
Chapter 2781: ?One-arm and Broken Knife


With a loud noise, Chen Fei's one-armed blade light was smashed directly with his fist.

The scorching flame, with a roaring roar, crossed the ice path and rushed towards the one-arm.


With a light wave of one-arm, a burst of air with strong wind directly blows away the aftermath of the flame, and the ice road suddenly calms down.

Looking at Chen Fei with one arm, he said lightly: "It's a bit of strength.

You are good enough to make me move. "

After finishing speaking, the one-armed right arm grasped the knife at the waist, without unsheathing, directly volleyed at Chen Fei.

A knife with a scabbard cut it out, and a terrifying blade light directly pierced the ice layer, like a cutting machine on a curium stage, roaring.

He cut out with a single arm, holding the knife in his right hand, and slashing quickly.

At this moment, his only right arm moved so fast that there were afterimages, and he couldn't see his movements at all.

At the same time, a series of terrifying sword lights, with the one-arm movement, chopped out one after another.

However, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of sword lights whizzed towards Chen Fei.

Moreover, the sword light this time is different from the light curtain shot just now.

The breath and power have all gone up a step, completely blocking the narrow ice path.

Like a big net woven from death, it shrouded Chen Fei, leaving him no room to dodge.

At this moment, Chen Fei's expression became serious as he felt the terrifying aura that was approaching quickly.

One-armed, a god-level master with fifteen thousand martial intents, Chen Fei has ever encountered the strongest man.

At this moment, those terrifying blade lights seemed to be able to cut through everything that was blocking in front of them.

Chen Fei snorted, stimulating the sapling-like core, the branches that represent the fire, trembling constantly.

Layers of red flames spread from the pill core saplings to the meridians, mixed with the true vitality, igniting a group of terrifying flames, and swept away in the face of the sharp sword light.

For a while, in the narrow ice road.

The blades are blazing and the flames are raging.

The two collided with each other, and there was a violent roar and crackling sound.

The true vitality aura was violently colliding, and the splashing blade lights left deep marks on the ice road, shredding countless ice cubes, and splashing away.

And the scorching flames melted the snow and ice in the ice road, frantically scrolling the blades, and it burned out.

The two breaths collided like this crazy, trying to overwhelm each other.

The one-arm that was originally bound to win, after a collision, couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

Because he originally thought that Chen Fei could be defeated within a hundred moves.

But now it seems that Chen Fei's true vitality has exceeded his expectations.

With a cold snort, the one-armed right arm continued to hold the unsheathed knife, and slashed at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei did not back down either, and did not hesitate the true vitality aura in his body, the crazy flames, bursts of surging out, and rushed towards one arm.

"Huh, hoo!"

Strike the collision vigorously.

Before I knew it, I felt a fine sweat on my forehead with my one-armed arm, and I felt a little strenuous.

At this moment, Chen Fei still tirelessly urged the fire, and rushed towards one-armed.

"This kid can actually hold it!"

One-armed is really surprised.

At this moment, the flames swept across fiercely.

The fierce flames directly burned the blade of the one-arm, and then rushed towards him with a whistling.

One-armed was shocked, and hurriedly aroused a few qi glows, intertwined a light net in front of him, blocking the fierce flame's assault.

However, because of this sudden violent impact, the one-armed body staggered and was repelled more than ten steps, and because of the impact of the fire, a splash of blood was spit out from the corner of his mouth, and his face turned pale.

"You--" squinted one arm and looked at Chen Fei fiercely, with a surprised and angry expression.

What was surprised was that Chen Fei's fire intent had overwhelmed his own sword intent, causing himself to be injured.

What was annoyed was that his one-armed, famous lone ranger in the ice-bound desperate situation had suffered a loss for a kid who was less than thirty years old.

His eyes sank, he held the handle of the knife with one-armed right hand, and pulled out the knife that had not been sheathed just now.

As Binghan's blade came out of the scabbard bit by bit, the fierce killing intent on the one-arm body also became bitter bit by bit.

At this moment, there seems to be a feeling that the one-arm has been integrated with the knife, the knife is a person, and the person is a knife.

This terrifying and fierce momentum gives people a great pressure.

Let the atmosphere of the scene fall into a kind of weird horror.

"In the past five years, you are the first person to let me draw a sword."

One-armed coldly said, "This is your honor and your misfortune.

Because you are about to die in my hands. "


A sound of gold and iron strikes.

The knife was completely pulled out of the scabbard.

What surprised Chen Fei was that the knife in his one-armed hand turned out to be a broken knife, only half of it.

However, this broken knife was held in one-armed hand, but it carried a breath of suffocation of terror.

The fracture of the blade seemed to have a sharp aura, just looking at it would pierce human eyes.

Holding a broken knife in his hand, with one arm at the moment, he seemed extremely confident.

He looked at Chen Fei and seemed to see his surprise, and confidently explained: "This broken knife is not a famous knife, not a sharp weapon.

He was the knife I used when I killed someone for the first time. "

"At that time, I was only ten years old and had been fostered in my uncle's house.

However, they treated me very badly, beating and scolding are common things, and they even wanted to throw me into a well to drown. "

"That day, my uncle bought this knife from outside as a present for his son's tenth birthday."

"And that day, it happened to be my birthday."

"The knife is a gift from my cousin, and not only did I have no gift, but I was also regarded as the object of my cousin's trial of knife training."

"During the knife test, I was hit by the knife in more than ten places, and I was scarred.

And I accidentally separated a small mouth on my cousin.

So, that night, I was beaten and dying by my uncle. "

"That night, the pain in my body kept me awake."

"In the middle of the night, I got up.

He picked up the knife my cousin injured me and killed my uncle's family in his sleep. "

"That was the first time I killed someone, and I was too nervous.

The force was wrong, and the knife was even broken. "

"But that was also the first time I felt the unprecedented invigoration and excitement since I was born."

"So, I kept this broken knife with me afterwards."

"Later, I used this knife to kill my enemies, my followers, my women, and even my master."

"Everyone who died by my knife was an existence that had a special meaning to me."

"Now, you can let me draw the sword. This is your glory."

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