
Chapter 2759: ?Desperate News

When the three people on the other side heard this, they couldn't help being a little surprised, "That's it."

In their opinion, this is really not a big deal.

If you just inquire about the frozen building, you can hear the news about the ice-bound desperate situation.

This is not enough to repay Chen Fei's kindness.

But Chen Fei spoke, and of course they had to agree.

Of course, because Han Jing and Junior Sister Duan came to explore the Frozen Extremis for the first time, so they knew something about Frozen Extremity, but Sister Yu was the only one.

For a moment, the two of them glanced over.

Senior Sister Yu immediately said: "I have been to Frozen Boundary once or twice before, and I have a little understanding. If Mr. Chen doesn't mind, I will talk to Mr. Chen about the situation in the Frozen Border."


Chen Fei nodded.

Immediately, Senior Sister Yu slowly spoke out.

"The Frozen Despair cannot be opened at all times, and even where it is opened is not always certain.

Because of this, everyone will gather in the frozen building and wait until the next entrance opens and enter it together. "

"Inside the Frozen Despair, it can be said that it is a cold world of ice and snow.

The temperature inside is much colder than the coldest north and south poles on our planet.

As long as you enter it, you need to use your true vitality to isolate the chill and keep your body warm.

It is precisely because of this that the real yuan aura is being consumed every moment in the frozen territory, which is a huge test for the real yuan reserve of a warrior. "

"The most common cherished material in Frozen Despair is Han Yubing.

It was a faint blue, crystal clear, like ice cubes of top-quality jade.

It contains a very pure icy breath, which is the top-level training material for warriors with the icy attribute. "

"Of course, even if the cultivation is not the ice attribute.

This top-notch material is also a great product for arranging formations, making weapons, or exchanging materials. "

"Besides Han Yubing, there are some other treasures.

However, the quantity is very scarce, it is difficult to encounter, and generally in various dangers, even if encountered, there may not be a way to get the treasure. "

"Moreover, even the most common Han Yubing.

After so many years and so many warriors' exploitation and competition, the number of existing cold jade ice is not too much.

Especially in the shallow location near the entrance, almost all of the cold jade ice there has been mined, and it is difficult to find it again. "

"If you want to continue mining cold jade ice, you have to go deep inside.

However, as the distance deepens, the chill inside will become more and more bitter.

Even a god-level master could hardly resist.

According to legend, there was a god-level master who entered the ice-bound desperate state for the first time hundreds of years ago. He didn’t listen to advice and went straight to the depths of the ice-bound desperation. The ice sculpture died inside. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei looked serious.

Han Jing and Junior Sister Duan's faces were surprised and their expressions became awe-inspiring.

Senior Sister Yu paused and continued to say: "Of course, these are just the harsh natural environment inside.

The most dangerous thing is always human. "

"After so many years, there are nearly a hundred people who have been in the ice-sealed territory for many years.

In addition to those who often enter and leave, there are more than two hundred people.

Therefore, in the frozen territory, conflicts are likely to occur due to competition for resources, malicious revenge, and revenge. "

"So, except for people who I believe very much.

Don't trust anyone in the frozen territory. "

Chen Fei nodded, remembered these words in his heart, and secretly increased his vigilance.

Han Jing and Junior Sister Duan were even more solemn.

Afterwards, Chen Fei asked this senior sister again about the frozen territory.

Senior Sister Yu answered one by one according to what she knew.

But even though Senior Sister Yu entered the Frozen Despair twice, her strength was limited. The farthest one was only 16 kilometers deep into the Frozen Despair.

Therefore, she didn't understand the real deep environment of Frozen Extremity.

After talking for more than an hour, Chen Fei got up and sent the three people out of the room.

With an excited smile on Sister Duan's round face, she looked at her and her brother, and said: "Sister, brother.

This Mr. Chen is so powerful, I thought he would be very serious! Unexpectedly, he was so approachable and talked with us for so long. "

Han Jing nodded and said, "Mr. Chen is not very old and not so old-fashioned."

However, Senior Sister Yu looked at the two of them and reminded them aloud: "I just told you inside, I forgot to clean it up so quickly.

Don't trust anyone except people you trust very much. "

"Uh-" The two were stunned for a while, then nodded, "Senior Sister, we will be careful."

"Just know, let's go! The entrance to Frozen Despair is open this time, it should be within these few days, take care of your body and keep it in your best condition.

Sister Yu said.


The two nodded.

The three are about to go downstairs.

But at this moment, a dash of footsteps came over.

Then, the three of them saw that at the top of the stairs, about a dozen people came upstairs in a mighty manner.

At the front of this group of people were Kyle, Manji and Rotten Tooth who were downstairs just now.

Upon seeing this, the expressions of the three of Mojian Villa suddenly changed.

And Kyle shot over, with a hint of chill in his eyes, and said: "Bitch girl, it's your honor for Lao Tzu to see you."

"I didn't serve Lao Tzu, but now, it's cheaper for that kid, two bastards."

"You are talking nonsense, we didn't--" Junior sister Duan shouted with anger on her face.

But before she finished speaking, she was pulled back by Senior Sister Yu and took a few steps back.

"Want to escape?

You can't go anywhere this time! "

Upon seeing this, Kyle snorted coldly, then directly waved and ordered, "Grab them."

"Tonight, I want to enjoy it.

When I enjoy it late, you can also have a sip of soup. "

With a "wow", the crowd behind Kyle was excited.

Manji and Rotten Fang took the lead and rushed forward.

Then, Kyle took the rest of the people and moved on, "That kid, right in the middle of the letter B, follow me."

Seeing the opponent's offensive approached.

At the critical moment, with a squeak, the door of the second room opened and Chen Fei stood up.


With two blows, Chen Fei shot directly, blasting Manji and Rotten Tooth who had rushed to the front directly out of the stairwell, fell directly from the third floor, smashed a table downstairs, and fell into a pool of blood. Weeping moaned.

Then, Chen Fei looked at Kyle and the others who were approaching him aggressively, and said coldly: "The lesson just now wasn't enough, is it here again?"

Kyle's face was suffocated, but when he thought of the people behind him, he suddenly felt confident.

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