
Chapter 2407: ?From the Song family

At the southern part of the battlefield, a scream sounded one after another at this moment, and a stream of blood splashed, dyeing the ground around the battlefield into a bright red.

The crowd onlookers had withdrawn from a distance of tens of meters, looking at the scene in front of them in shock and excitement.

The original handsome Song Wen Song, now his gown was covered with blood and stains, fell to the ground, crawling and fleeing.

Behind him, Chen Fei with a cold face stepped forward, and the air sword in his right hand was like a sickle of death.

"No, don't kill me, don't—" Song Wen yelled in horror, heading towards the crowded place.

Behind him, a well-known Song family thug that he brought, all fell in a pool of blood at this moment, breathless.

"Rules are rules, and the Song family is also a Zhenwu family, so naturally they have to abide by the rules."

Chen Fei's words were cold, as he stepped on the blood on the ground and chased him step by step.

"I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong.

Our Song family will never dare to do anything to you again, I promise. "

Song Wen cried out.

Chen Fei's expression was cold, he shook his head slightly, and said, "Your Song family's guarantee is meaningless."

"Death is the best guarantee."

"No--" Seeing Chen Fei approached him, the air blade in his hand was already waved, with a life-threatening aura of death, Song Wen let out a cry of horror.

And at this critical moment, a whistle came quickly from far and near.


In an instant, the eyes of everyone present were all attracted by the sound, and they turned their heads and looked over.

In the eyes of everyone's attention, the smoke and dust covered the sun, and a group of people rushed towards this side in a mighty and mighty manner.

This group of people are all wearing blue shirts and holding long swords.

On their blue shirts, there is an ancient building logo embroidered on their left chest, which is the emblem of the Song family.

"There is someone from the Song family."

"That, that's Song Qiyuan, and Young Master Wen's father is here."

"There is also the back, that is Song Hongyu, the worship of the Song family, a demigod master."

"The demigod masters have all been dispatched, and the Song family is really moving."

………Amidst the discussion, Song Wen on the ground naturally noticed the people coming.

His teary face was filled with excitement in an instant, and he hurriedly shouted: "Father, help me.

Chen Fei wants to kill me, please save me. "

"Wen'er, I am here."

Song Qiyuan shouted sharply.

At the same time, Song Hongyu behind him acted, shot a burst of air, whirled out quickly, hit the air blade from Chen Fei's hand, and rescued Song Wen.


Song Jiahao was in a mighty state. A group of dozens of people stood under the martial arts stage at the moment, looking at Chen Fei with cold eyes, almost murderous.

Song Qiyuan lifted his son Song Wen up and handed it over to his subordinates. Then he stared at Chen Fei coldly and said coldly: "You are so brave, kill my son of the Song family in public here."

Chen Fei looked at Song Qiyuan coldly, and said, "Your Song family's children compete with me in the martial arts stage. He lost."

"According to the rules, they are at my disposal."

"He is my son, do you dare to do it!"

Song Qiyuan gritted his teeth and furiously, staring at Chen Fei fiercely.

Chen Fei still looked cold, did not back up, but took a step forward and continued: "The rules are the rules. If they lose, they will have to die."

"You are so bold!"

Song Qiyuan screamed, and dozens of people from the Song family pulled out their weapons in an instant, and stared at Chen Fei fiercely one by one.

The war is about to start.

Such a scene caused Zong Han and Chen Ziling to become worried and wanted to persuade Chen Fei, but in the end they still didn't say anything.

When Chen Fei saw such a scene, he frowned slightly, glanced at the Song family in front of them, then cast his gaze to the person in charge on one side, and asked aloud: "The Song family has blatantly violated the rules of fighting martial arts, so unruly. Behavior, don’t you care about it?"

"Heh, cough cough, we--" The person in charge paused for a moment, looked at Song Qiyuan, and said, "Song Qiyuan, Song Wen's son was indeed defeated on the fighting platform just now.

According to the rules, the winner can dispose of the loser at will. "

"Of course, life is at stake. It would be great if everyone sat down and talked about it peacefully and resolved it peacefully."

The person in charge made a round vaguely.

But Song Qiyuan didn't give him any face, and said solemnly: "I don't care so much, Song Wen is my son, whoever dares to touch him is to be an enemy of my Song family."

"Now, does anyone want to say anything?"

Facing Song Qiyuan's questioning, the passersby onlookers suddenly bowed their heads and backed away, indicating that it was nothing to do with them.

Some people with active minds even turned their eyes and fawned on the Song family.

"Has Wen Shao been on the fighting platform?

I didn't see it just now. "

"Yes, he said that Shao Wen had agreed with him to compete in the fighting platform, but Wen Shao didn't even go to the fighting platform at all!"

"All I saw was this outsider who stepped down and shot Wen Shao."

"Yes, fighting on the martial arts platform may be a one-sided word of some people, but just an excuse."

...... This group of people shamelessly denied the existence of Douwutai Competition, saying that they didn't know about it.

Some people even reverse black and white and call Chen Fei the culprit.

For a time, the scene set off a wave of crusade against Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked at all this with cold eyes, turned to look at the person in charge, and asked in a deep voice: "Is that the rules set by the Zhenwu family?"

"Ahem, this, I—" The person in charge blinked and did not respond.

Indeed, for him, to offend a big family like the Song family for an outsider who knows nothing about life and death, it is completely out of gain.

With this appearance, Chen Fei sneered.

"Okay, okay, worthy of the Zhenwu family, worthy of the martial arts family."

"It seems that I understand a truth, no matter where it is, the fist is the last word."

Chen Fei sneered.

Song Qiyuan sneered triumphantly: "Just understand."

"If that's the case, now obediently do it and catch it, otherwise--" Just as Song Qiyuan arrogantly said, preparing to let Chen Fei confess his punishment.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's figure flickered, pulling out an afterimage, and smashed out of the air.

Then, a scream of "Ah" sounded.

"Uh—" Song Qiyuan was taken aback, then turned his head, and saw his son Song Wen not far away, with a face of astonishment falling into a pool of blood.

"Wen'er, no—" Song Qiyuan rushed over, hugged his son, and yelled wildly.

But the breath of the son in his arms gradually dissipated, and his body became cold.

"Chen Fei, you, you killed my son.

I want to kill you, I want to break your body into pieces. "

The furious Song Qiyuan screamed wildly, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth, as if going crazy.

"Song Hongyu, do it, kill him!"

Song Qiyuan gave an order.

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