
Chapter 516: Dismissal

Just when Mr. Zhou's hand was about to catch the check, Chen Fei's hand suddenly fought, avoiding Mr. Zhou's hand.

Mr. Zhou was taken aback, looked at Chen Fei with a gloomy expression, and said, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Fei's eyes widened, his right hand holding the checkbook suddenly raised, and then he copied the checkbook, huhu directly at Mr. Zhou's face.

Suddenly, there was a crisp "pop", and the chequebook was directly slammed on Mr. Zhou's face.

Chen Fei's tremendous strength instantly swelled Mr. Zhou's cheeks, and the entire half of his cheeks were completely swollen into a huge steamed bun. Even the two teeth in his mouth were removed and blood splashed out.

"I mean, I have money, but you can't get my money?" Chen Fei shouted coldly, and then his arm shook slightly. The check that had just been written suddenly turned into mustard powder in Mr. Zhou. Drifting down in front of him.

Mr. Zhou suffered such a sudden attack, and the whole person was beaten up. A few seconds later, he came back to his senses, clutching his cheeks, staring at Chen Fei in pain and anger, and shouted: "How dare you beat me, how dare you beat me. I want you to die, I want to do it." To die you."

"You are all over, you are all dead. I want your first hospital to close down." While talking, Mr. Zhou began to touch his cell phone and was about to make a call.

Just when Mr. Zhou called in a hurry, a greeting rang out, "Dr. Chen is here, right?"

Chen Fei heard the sound, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "I'm inside, please come in."

Immediately, everyone saw that two men walked in at the door of the ward. One is twenty-six or seven years old, in suits and shoes, with a calm temperament. At this moment, he is supporting a middle-aged man with gray hair and a national character face.

The gray-haired man's eyes fell on Chen Fei, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he walked over.

At this time, Mr. Zhou, who had just dialed the number and was about to report. Looking up at the person, his eyes straightened suddenly, and the whole person was stunned, "Zheng, Director Zheng, you, why are you here?"

When Director Zheng saw Mr. Zhou Zhou's appearance, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said, "You are?"

Mr. Zhou hurriedly said: "Director Zheng, hello. I am Zhou Linhai, the section chief of the Epidemic Prevention Department of the Municipal Health Bureau."

"Oh!" Director Zheng nodded slightly. Obviously, as the leader of the Provincial Health Department, he did not know a small section chief of the Municipal Bureau.

Section Chief Zhou was extremely excited at the moment, and hurriedly agreed with Director Zheng and said, "Director Zheng, what is the matter with you here?"

Director Zheng said indifferently: "It's nothing, just come to the hospital for a review, and then see Dr. Chen. Thank you Dr. Chen for curing my disease."

"Doctor Chen?" Section Chief Zhou was taken aback, and then saw Director Zheng walking towards Chen Fei with a smile, warmly greeting him, his face suddenly stiffened and his expression was silly.

He didn't expect that this young Doctor Chen turned out to be Director Zheng's lifesaver. He was so valued by Director Zheng, and he would like to express his gratitude.

Suddenly, Section Chief Zhou trembled in his heart, and immediately interrupted the call he had just connected, and then followed up with a fawning expression, trying to make up for the mistake he had just made.

When Director Zheng saw him coming, he was a little dissatisfied, and said softly, "Chief Zhou, what are you doing here? Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing this, Chief Zhou's expression changed, and he replied, "I am—"

However, before he finished speaking, Chen Fei snorted directly, and said, "There is a major event for Section Chief Zhou to come here. He poisoned his son with outsiders, and then blackmailed and blackmailed the hospital."

"What? What's going on?" Director Zheng's face sank, his expression a little cold.

"Director Zheng, no, this, there are some misunderstandings in this, I, we—" Section Chief Zhou quickly waved his hand, wanting to explain.

"Shut up and let Dr. Chen tell me." But Director Zheng screamed, interrupted him directly, and then looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei quickly told Director Zheng what had just happened.

Hearing this, Director Zheng's expression was completely cold, and he looked at Section Chief Zhou with a gloomy expression, and shouted, "Is what Dr. Chen said true?"

"This, I—" Section Chief Zhou hesitated for a while, not knowing how to explain.

When Director Zheng saw this, he couldn't understand what was going on, and he immediately shouted angrily: "As an official of the Department of Health, you do not regulate the work of the medical system. Instead, you take advantage of the loopholes and blackmail the hospital. I think you are the section chief. I don't want to be."

"In this case, you don't need to sit in this position, and you will be dismissed immediately." Director Zheng shouted sharply and started the phone directly.

Hearing that, Section Chief Zhou was shocked immediately and hurriedly cried out for mercy: "Director Zheng, Doctor Chen, I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again. Please, give me another chance."

However, how is it possible to give such a person a chance. Director Zheng has already called the relevant personnel.

Soon, Section Chief Zhou's cell phone rang, and it seemed that the ID showed that it was the director of the Health Bureau. Just after the call was made, the director was screaming at his head and covering his face, and then announced the expulsion of Section Chief Zhou.

Chief Zhou's face was ashes in an instant, and his whole body was almost limp to the ground.

Upon seeing this, the dean waved to the person behind him, and said, "Take him out."

With that said, the two security guards came over and were about to drag Section Chief Zhou out.

Section Chief Zhou suddenly jumped up from the ground, his eyes were scarlet, and he shouted frantically: "No, I won't leave, I won't go out. Even if I am expelled, this matter is still going on. The hospital must lose money, your hospital I must lose money. Otherwise, I will fight to the end."

Everyone didn't expect that the section chief would be making noise under such a situation this week, and they couldn't help but frown.

However, they really have no good way to deal with such crazy people. After all, no one can guarantee what he will do in this situation.

Seeing that Section Chief Zhou went mad in the ward, everyone was a little helpless.

At this moment, Chen Fei gave a cold snort, looked at Section Chief Zhou, and said coldly: "You still want to lose money? You don't seem to have thought about a problem."

"What's the problem?" Section Chief Zhou looked at Chen Fei suspiciously.

Chen Fei said coldly: "Why did Lin Yaofei's original non-toxic A protein, which had been negotiated with you, injected into your son's body and did not produce erythema, but turned into a poisoned condition?"

After being reminded by Chen Fei, Section Chief Zhou and Mother Zhou suddenly realized this problem.

Indeed, Lin Yaofei gave drugs that were so normal in the experiment, why something unexpected happened to their son.

Thinking of this, the two suddenly looked at Chen Fei in confusion, their expressions a little flustered, "Here, why is this?"

"Why?" Chen Fei snorted coldly, "I have to ask your good son."

"My son? What's wrong with him?" Section Chief Zhou and Mama Zhou looked at the son on the ward together, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

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