over!"


The subordinate obeyed.

The most basic requirement for the blood witch sect's protection is to cultivate to the prefecture-level realm.

Master Blood Witch sent a guardian, which is also considered to be an emphasis on Nanda.

The subordinates were about to leave the room, Master Blood Witch seemed to have thought of something again, and said, "Tomorrow is the Wumen Conference. I want to stay closed and adjust my breath. If there are no more important things, I am not allowed to come in and disturb me!"


The subordinate saluted again, and then retired respectfully.

Master Blood Witch closed his eyes again, adjusted his breath, and allowed himself to re-enter the state of practicing breath adjustment.

But just when he entered the state, a panic of footsteps quickly approached, and the door rang again, "Master, Master, it's not good, no--" "Wow!"

Master Blood Witch opened his eyes, waved his hand to open the door, and the men at the door suddenly rolled in.

"Did you forget what I said just now?"

Master Blood Witch's voice was cold, with killing intent in his eyes.

The subordinates banged their heads hurriedly, and quickly explained: "The leader is forgiving, I didn't mean to disturb the leader of your practice.

It's really urgent to report! "


After a few seconds of silence, Master Blood Witch spoke in a deep voice.

The subordinate hurriedly said: "Master, someone has called the door, it's downstairs."


Who is it, so brave, to come to my place of blood witch sect to make trouble? "

Master Blood Witch was really angry, and stood up with his sleeves.

The subordinate said: "The leader, that's the person in the China Travel Group who reported to you just now.

Nanda had already lost, and now the opponent came to the door. "


Master Blood Witch showed a look of surprise in his eyes, and then his face became more angry, "A Chinese person in this mere guilty of the world, dare to make trouble in the territory of my kingdom of Wanta and my blood witch sect.

Didn't he pay attention to my Lord Blood Witch? "

Facing the furious leader, his men lowered their heads and dared not speak out.

At this moment, there was a loud bang from downstairs, and the whole building trembled slightly.

Then, there was a scream and groan.

Without thinking about it, Master Blood Witch could also guess what happened below.

"court death!"

In an instant, Master Blood Witch was angry and gritted his teeth and let out a sharp shout.

Immediately he waved his sleeves and stepped out, "I want to see how much courage this Chinese person has grown, dare to come to me to make trouble."

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