
Chapter 545: Boss's friend

Yi Fangfang said: "This dish has been touched by others. We don't want it. Let's switch to another table."

The waiter felt that they were a bit unreasonable, but had to say in a good voice: "Guests, our dishes, after they are ready, they will be served immediately. No one else has ever moved."

"That's not necessarily? The guy had moved this dish just now. He took a bite." Yi Bo suddenly pointed to Chen Fei.

The waiter took a look, was stunned, and said dumbfounded: "But, he, isn't he with you?"

Yi Bo said: "Who said he was with us? This is the dish we ordered, but he moved it first. Now, we don't want it anymore and ask for a new one."

"But, this, such a loss, shouldn't be our shop—" the waiter said, embarrassed.

Yi Fangfang rolled his eyes, pointed at Chen Fei, and said, "You have to lose the food he eats, and you should ask them to compensate. Anyway, we won't care."

After speaking, Yi Bo and Yi Fangfang looked over triumphantly.

This table of dishes is worth at least five thousand yuan. They believed that with Chen Fei's income, they could not afford such consumption at all.

Therefore, the two came here deliberately to make Chen Fei lose his ugliness and change Zhang Qiuyue's mind.

When the new store opened, the waiter naturally didn't know Chen Fei, but the consumption of several thousand yuan could not be easily erased. She had to walk towards Chen Fei and muttered, "This gentleman, the dishes just now— "

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei smiled at the waiter and said, "Since I ate it, I will just check out. Swipe the card!"

After speaking, Chen Fei directly took out a credit card, his tone was very bold.

Upon seeing this, the waiter respectfully accepted the credit card, thanked him, and then went to check out the card.

After speaking, Chen Fei got up and brought over the dishes on Yibo's table, and then ate it with big mouthfuls, not forgetting to smile at Zhang Qiuyue: "Qiuyue, this dish tastes good, you can try it."

Yi Fangfang and Yi Bo, who originally wanted to make Chen Fei embarrassed, didn't expect this to happen, and their faces were a little ugly.

Yi Bo looked at the appearance of Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue holding vegetables together, and gritted his teeth with hatred, "That kid, how dare you—"

Yi Fangfang patted his younger brother lightly and said with a sour mouth: "Brother, don't worry. That guy is obviously swollen face to fill up the fat man. This meal eats him thousands of yuan, what should I do with him in the future? "

Hearing this, Yi Bo couldn't help but his eyes brightened, and said, "That kid, who is richer than me, is completely looking for death."

When the two were talking, the waiter came back with the credit card and handed it to Chen Fei respectfully.

Chen Fei took the credit card and asked, "Did you swipe the card?"

The waiter shook his head and said, "No brush!"

Upon hearing this, Yi Bo and Yi Fangfang's eyes lit up and their emotions rose. The two couldn't wait to ridicule.

"Qiuyue, your friend, isn't that great? If you don't have money, you don't have money. To put it bluntly, everyone will not discriminate against you. In the end, you have to swell your face and fill your body. "

"That's right, Qiuyue, with such dishonest people, I advise you to avoid contact with each other."

After talking to Zhang Qiuyue, the two immediately aimed at Chen Fei again, sarcastically unceremoniously.

"Boy, stay away from Qiuyue if you don't have money, it's embarrassing."

"Hehe, I can't even eat a meal. What qualifications do you have to be with Qiuyue? Leave by yourself."


Chen Fei put down his chopsticks, looked at Yi Bo and Yi Fangfang like a fool, and said, "Who said I have no money?"

"Haha, I didn't have any money with my card, and I was beaten back. You still don't admit it, this skin is thick enough!"

"Boy, it's all here, what are you quibbling about!"

"Qiuyue, come with us. Wait, you can't afford to pay for dinner. People are rushing people in the store, so don't hurt you."


Without waiting for Chen Fei to defend himself, the waiter hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, it's not like that. I didn't swipe the card just now, it's not because there is no money in the card."

"It's not that there is no money, what's the reason?" Yi Bo frowned and asked in disbelief.

The waiter said: "Yes, our boss told me not to swipe the card."

Now, Yi Bo was even more puzzled, "Your boss? Why didn't he let him swipe his card?"

As soon as his voice fell, a hearty voice rang, "Doctor Chen, you are here, why don't you tell me? If I happened to see it, I really haven't noticed it."

Immediately, everyone saw a middle-aged man walking towards Chen Fei enthusiastically.

Chen Fei got up, gave the man a hug, and called Big Brother Liu.

Immediately, Big Brother Liu saw Zhang Qiuyue who was opposite Chen Fei and couldn't help but smile: "Dine with friends? Okay, I won't bother you. You eat slowly, whatever you want, just order, I will cook it for you myself. "

Chen Fei nodded and thanked him, then Big Brother Liu turned and walked inside.

Upon seeing this, Yi Bo couldn't help but said: "That guy has no money. If you order anything, be careful to kill you."

Brother Liu stopped when he heard the words, looked at Yi Bo, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about. That's my brother, who is also the owner of this store's major shareholder. Dr. Chen will have no money. You can laugh!"

"Major shareholder, boss!"

At this time, Yi Bo couldn't help being surprised, and then looked at Chen Fei in disbelief.

Chen Fei ignored him and sat down to continue eating with Zhang Qiuyue.

The more Yi Bo thought about it, the more unhappy he felt, and his brows frowned.

Upon seeing this, Yi Fangfang patted his younger brother on the shoulder, and persuaded, "Don't be discouraged."

"But, that kid turned out to be the owner of this shop, I—" Yi Bo frowned.

Yi Fangfang snorted coldly and said, "If he says he is the boss, do you believe it?"

"Sister, what do you mean?" Yi Bo looked at Yi Fangfang.

Yi Fangfang glanced at Chen Fei, and then guessed with a very confident look: "You don't want to think about it. How can such a store be renovated and operated without tens of millions of funds? That kid? , Can I have this fund?"

"It's not like—" Yi Bo shook his head.

"It's not like it's right, because it's impossible." Yi Fangfang believes in himself, "I think he knows the boss at most, and the other party gives him face, so he said that on purpose. "

Hearing what my sister said, Yi Bo suddenly felt relieved, and his face was full of smiles. Then, confidently looking towards Zhang Qiuyue, she said: "Qiuyue, some people are pretending, don't be fooled."

Yi Fangfang immediately opened the mouth and said: "Yeah, it's easy to lie to us outsiders. But when we are about to pay, the lie will not work."

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