
Chapter 2737: ?Crazy Dragon Palace

"Why, the little brother is so indifferent, don't you ignore your sister?"

Chi Snake had a pitiful and coquettish appearance, with a touch of coquettish tone.

Chen Fei's eyes were calm, and he said lightly: "The Deacon Red Snake has made a serious statement. I was preparing for the test, and I didn't pay attention just now.

"is it?"

Chi Snake rolled his eyes, then pulled out a young woman behind him, and said to Chen Fei, "Speaking of the competition, this is the silver ring of our Qunfang Palace player.

Wait for the competition, little brother Chen Fei, take care of my disciple more! "

While speaking, this young woman named Yinhuan stood up.

Compared with the charm and beauty of the red snake, the appearance of this silver ring is much more elegant.

Almost only black and white on the body, eyes drooping, with a touch of coldness, it gives people a feeling of iceberg beauty, completely different from the image of other charming women in the palace of fame.

Yin Huan raised his head and glanced at Chen Fei, as if he was a little bit shy, his cheeks were slightly red, and he lowered his head, and said softly, "Hello, you!"

"Hello there!"

Chen Fei looked at Yin Huan with some surprise, and then also responded.

At this time, Mu Yuqing came over, glared at Chi Snake in dissatisfaction, and said: "The chief deacon of the Qunfang Palace, don't worry about the competition, why come to our Qingmu Palace to stop by!"

The red snake smiled at Mu Yuqing, and said, "Chen Fei in the Greenwood Temple has reached the realm of the gods, of course I have to come and take a look in advance.

Maybe, Brother Chen has taken a fancy to me and will join me in the Hall of Fame! "

Chi Snake said this in a very loud voice, and the eyes of everyone around him slammed over.

Many people had bad eyesight and started pointing.

Mu Yuqing's brows also wrinkled, and there was a look of anger in his eyes.

Chen Fei frowned slightly, and heard the intention to kill in the words of the red snake, so he said: "The deacon of the red snake has misunderstood. I haven't reached the realm of **** level.

Let the deacon disappointed. "

"is it?

It turned out to be like this, but I have listened to the rumors. "

Chi Snake said with a smile, looked at Mu Yuqing's increasingly gloomy eyes, smiled lightly, and took the silver ring to Chen Fei's wink, and then left, "Little brother, we have been waiting for you. Oh."

Chen Fei did not respond and watched the other party leave.

Mu Yuqing snorted coldly and said to Chen Fei: "Don't be confused by that woman."

"The big deacon, don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Chen Fei said.

Mu Yuqing nodded, but seemed to be a little worried. He lowered his voice and said to Chen Fei: "If you have a need in that respect, come to me, don't go to the woman in the Palace of Qunfang.

They are not good things. "


Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help looking at Mu Yuqing with a look of stunned expression, and was speechless for a while.

When Mu Yuqing saw Chen Fei's appearance, she came back to her senses. There was an ambiguity in what she had just said.

Suddenly, she blushed, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that.

I mean, if you want to do those things, I can find a woman who is willing to come over.

Anyway, no matter what, don't provoke the women in the palace. "

"Cough—" Chen Fei coughed, touched his nose, concealed the embarrassment that he was thinking about just now, and nodded, "Sister Yuqing, the game is about to start. I'm not hungry enough yet. "

"That's good.

I just remind you! "

Mu Yuqing was also a little embarrassed and nodded.

Then, she looked straight and reminded Chen Fei: "Don't be careless about that silver ring.

She looks simple and pure, and it seems harmless to humans and animals, but when she really fights, she is more powerful than the red snake. Don't be confused. "

"Thank you Sister Yuqing for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Chen Fei also returned to his true colors.

After covering up the embarrassing topic, there were more and more people at the scene, and all the people from the Sixteenth Hall arrived at the scene.

Suddenly, a heavy footstep sounded and stopped in front of Chen Fei, and then a cold and solemn voice rang, "Are you Chen Fei?"

Chen Fei heard the sound, turned his head and found that standing in front of him was a middle-aged man in his forties.

The man has a tough face and a straight posture, coupled with the cold expression on his face, it gives people the feeling that it is like a cold iron pillar, standing in front of Chen Fei abruptly.

Moreover, the tone of the other party's opening was obviously unkind.

Chen Fei's brows trembled lightly, and said to the man: "I'm Chen Fei, are you?"

"Crazy Dragon Palace, Zhu Han."

The other party's words are still cold.

"Fortunately meeting!"

Chen Fei said casually.

As a result, this Zhu Hansi gave no face and said coldly: "Unfortunately, I will, because you will die in my hands."

"Uh—" Chen Fei raised his brows, squinted slightly, and looked at Zhu Han.

With a cold snort, Chen Fei confronted tit-for-tat, and said directly: "Follow to the end."

"Then wait!"

After speaking, Zhu Han didn't talk nonsense at all, and turned around and left.

Chen Fei looked at Zhu Han's back, frowning, with a look of doubt, "This Zhu Han, I have never known him, how could it be so malicious?"

On the side, Mu Yuqing looked serious, glanced at Chen Fei, and said: "Some time ago, you were in the duny world and killed a family surnamed Jin, right?"

Suddenly mentioning this incident caused Chen Fei to be taken aback, and immediately thought of the Dragon Vessel family that had been destroyed by him.

For a moment, his eyes lit up and he thought of something.

Before the Jin family died, they seemed to say that someone in their Jin family was in the Mad Dragon Palace on Taboo Island, and they used it to threaten themselves at that time.

"Is this Zhu Han from the Jin family in the Crazy Dragon Palace?"

Chen Fei said.

Mu Yuqing shook his head and said, "No, the person of the Jin family in the Crazy Dragon Palace, called Jintianhe, entered Taboo Island very early, almost a hundred years ago."

"Golden Tianhe is very strong, has entered the realm of the gods, and has become the deputy head of the Crazy Dragon Palace.

Decades ago, on behalf of the Crazy Dragon Palace, he accepted the orders of the three palace masters to enter the ice-bound desperate situation to complete the task. He successfully completed several times and was highly regarded. "

"And this Zhu Han is the disciple that Jin Tianhe accepted in the Mad Dragon Palace thirty years ago.

Because he was cultivated since childhood, in Zhu Han's mind, Jin Tianhe is equivalent to his father.

Even inside the Crazy Dragon Palace, Zhu Han respected Jin Tianhe more than the owner of the Crazy Dragon Palace. "

"Zhu Han took the initiative to find you, presumably because of the destruction of the Jin family."

After listening to Mu Yuqing's explanation, Chen Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Jin Clan of the Dragon Vein family would actually have a god-level master in Taboo Island, and they were mixed well.

However, even so, Chen Fei was not worried.

After all, his true strength has also reached the realm of God level.

"I see."

Chen Fei nodded.

Mu Yuqing was still a little worried, and then asked: "Zhu Han's strength is very strong, even more powerful than just Rong Meng and Yin Huan.

In addition, he is eager to avenge the Jin family. If you meet him, if you lose, you just surrender, there is no need to fight to death. "

"Sister Yuqing, don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Chen Fei smiled lightly.

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