
Chapter 646: Terrifying Ghost Domain

At this moment, the hurricane wind was blowing even harder, and the dense lead cloud made the entire cemetery plunge into darkness. black

When the wolf and others saw this situation, their expressions changed. "

This, what is going on? "

"The sky is completely overcast!"

"That guy is pretending to be a fool!"


Hey, don't pretend to be a fool, let me tell you, you can't scare us with these dregs tricks. "Black Wolf took the lead and shouted at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei just glanced at them and didn't pay any attention at all. He made a few black vigor with his hands, and the vigor surged, spreading rapidly in the air, turning into a black house, quickly covering the entire cemetery. among them. black

The fog was so full, the black wolf and others could no longer see the surrounding scene.

They can only hear the sound of the wind blowing constantly around them, and the dark clouds that are getting thicker and lower in the sky. The whole sky, in this squally wind, seemed to be falling down. One

This unprecedented sense of oppression and depression made Black Wolf and the others feel heavy, and their faces showed tension.

The two girls nervously said, "What happened, shouldn't it, there really is a ghost!"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of Black Wolf and others could not help but start to imagine the stories of those monsters and ghosts involuntarily.

And thinking about it this way, the more they think about it, the more scared they become, and the more they think about it, the more scared they become. With trembling legs, standing still, barely dared to move.

Upon seeing this, the black wolf took a deep breath, snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "There are no ghosts in this world. You are completely scaring yourself."

So, what is going on now? "A girl asked aloud.

The black wolf said: "This is just a trick to make magic. I made some smoke and blown the air. Let's go, as long as we get out of the smoke, it will be fine."

After speaking, the black wolf took the lead and walked forward. Although the companions behind him were nervous, they followed suit, one after another.

The black wolf took the lead, looked for a direction, and walked straight forward.

There is a hazy black mist around them. If it weren't for the tombstone that was occasionally exposed as a reference, they wouldn't know if they were walking or not.

However, after walking for more than ten minutes, they felt that there was still a black mist around them, and they couldn't see the outside scene at all, let alone go out.

Suddenly, the two nervous girls couldn't help but speak again.

"We have been walking for so long, why haven't we gone out yet?"

Yes, this cemetery is not that big! ""

Is it really a supernatural event? Obscure, there is no way to make such a large range! "


Hearing this, the black wolf in the lead twitched the muscles on his face a few times, then gritted his teeth and said: "Don't think about it, there are no ghosts in this world, let alone any supernatural events. This is just the kid's blindfold. As long as we continue to walk, we will definitely be able to go out." said

In the meantime, the black wolf took the lead and continued to move forward. But not long after he walked, the black wolf stopped by himself, and his whole body was sluggish in place. Rear

Upon seeing this, the companion in front of him couldn't help being curious, and said, "Black wolf, what's the matter? Why isn't it leaving?"

The black wolf didn't speak, the people behind, but could see his broad back, suddenly trembled slightly. Have

Curious, he walked to the black wolf and looked forward. and

At this look, he couldn't help but be surprised, and let out an exclamation, saying: "This, how is this possible?"

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"what is the problem?"


Some people trembled in their voices at this moment. he

Their complexions were extremely blue, and their faces were full of horror.

Because, just ahead, they suddenly found a broken tombstone. The tombstone was nothing but the tombstone that was kicked off by the black wolf just now. This

It also means that after walking for so long, they have returned to the same place.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts, and their bodies trembled involuntarily. Coupled with the sound of the wind flying through the tombstone, the whirring became even stronger, and there was a whistling sound, like a long and stern whistling sound.

"This, this is a ghost hitting the wall!" The student in charge of filming was trembling at this moment, and his face was full of horror.

"Really, there is a ghost!"

No, don't come over. do not come! ""

We were wrong, we will never dare again! "


The sound and shouts rang from the group of Black Wolf. on

Even the most unbelieving Black Wolf had his face frozen at this moment, his face was pale, and his lips trembled.

He kept shaking his head and trembling in a low voice: "No, this is impossible. Impossible, absolutely impossible. I believe in God, there can be no ghosts, impossible—"

Just as he was talking, suddenly, another gust of howling wind blew.

Then, he felt the mud under his feet seem to move.

He looked down and found that a rotten human hand was suddenly stretched out in the mud beside the broken tombstone. The flesh and blood of the human hand rotted away, and maggots crawled on it, and even through the flesh and blood, the dense white bones could be seen inside.

The big rotten hand protruded from the ground, and then it seemed that a force was pulling it out.

More parts came out, forearms, arms, big arms, and the whole arm came out. Then, the rotten head, the skeleton with a black hole, a person got out of the mud.

The rotting corpse exhaled a puff of black mist, and rushed towards the black wolf, with a deep low groan in his mouth, "You disturbed my sleep, I will kill you!" and

At the same time, among the surrounding graves, there was a sound of rotting corpses. "

Ignorant human beings, you have tarnished our honor, and I want you to pay the price! "

"Who destroyed my grave? I want revenge!"...


The hard black wolf turned his head to look around and found that his group of people had been surrounded by carrion. pause

At that time, he couldn't stand it anymore. I was so frightened that I ran away, yelling constantly: "Ghost, don't kill me, don't--"

The black wolves are like this. Those companions have been frightened and fleeing like a headless fly. only

Yes, no matter how they flee, they all find that they seem to be unable to escape the ghost realm filled with black mist at all. only

Can be thrown down by the carrion corpses chasing from behind, and then use their bones' claws to tear off the flesh and blood from their bodies. With a mouth that was vomiting black mist, they ate their flesh and blood bit by bit.

Can't bear this kind of panic anymore, a group of people fainted.

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