
Chapter 2733: ?Big win

The people who panicked and fled frantically just now all stopped uncontrollably, and looked back at the vacant voice in the sky, and they were speechless for a while.

The live broadcast channel, which was temporarily disconnected because of the reporter's escape, resumed live broadcast at this moment.

The camera focused on Chen Fei in the air, without any words, but the meaning was already obvious.

All of a sudden, the discussion sounded loudly on the Internet all over the world.

"Did Chen Fei win the battle just now?"

"Could it be that Dark Dragon really lost? He is the president of the Skull and Bones, a top master of eight thousand martial arts!"

"Then what realm has Chen Fei's strength reached?"

"What happened just now, who has the live video, can you send it out to see it?"

………At the scene, as quiet as ordinary people, there were Irene who was recuperating on one side and the wounded Holy Lord.

The two were originally going to watch a good show on the sidelines, waiting for Chen Fei's defeat or even death.

As a result, he did not expect that the combination of Variation 3 and Dark Dragon would still be killed by Chen Fei.

As a result, they were frightened, their complexions changed drastically, and they glanced at each other, quietly preparing to slip away.

But just as they moved, a cold voice rang, "Where do you want to go?"

The bodies of the two suddenly stiffened in place.

Looking back with difficulty, looking at Chen Fei who appeared directly behind them not far away, the two of them no longer had the arrogance they had before. They snapped and knelt directly on the ground, begging Chen Fei for forgiveness.

"Mr. Chen, please, spare my life.

From now on, I am obedient.

The sanctuary is yours. Whatever you ask us to do? "

Master Saint Lord, at this moment, before the live camera, he kneeled down to beg Chen Fei for mercy without any bottom line, and even offered to offer the temple's hands.

Suddenly, there was an uproar on the scene and on the Internet at the same time.

But Chen Fei didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and lightly tapped his right hand.

A red light burst out, penetrated the forehead of the Holy Lord, and killed it.

Then, Chen Fei's gaze fell on Irene.

The little elf girl, with Shuilingling's big eyes open, looked at Chen Fei with a pitiful appearance, "Big brother, do you really bear the heart to kill me?

I'm innocent, I—" Chen Fei snorted coldly before she finished speaking, and interrupted her, "Get out by yourself, don't let me do it!" "

"Poor" Irene suddenly stiffened, and the expression in her eyes kept changing.

But then, a sharp look flashed in her eyes, she bit her teeth, turned around, and fled frantically.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's eyes fell cold, and his right finger pointed to the direction where Irene was fleeing. The red light between his fingers was not aroused in the end.

Turning to see the movement behind her, the scarlet-eyed Irene couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly saying that she was right.

She chose to flee, betting that Chen Fei would not kill her.

After all, this body is just a teenage girl, she doesn't know anything.

"Chen Fei, I remember you."

Irene, with scarlet eyes, whispered in her heart, "When I return, you will definitely die."

But at this moment, suddenly, an invisible soul, like thunder, exploded directly in Irene's divine sea.

Irene, who was rushing in the air, seemed to have his head hit hard, and her whole body stiffened and stopped directly in the air.

At this time, Chen Fei's spirit, with a touch of cold aura, severely grasped the blood-red shadow in Irene's Divine Sea.

"Can you escape?"

"You--" Shadow cried wildly.

However, Chen Fei, who has entered the realm of the **** level, is more powerful than before.

It looked like a sharp claw, penetrating the shadow, and directly pulling him out of Irene's divine sea.


Along with a silent scream, a blood-red shadow came out of Irene's head and condensed into a hideous blood-colored giant face in the air.

However, above this huge face, at this moment, a touch of scarlet soul was firmly held back, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Who on earth are you?"

Chen Fei asked with a cold voice.

The huge face was twisted, trying to break free, but there was no response.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei gave a cold snort, and didn't keep his hands anymore. A ball of flame flew directly.

"Don't tell me, then die!"

Seeing the flames, the giant face's frantic twisting became more violent.

In the end, it became crazy, and a blood-red light appeared in the core position, which quickly became brighter.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei gave a cold snort, lightly patted the power of thunder with his right hand, and slashed directly at the blood-red light ball.

"Want to blew it again?"


With a crisp sound, on the eve of the giant face's final self-destruction, the power of the dark blue thunder accurately smashed the blood-red light group, and with a bang, the entire shadow burst directly, spreading out to the surroundings.

However, the scattered fragments were ignited by Chen Fei's red flames before they hit the ground, and they burned out quickly in the air.

After solving the shadow, Chen Fei landed and looked at the pale and unconscious little princess Irene on the ground. He sighed and injected a touch of true vitality to protect her weak body.

At the same time, not far away, with a team of guards, the queen who was originally aggressive and ready to come and fight Chen Fei desperately, watched the explosion in the air and froze in place.

The guards behind her looked at each other one by one, and couldn't help swallowing curses, with a look of horror in their eyes.

"Queen, we, what shall we do next?"

A soldier asked.

The queen's complexion changed for a while, and she didn't know what to do.

If they continue to attack, they can't be Chen Fei's opponents, and if they are clear, they will die.

And if it retreats directly, the queen's face will probably not look good.

When the queen was embarrassed, his subordinates stepped forward and found a step for the queen, "Queen, looking at the situation just now, what Chen Fei said is very likely to be true.

Princess Irene was possessed by the devil, and her previous actions were all the devil's fault. "

"And now, Chen Fei has killed the devil.

And also saved the little princess Irene.

From this perspective, he is also considered a benefactor of the royal family! "

Upon hearing the words of her subordinates, the queen's eyes lit up and she hurried down the steps, "Speaking reasonably.

Irene was possessed by the devil, and we were deceived before.

Now that the devil is dead, the truth is revealed.

Let us thank the warrior who saved Irene! "

After speaking, the queen's imposing cheeks turned into a smiling face, and she walked forward.

The soldiers behind him looked at each other and were a little surprised, but then they also put on smiling faces one by one and followed.

The subordinate leaned over to the Queen and whispered: "Queen, SAS Special Forces—" "Cancel the order?

Do I still have to say this? "

The queen glared at her and whispered.

The subordinate nodded hurriedly and immediately executed the order.

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