
Chapter 2723: ?Go to the sanctuary


Garley and Gerant's offensive had already reached Chen Fei's, and they were about to attack.

At this time, Chen Fei finally moved.

Stretch out your arms, aim them in the direction of the two, and gently push your palms forward.

It was such an extremely simple movement, but the moment the palm was pushed out, a layer of crimson light enveloped Chen Fei's palm.

The rays of light flew out, facing the offensives of Upper Garley and Gerant, and collided together.

Suddenly, the roar of two collisions of "boom, boom" exploded on the scene.

A burst of violent energy spread to the surrounding as it burst.

With a scream, Garley and Gerant flew out.

The breath dissipated, Chen Fei retracted his arms, his expression was light and relaxed, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Garley and Gerant fell to the ground, vomiting blood, pale, struggling to get up, but couldn't stand at all.

Chen Fei paced, walked past the two of them, glanced at the two of them, and said lightly: "For the sake of you just acting on orders, today, I will spare your life."

After speaking, Chen Fei stepped out of the press conference scene.

Suddenly, there was a rush of excitement outside.

"Chen Fei has come out. Could it be that the battle is over?"

"No way, how long is this!"

"Neither Garley nor Gerant moved. Apart from the defeat, are there other reasons?"

………Among all the voices of speculation and discussion, finally a bold reporter came up to Chen Fei with the courage, and asked aloud: "Mr. Chen, you come out alone.

Has the previous battle ended? "

Chen Fei nodded and said lightly: "It's over.

As I said before, the two of them are too weak to be mentioned. "

"Ah--" The reporter opened his mouth for a while, not knowing what to say.

On the other side, someone heard Chen Fei's words and quietly entered the press conference site.

At a glance, he saw Garley and Gerante lying on the ground.

"Really, it turned out to be true.

Garley and Gerant fell to the ground, unable to move at all. "

"He, he actually defeated Garley and Gerant."

"Is this Chen Fei really that powerful?"

Amidst the discussion, the reporter who had just lost his mind came back to his senses, and immediately continued to ask: "Mr. Chen, defeated Garley and Gerant.

What are you going to do next? "

"do what?"

Chen Fei looked at the reporter and said, "Didn't I just say it?

I will show you my evidence. "

"Next, I naturally want to find evidence!"

After speaking, Chen Fei took a step directly and walked out calmly.

The reporter was taken aback, and then recovered, his complexion changed drastically, "The evidence he said was Saint Selena, and now, he said he wanted to find evidence.

Is it going to the church! "

"No way, go to the temple alone to find the saint, this is too arrogant!"

"Although he can defeat Garley and Gerante very well, there are probably at least seven or eight strong men of the same rank as Garley in the temple.

Is he going to die? "

"Look at the direction he is heading, it is really the direction of the temple.

Is he really going to go to the church? "

"Whether it's true or not, follow it and see!"

"This is big news, don't miss it! Keep up!"

………For a time, many reporters and curious passers-by all followed.

Thus, a magical scene happened.

A group of people followed Chen Fei and proceeded to the mighty pilgrimage hall.

In the conference room, Garley heard the conversation outside, his face was full of anxiety, and he took out the phone with difficulty, "I am Garley, something big happened..." On the other side, Gerant also reported the incident back. Shadow of the royal room.

Not long after, in the temple, Archbishop Moss, wearing a black robe, received a message from his subordinates.

"Gary is defeated.

Then Chen Fei is heading to our sanctuary! "

"This is what Cardinal Garley said, and we also sent someone out to investigate. There is indeed movement outside!"

The subordinate reported.

Moss still didn't change his face. After thinking for a moment, he said lightly: "Activate the red alert, summon all the people in the temple, and prepare to fight."

"Uh—" The subordinates were a little surprised, "Archbishop Moss, this—" "This is an order!"

Moss said coldly.

The subordinate did not dare to say anything, and immediately executed the order.

Moss sat on the seat of the Holy See, looked into the distance, and whispered to himself: "Chen Fei, even if the Lord is not here, we can kill you."

After speaking, Moss got up, turned and walked towards the stone house where Selena was in yesterday.

A group of people walked for more than forty minutes, and finally reached the entrance of the church.

When everyone arrived, the majestic and solemn church on weekdays looked fully armed at this moment.

The temple guards wearing long robes, holding weapons one by one, stood at the gate with serious expressions.

Looking into the depths, he could see many members of the Holy See, guarding everywhere in the church, in a posture of waiting.

This posture immediately made countless curious reporters and passers-by feel a little scared.

After all, they usually remember that the temple is a high-level existence, and most people can't get close, let alone enter.

And now, the temple is in such a posture of war, which makes them even more nervous.

However, Chen Fei expected this situation.

He did not stop, and walked directly towards the sanctuary.

At the door, two guards armed with spears stopped Chen Fei, "Stop, no further advance."

Chen Fei said lightly: "I'm Chen Fei, I want to see the saint Selena of your church!"

"The Saint Selena is in retreat, no one is seen, please go back!"

The guard said coldly.

Chen Fei continued: "Then I want to see your Lord Lord."

"Bold, Lord Lord's name, how can you shout at will.

Go back quickly, otherwise, we're welcome. "

The guard shouted sharply.

With a helpless look, Chen Fei spread his hands and said: "The Holy Lord cannot fight, nor can the Holy Woman see.

Then who is in charge of your temple now, call it out, I want to see you. "

"The brave madman is just a sanctuary, not a place for you to mess around.

Retreat immediately, otherwise--" The guard raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at Chen Fei.

But, just when the spear in their hand was stretched out.

Chen Fei tapped his finger lightly, and the two spears broke directly.

"You--" The guard's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to do it.

Chen Fei sighed and said, "Originally, I wanted to visit politely.

But since you disagree, don't blame me for being impolite. "

With the sound of words, Chen Fei started.

In an instant, the two guards screamed, and they were directly sent out.

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