
Chapter 2704: ? Give me a face

Chen Fei still sat in the chair, as if he hadn't seen Xu Baichuan, waiting for the other person to come in.

Xu Baichuan walked into the conference room surrounded by Yamaguchi Yuta and others.

He saw Chen Fei leaning on the chair, as if he hadn't seen himself, let alone stand up to say hello to him.

Xu Baichuan's brows wrinkled involuntarily, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

However, after all, it was an old fried dough stick who had lived more than a hundred years old. Xu Baichuan did not get angry, and pretended not to see Chen Fei. He sat in his seat surrounded by Yamaguchi Yuta and others.

"It's all here, let's continue the negotiation!"

Chen Fei said directly.

Upon seeing this, Yamaguchi Yuta and others knew that this could not go on, otherwise Chen Fei would really treat Xu Baichuan as non-existent.

First of all, the president of the AXE Association first spoke: "Mr. Chen, before the negotiation, I would like to introduce this Mr. Xu."

Chen Fei glanced at Xu Baichuan and said, "Is it related to negotiation?

Irrelevant people, I don't think there is any need to introduce them. "

"Uh-" The president of the AXE Association was choked, but he still suppressed his anger and said, "Of course it's related."

"Then hurry up, my time is limited."

Chen Fei waved his hand.

The president of the AXE Association glanced at several other people, and then said loudly: "Mr. Chen, this is Xu Baichuan from the United States."

"Lao Xu is the founder of the American Red Flower Society and the leader of the American Chinese martial arts circle. He is very famous in the American Chinese martial arts circle, and even in the entire martial arts circle."

"At the same time, Mr. Xu also has a close relationship with people in China, especially in the Xiangjiang martial arts world."

"If you count it, there are a lot of bigwigs in the Xiangjiang martial arts world.

It is also called Xu Lao's uncle or uncle. "

After introducing the identity of Xu Baichuan.

Chen Fei still had an indifferent expression, and said, "Does this have anything to do with negotiation?"

The president of the AXE Association was so choked that he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

Several other people also had anger in their eyes, wishing to attack Chen Fei immediately.

Xu Baichuan couldn't stand it anymore, glanced at Chen Fei, snorted, and said displeasedly: "When did the juniors of the Chinese martial arts world become so rude?

When I see my elders, I can't even salute. "

This ostentatious gesture caused Chen Fei to squint his eyes, turn his gaze, and said coldly, "This is the negotiation site, not martial arts.

If you want to put on airs and talk about seniority, you are looking for the wrong place. "

"Boy, you--" Xu Baichuan glared at Chen Fei, almost couldn't help but make a move.

The foreigners around him quickly persuaded him in a low voice.

Xu Baichuan finally calmed down his anger in front of him, clapped his hands, and shouted: "Come in!"

Suddenly, there was another sound of footsteps.

Then, a group of about a dozen middle-aged Chinese warriors in short dress walked into the conference room.

After these people came in, they saluted Xu Baichuan one after another.

"Hello Mr. Xu!"

"I have seen Mr. Xu."

"Hello, Uncle."

"Uncle, you are here."

………After some greetings, Xu Baichuan seemed to have recovered some face, his face blooming red, and with a confident smile, he said: "Everyone is sensible, and I won't be inconspicuous."

"In this negotiation, friends from foreign warriors, find me this old man, let me come out as a middleman, and make peace."

"They found me because they remembered me and looked up to me.

I naturally want to give this face. "

"So, today I have gathered all the principals of the martial arts world in Xiangjiang, everyone gathered together to spread the matter out and talk about it."

"Spread it out to talk?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and chewed these words.

Xu Baichuan looked at Chen Fei with an arrogant expression on his face, and continued to say: "You are also a person in the martial arts world, then you should know that fighting and killing is inevitable in the martial arts world."

"This time, friends from foreign warriors made a move. They were indeed at fault.

But don't force people too much. "

After speaking, he paused, and Xu Baichuan waved his hand as if the leader was making a decision.

"In this way, in the face of my Xu Baichuan and the martial arts principals of Xiangjiang, I will make peace in today's negotiation."

"Oh -" Chen Fei squinted his eyes, looking at Xu Baichuan, his eyes grew gloomy.

But Xu Baichuan continued to say with an arrogant look: "I also know your negotiation requirements just now."

"Foreign warriors are wrong, but your request has passed."

"In this way, take a step back."

"Negotiations require a change."

"Apologize for admitting mistakes, compensate 10 billion Chinese coins, plus five spiritual resources of heavenly quality.

As for relatives to study in China, there is no need for that. "

After speaking, Xu Baichuan looked at the foreign warriors and asked: "What do you think of this result?"

The president of the AXE Association nodded quickly and said: "Old Xu is very respectful, Mr. Xu has said so, I naturally have no objection."

"I agree with Xu Lao's proposal."

"I agree too."

Among the foreign warriors, a sound of echoing sounded.

Upon seeing this, Xu Baichuan nodded, the expression on his face proud and proud.

Afterwards, he turned to Chen Fei, in a condescending tone, and ordered: "Since all the foreign warriors have agreed.

Negotiation, let's do it like this! "

Several foreigners nodded and said yes, and even greeted the people of the China Negotiation Group, ready to sign the contract.

It's just that, at this moment, Chen Fei is gloomy, slapped a palm on the table, stood up, and said sharply, "Did I agree?"

The expressions of the foreign warriors who looked excited suddenly sank.

Xu Baichuan's face sank, staring at Chen Fei, and said: "This is what I meant. Isn't Mr. Chen going to give me face?"

"Who do you think you are.

Why should I give you face? "

Chen Fei raised his head, glared at Xu Baichuan, and asked directly.

Xu Baichuan suddenly became furious, and stood up, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, "You, you--" On the side, Yamaguchi Yuta and others also started to speak out.

"Mr. Chen, it's better not to be too extreme in doing things."

"Mr. Xu is very well-known in the U.S. and Chinese martial arts circles. Isn't Mr. Chen not going to give it any face?"

"Mr. Chen, there is a saying in Huaxia called'Being a man and staying on the sidelines and seeing each other well in the future', you should think about it."

Chen Fei swept his gaze, looked at the foreign warriors who were speaking, and came with an aura of pressure, and said sternly: "I Chen Fei does something, when do you want you to teach it."

Then, he looked at his watch and said coldly: "It's a quarter of an hour from what I just said, and there is one last minute."

"Still the conditions just now, either sign or leave, you choose yourself."

After speaking, Chen Fei threw several documents in front of the foreign warriors.

Several people suddenly changed their colors, gritted their teeth, and couldn't help but look towards Xu Baichuan.

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