
Chapter 2762: ?Junior Brother Chen

The chubby boss Luo glanced at Chen Fei and one-armed, and asked aloud: "Everyone, I am Luo Yu, the treasurer of the Frozen Building.

What is going on, everyone is so lively? "

Boss Luo smiled and looked at everyone with an amiable appearance.

Chen Fei looked at the boss Luo in front of him, observing the opponent, and did not speak first.

One-armed was indifferent, obviously without the intention of opening an explanation.

As a result, a flash of excitement flashed on Kyle's face, and he hurriedly said: "Boss Luo, this is how things are.

This new arrival Mr. Chen Fei, who just acted on us for no reason, offended Mr. One-armed again.

Not only does this guy not apologize, but he wants to do something with Mr. One-armed. That's why. "

I have to say that Kyle turned black and white upside down, his face was not red and heartbeat, and he was very skilled.

Chen Fei's expression sank when he heard the words. He looked at Kyle and said coldly: "If this is the case, do you dare to say it again in front of me?"

With a murderous look in his eyes, Kyle couldn't help but shiver, and his body involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

Immediately, he made a pitiful appearance and said to boss Luo Zhiyu: "Boss Luo, you have also seen this boy, he is very arrogant. In front of you, he even dared to threaten me. This is clearly Do not put you in the eyes.

Such people must be severely punished! "

After hearing Kyle's words, the boss Luo Zhiyuluo, his eyes fell on Chen Fei, scanning up and down, carefully observing Chen Fei in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's eyes condensed slightly, and at the same time the vitality aura in his body began to revolve.

If this boss Luo believed Kyle and wanted to take action against him, Chen Fei would not be afraid to take action against him.

With Chen Fei's vigilant appearance, the situation Boss Luo looked at fell into Kyle's eyes, and they immediately became excited.

They geared up, and the revenge in their eyes almost overflowed.

It seems that the scene where Boss Luo teaches Chen Fei, they have already seen it.

The excitement also reached his throat, waiting for Boss Luo to start his hand, shouting out.

But just when almost everyone thought Boss Luo was going to deal with Chen Fei.

Boss Luo, who had observed Chen Fei for a while, suddenly showed a smile, and proactively reached out to Chen Fei and greeted him: "You are Chen Fei of the Greenwood Palace, the champion of the Sannomiya Tournament?"

Chen Fei was taken aback, somewhat surprised.

Boss Luo introduced himself enthusiastically: "Actually, I am also from Taboo Island.

At the beginning, I was a member of the Holy Martial Hall. Later, I was selected by the master of Luo San Palace and entered the Human Spirit Palace.

Later, I was sent to assist in the construction of the Frozen Building, and by the way, I served as the treasurer of the Frozen Building. "

The self-introduction of Luo Zhiyu's boss is not surprising to others.

After all, they basically know the identity and background of Boss Luo, knowing that he is from Taboo Island.

It is the identity of Taboo Island, coupled with the powerful strength of Luo Zhiyu's boss, that can restrain these masters in the frozen building.

But at this moment, he was a little surprised to hear Chen Fei, who was the boss of Luo, for the first time.

Before he came, he knew that there were people from Forbidden Island in the frozen building.

But I didn't expect that the shopkeepers belonged to Taboo Island, and they belonged to the Lord of the Third Palace of the Human Spirit Palace.

Chen Fei was still thinking, Luo Zhiyu continued to smile and said, "I'm older than you, so I just call you Junior Brother Chen, don't you mind?"

Hearing Luo Zhiyu's voice, Chen Fei recovered from his surprise, nodded and smiled: "It is my honor to call you Brother Luo.

Chen Fei, met Brother Luo. "

"Okay, okay, it's worthy of being a person who is optimistic about the Lord Luo Yi."

Luo Zhiyu smiled.

At this time, Kyle and the others, who were originally waiting for a good show, did not expect that what they were waiting for was such a scene, which was dumbfounded for a while.

"Luo, boss Luo, this, what's going on?"

"Boss Luo, that kid is—" "Boss Luo, isn't he a warrior in the Chinese Dungeons?

When did you become your younger brother? "

... In the sound of doubt, Luo Zhiyu turned his head, pointed at Chen Fei, and said, "I will officially introduce it to you."

"This, Chen Fei, is a disciple of the Qingmu Temple on my Taboo Island.

At the same time, it is also the champion of the Sannomiya Grand Tournament of Taboo Island. "

"This time, our first palace lord of Tianluo Palace Luo on the Taboo Island will personally call the name, and let Junior Brother Chen Fei and Chen represent Taboo Island to go to the frozen impossibility to collect cold jade ice.

After the incident, the Lord Luo Yi even promised to build a new temple for Junior Brother Chen, making him the 17th Lord of Taboo Island. "

After the introduction, everyone at the scene was shocked, their faces full of surprise.

"What, he, he turned out to be a disciple of Taboo Island."

"Not an ordinary disciple, but the champion of the Sannomiya Competition!"

"There have been champions in the past, but this time, it turned out that the lord of Luo Yi Palace personally named him, and even set up a new hall for him. Such people are extremely rare in Taboo Island!"

"What's special about this kid, it makes Luo Yi Palace Master so important."

"No wonder he can stay in the second room on the third floor as soon as he comes in. It turns out that he is from Taboo Island! If you want me to say, in his capacity, it is even possible to go to the fourth floor!"

... Amidst the cries of surprise, Kyle's face sank suddenly, his expression was very ugly, and his entire complexion quickly collapsed.

It's true that he is a disciple of the Illuminati, that his father is a god-level master of the Illuminati, and that the Illuminati is very powerful.

But compared with Taboo Island, the Illuminati may not be enough.

Although Taboo Island is much weaker than the Illuminati in terms of scale and personnel.

Even in history, there were people from the Illuminati who looked down on Taboo Island, and even took the initiative to attack Taboo Island, wanting to occupy the aura and lush territory as a stronghold of the Illuminati.

At that time, under the leadership of the new president, the Illuminati gathered twelve god-level masters and 60 demi-god masters to attack Taboo Island confidently.

No one knows the specific scene of that battle [youyou reading].

But the final result was very clear. All the sixty demigods of the Illuminati had fallen.

Twelve god-level masters, ten of them were killed in battle.

The two who survived also suffered heavy losses and their strength declined severely.

In the end, he lived for ten years in disease and pain, and died one after another.

This battle can be said to be the biggest failure in the history of the Illuminati for hundreds of years. It has been included in the various regulations and tutorials of the Illuminati, allowing all members to read and remember.

It is precisely because of this that Kyle and the members of the Illuminati have a long-standing awe and fear of Taboo Island.

Now, when I heard that Chen Fei was from Taboo Island, his complexion suddenly became very ugly.

At this moment, Kyle no longer imagined how to retaliate against Chen Fei, but was calculating how to admit his mistake and apologize so that Chen Fei would not retaliate against himself.

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