
Chapter 526: Chaotic hookup

The ponytail girl is Zhang Qiuyue, she nodded when she heard the words, and then she practiced silently by herself.

After all, she has no dancing skills, so she is still lacking in dance movements. If we can make up for this and integrate singing and dancing, this performance will definitely be effective. At that time, he will definitely win a good place in the literary performance. Won honors for herself and Long'an University.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qiuyue trained harder, and at the same time remembered the phone call to Chen Fei just yesterday, and her heart became firmer. "On the day of the art performance, Brother Chen will also go to see it. I must perform well and let Brother Chen See my most beautiful side."

While Zhang Qiuyue was practicing hard, suddenly, there was a clap, and then a sound of footsteps walked in.

"Yes, yes, they are all beautiful women!"

Everyone in training, hearing this voice, couldn't help but look at them.

Then, they saw a group of young men walking in leisurely. The appearance of this group of men is pretty good, but at this time, the greedy and lustful gaze in their eyes makes many students feel uncomfortable, and they can't help but turn their heads and don't want to look at them.

However, this group of men did not constrain. Instead, they looked more unscrupulously in the practice room, searching for their favorite beauties.

Upon seeing this, the leading teachers from several schools showed unhappy expressions and couldn't help but walked over and asked aloud, "Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said, "It's okay. We were just playing outside and heard the beautiful music here, so we were curious to come over and take a look."

The leading teacher heard the words and said: "We are rehearsing the performance and time is tight. It is not convenient to receive a few people, I'm sorry."

This obviously meant to see off the guests, but Zhao Hai and the others did not leave, instead they continued to walk in, and said at the same time: "You don't need to receive it, we just watch it by the side."

Upon hearing this, several teachers suddenly showed dissatisfaction and said: "Sorry, several, our training is very tight and cannot be disturbed, so please leave a few."

This is already very obvious, but Zhao Hai and the others still did not intend to leave. Instead, they walked directly towards the girls who were practicing, looked at them up and down, and made the "Yes, Yes, OK" voice from time to time, as if General in selecting goods.

This situation naturally makes many girls show dissatisfaction. The teacher leading the team also frowned and showed anger, his voice increased, and he said: "Several guys, please don't interfere with our practice and leave immediately. Otherwise, I will call the security guard."

Hearing this, the rich and young couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.

Then the skinny monkey said, "Call the security guard? Do you know what this place is? What are the identities of everyone, want to ask the security guard to chase us? I'm afraid, you will be the one who will leave in the end!"

"You--" The teacher and students frowned.

The rich and young immediately continued to talk and laugh.

The rich and young Liu Lao, who was straight into the list before, is also in this style at this moment. He directly exposed the brand logo of the clothes, and then drew out a thick stack of banknotes, and said to the girls: "I won't be sloppy, I will tell you directly. Right. We know that you are students preparing for the National Day art performance. We are from the provincial capital and we are playing in the resort. Now it is a bit boring, so I want to invite some beautiful women to play with us. Who wants to come, come now."

Upon hearing this old Liu's words, the faces of all the students and teachers at the scene couldn't help but change.

Someone's face turned cold, and they glared at Old Liu with contempt.

But some people couldn't help but their eyes brightened, and their eyes fell on Lao Liu's brand-name clothing and the red banknotes.

Although there was a heartbeat, maybe it was in front of everyone. Even if they were heartbeat, most people would not stand up, so after Lao Liu shouted, no one stood up.

Upon seeing this, Lao Liu felt that his face was a little unbearable, and then took out a stack of banknotes, and then said: "Yes, I forgot to say, my dad is the deputy director of the Provincial Urban Construction Bureau, and there are beautiful women willing to play. Play?"

Hearing that, many girls suddenly showed their eyesight and couldn't control it anymore. They walked out with a smile, came to Lao Liu's side, and said with a sweet smile: "Brother, I am willing to play with you."

Upon seeing this, Lao Liu smiled immediately and continued: "Who else, come together, let's play together."

Suddenly, a few more girls came out.

Upon seeing this, some of the teachers leading the team couldn't help but their expressions grew heavy, and they walked over and shouted, "What are you doing, and why don't you return to the team?"

A few girls were unmoved, instead they argued, "Teacher, we have been training for so long, and we can't take a break. We just go to take a break."

The teacher shouted in a deep voice, "Do you know, what do they want you to do?"

A girl sneered and disdainfully said, "Teacher, I am afraid I know this better than you. But we are willing."

"You, you are like this, I want to expel you from the team." The teacher shouted.

The girl said: "Teacher, let's expel it. We train so hard, isn't it just to win prizes in that performance and be favored by senior officials? Now, this good brother is the best senior official, how can we? Happy but not for it!"

With that, several girls hooked up with Lao Liu and left with a smile.

When the teacher saw this, his face became heavy with anger, but there was no way at all.

On the contrary, the other rich and young, seeing Lao Liu succeed, immediately started to take action one by one.

Some learned old Liu's simple and rude methods, directly revealed their identity and belongings, and immediately hooked up with a few beauties.

Some are a little bit more euphemistic, say some love words, sing a song, and they can smoothly hook up a few beautiful women. After all, everyone knows that this group of rich and young came together and can play in this resort. Even if you don't say it directly, their identity and wealth are definitely not bad. If you catch it, there is definitely nothing wrong with it.

For a while, the originally intense training venue was completely chaotic at this moment.

The girls who worshipped money were originally a little shy because of the crowds, but now the scene opened up, and suddenly they didn't care, one by one took the initiative to give each other, and even the scene became affectionate.

The teachers looked gloomy and angry for a while. But there is no way, besides, there are even a few good-looking teachers who were directly hooked up by some special hobby rich and young, which completely changed the atmosphere of the scene.

In a short period of time, almost every rich and young person has hooked up with several beautiful women.

In the end, only Zhao Hai was left, and there was no one around him.

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