
Chapter 599: Dense forest hut

He stared at his father aggrieved and angrily, and said, "Dad, why are you hitting me? That person is gone, can't I complain about it?"

When Zhang Yongfu heard it, he became even more furious. He slapped his son again and roared: "Complain, you still want to complain. Do you know that one of your complaints is very likely to make our entire Zhang family completely ruined. You Dare to complain!"

Shao Zhang looked at his father in disbelief, and muttered: "A word will destroy our Zhang family. Is it such an exaggeration?"

Zhang Yongfu shouted angrily: "Exaggeration, I tell you, this is still an underestimation. People are about to destroy our warrior family, even one look is enough."

"Why, that guy, it would be so scary!" Zhang Shao felt incredible.

Zhang Yongfu said: "How come? I tell you, why?"

"Why?" Not only Zhang Shao, Huang Dong and Wu Pan, they also listened curiously at the moment.

Zhang Yongfu lowered his voice and said solemnly, "Because his true identity is Master Chen!"

"Master Chen! What Master Chen?" Zhang Shao didn't react yet.

Zhang Yongfu stared at him fiercely, and said: "What Master Chen! Coming from the provincial capital, he has a good relationship with Miss Sun and is strong. What do you think is Master Chen?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shaowei trembled, and then he thought of something. He was shocked and looked at his father in shock, "Dad, you mean. He is the Master Chen, the one above the Sun family?" "

"Other than him, who else?" Liu Yongfu snorted coldly, "You don't want to think about it. If not, why Gong Yu would treat him so respectfully, even in a low voice."

"Master Chen, he turned out to be Master Chen, the legendary Master Chen!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Xi, Huang Dong, and Wu Pan were really stunned. The various rumors about Master Chen made them feel dreamlike, as if everything was a little unreal.

After the shock, a chill of fear surged in their hearts.

They felt a panic when they thought that they had collided with such a big person. At this time, looking at the broken left leg again, it seems that this is not serious.

After all, there are quite a few people who have been killed by Master Chen. They can survive, even if they are extremely lucky.

In this way, the three of them were completely shocked. They didn't even know how they were carried into the ambulance or how they entered the hospital.

At the same time, in the hotel room, Yuan Fei sat on the sofa somewhat restrained, and looked at Sun Xi and Chen Fei from time to time, appearing very cautious.

After all, she had seen it with her own eyes just now, so many big shots showed respect to Sun Xi and Chen Fei. Although she still doesn't know exactly what powerful characters Sun Xi and Chen Fei are, she knows that their identities are very unusual.

Considering this, Yuan Fei couldn't help becoming restrained in front of Sun Xi and Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Sun Xi took the initiative to go over and chatted with Yuan Fei with a smile, which finally eased Yuan Fei's nervousness. Then, after Sun Xi comforted Yuan Fei for a while, the two girls took a rest together.

Chen Fei naturally returned to his bedroom, and after washing, he also rested.

The next day, Chen Fei and the others got up to wash and ate breakfast in the hotel. Yuan Fei's mood also stabilized. She also knew that Chen Fei and Sun Xi had other things to do, so she took the initiative to leave.

Afterwards, Gong Yu, his father, and Zhang Yongfu, all came to the door of the hotel with a group of dignitaries in Longxu City, wanting to meet Master Chen Fei Chen and Miss Sun.

Chen Fei and Sun Xi didn't like these tunes, so Gong Yu only asked Gong Yu to find a guide who was familiar with the local mountain area, and then sent all the others back.

With the guide, Chen Fei and Sun Xi left the city and headed towards the target mountainous area.

After about half a day's journey, the three of them entered the mountains. The mountains and forests here are very dense and inaccessible. If it weren't for the occasional photos, no one would have thought that in this deep mountain and old forest, there would be people moving inside.

The place where the Skull and Bones was found was less than one kilometer away.

Chen Fei let the guide stay in place, and quietly moved in towards the destination with Sun Xi.

The journey went smoothly. Chen Fei and Sun Xi smoothly reached a position less than 100 meters outside the destination. They hid in a dense grass and observed the situation inside with binoculars.

It was a lowland area, and on the flat ground in the middle, a small house was simply built with wood. There are also some tents around, and some daily necessities are scattered around.

Obviously, it is a trace of someone living in it.

However, Chen Fei and Sun Xi observed for a long time, but they did not find anyone moving in the wooden house or tent.

"Could it be that they are resting during the day or going out!" Chen Fei guessed in his heart, then gestured to Sun Xi, and then quietly touched it by himself.

Soon, Chen Fei came to a tent on the edge. He carefully walked around to the side of the tent, checked it, and found that there was no one inside. But there were some messy items, as if the other party had suddenly left.

Immediately, Chen Fei continued to move forward and checked the other tents, only to find that there were no people in the tents, and the situation was similar to that of the tent just now. Things were still scattered messily inside, but the people were gone.

In this situation, Chen Fei's expression couldn't help but become serious, and his face also showed a little solemn color.

Finally, he came to the cabin in the center and just approached. Chen Fei smelled a grand **** smell.

With a move in his heart, Chen Fei immediately pushed in.

Upon entering the eyes, Chen Fei saw a wooden bed in the center of the wooden house. On the wooden bed, a **** figure lay.

Chen Fei approached the figure, probed it, and found that the man was dead. However, after investigating his body, he died only a few hours ago.

Looking down again, you can find a lot of messy things around the big bed, and some of the metal instrument accessories have fallen on the ground. Chen Fei picked up one carefully and checked it carefully, and found that the metal parts were exquisite in craftsmanship. At first glance, they were high-end products, which should be parts of some precision instruments.

Seeing this, Chen Fei felt more and more puzzled.

Transporting precision instruments to this deep mountain and old forest, as well as a **** corpse, this situation seems a bit strange.

At this moment, Sun Xi touched it quietly and asked: "Brother Chen, did you find anything?"

As a result, as soon as the little girl entered the door, she saw the **** corpse and let out a scream.

Fortunately, there are no enemies nearby, otherwise, you would have been stunned.

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