
Chapter 602: Arrogant for help

After listening to what they said, Chen Fei couldn't help but shook his head secretly. This group of guys, fully fed and idle, came to this kind of place to explore, and they not only folded themselves in, but also hurt their teammates. It was really self-inflicted.

Chen Fei did not mean that they could not explore or challenge themselves.

It’s just that you are not a professional, and you should not try this kind of high-risk thing lightly without the corresponding preparation. Moreover, if it is okay for one person, it is really unwise for the captain to bring a team of people to cause this kind of thing to happen for the so-called competition.

Chen Fei murmured in his heart, but his movements didn't stop. They went down into the gully together with Liang Pan and began to rescue.

Chen Fei glanced at the two people in the gully. He didn't care about the captain with the broken leg in front of him. Instead, he went directly to the deputy captain at the back and said to Liang Pan: "Hold him a little, use water, and wash his wounds. a bit!"

Liang Pan and the other team members immediately became busy.

As a result, the captain with the broken leg was immediately unhappy when he saw it, and shouted: "Hey, what's the matter with you? How can you save him but not me!"

The attitude of this guy made Chen Fei a little dissatisfied, but he patiently explained, "His blood vessel has been punctured and he has lost too much blood. The situation is very dangerous. He must stop the bleeding earlier."

As a result, the captain of the broken leg rushed directly after hearing the words: "You said his situation is dangerous, isn't my situation not dangerous?"

After finishing speaking, the broken leg captain shouted to the team members who helped: "What are you doing in a daze? Come and help me!"

Several players heard the words, looked at the bleeding deputy captain, and then at the captain with broken leg. In the end, he walked to the captain of the broken leg.

At this time, Chen Fei glanced at the captain with the broken leg, the expression on his face was even more unhappy. He gave Liang Pan a gesture, and then continued to bury his head to help the deputy captain deal with the wound.

Upon seeing this, the broken leg captain suddenly shouted angrily: "Hey, what's the matter with you? You didn't hear what I just said, I asked you to deal with the injury for me, did you hear?"

Chen Fei glanced at the captain of the broken leg coldly, and said: "I have already said the reason. I don't want to delay time. If you want to be rescued, you just close your mouth."

The captain of Broken Leg was even more displeased when he heard this, and said to Chen Fei: "I don't care what the reason is, I ask you to treat me first, and then treat me first, I hear you!"

"I'm not your servant, you are not qualified to order me!" Chen Fei said coldly, continuing the deputy captain's treatment of the wound.

Upon seeing this, the broken leg captain had a sullen expression. He directly shouted to the deputy captain: "Li Yong, tell me, let them treat me first, do you hear me?"

Li Yong, the deputy captain, couldn't help but his face became stiff and his expression was a bit ugly.

The captain of the broken leg suddenly shouted: "You dare not listen to what I said. Do you have to ask my cousin to talk to me after I go back!"

Hearing this, Li Yong couldn't help but his face became stiff, and he quickly shook his head, then looked at Chen Fei and Liang Pan, pale and weak, and said, "Thank you two, thank you. Please save Meng Chao first."

Chen Fei's eyes flickered, and his movements didn't stop, and he said coldly: "I'm here to save you, not your servant. I don't need to listen to your instructions. If you don't want to, I can leave now."

When Li Yong heard this, his complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I just--"

He wanted to explain, Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "I understand. However, as a doctor, I have the ability to judge who should be saved first, and then who should be saved!"

Speaking of Chen Fei, he continued to help the captain deal with the wound.

After a busy period, Chen Fei finally treated Li Yong's wound and the blood stopped. In addition, Chen Fei injected some true vitality into Li Yong's body, and his face improved a lot.

After dealing with Li Yong, Chen Fei finally walked towards Meng Chao, the captain of the broken leg.

Seeing Chen Fei coming, Meng Chao said with a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, "It's been so long, come here quickly and heal me!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei stopped for a while, looked directly at Meng Chao coldly, and said: "I said, I am not your servant, you are not qualified to order me."

Meng Chao's face sank when he heard this, and he said coldly: "Enough, you are just a rescuer, what pretend to be in front of me. Isn't it a problem of money? You cure me, and I tell you, money is not a problem at all. ."

"Not enough!" After finishing speaking, Meng Chao directly waved to Chen Fei impatiently, his appearance seemed very natural.

"Since you think it is a money problem, then use the money to solve it yourself!" Chen Fei turned around and waved to Liang Pan and said, "Let's go!"

Upon seeing this, Meng Chao's expression instantly turned pale, and he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, and said, "Do you dare to leave--"

Chen Fei sneered and said, "Hehe, my legs are on my own body, I want to go, can you control it?"

After speaking, Chen Fei and Liang Pan turned around and left.

At this time, Meng Chao was really anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "You stop me. Is your rescue team of this quality? Leave the injured people alone, I tell you, if you don't want to be fired, come and treat me immediately. hurt."

Facing the threat of Meng Chao, Chen Fei sneered: "You are too self-righteous. When did I say that we were members of the rescue team?"

"Are you not? Then who are you?" Meng Chao looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei ignored Meng Chao's words and walked into the dense forest with Liang Pan, and his figure quickly disappeared in the dense forest.

Meng Chao looked at the disappearance of the two, and looked down at his broken leg. He couldn't help but feel angry and painful. He gritted his teeth and said: "These two guys, how dare you treat me like this. I'll wait for my cousin to find out. You guys, what you look good at."

The deputy captain and others looked at Meng Chao who was gnashing his teeth and quickly came over to persuade him.

"Captain, don't be angry. We will definitely think of a way!"

"Yes, they are not from the rescue team, so the rescue team is definitely not far away, they will come soon!"


However, Meng Chao's expression became more gloomy when he saw the leg cured by Li Yong, the deputy captain.

Everyone dared not say anything, but Meng Chao became angry again, saying that they didn't want to help him.

In this way, Meng Chao has been constantly angered at them, making the whole team in a hurry and completely at a loss when facing Meng Chao.

In the end, fortunately, the rescue team rushed over in time. Amidst Meng Chao's cursing voice, with a black face, he finally rescued him.

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