
Chapter 661: Su Yunlan

Chen Fei and Su Momo gestured to the people around, and then left together.

Not long after, Su Momo's cell phone rang. She looked at the phone number, her face suddenly sank, she connected the phone, said a few words quickly, and then hung up. Follow

That is, Su Momo looked at Chen Fei and said, "Brother-in-law, my aunt is here, and she is in a hotel not far away from the school, asking me to go there." Chen

Fei took Su Momo's hand and said, "Then let's go!"

Ok! Su Momo nodded, and walked side by side with Chen Fei.

However, the usually lively little girl, at this moment, seems a little worried, and even a little uneasy. see

Chen Fei gently squeezed Su Momo's cheek and said, "Don't worry, brother-in-law is here, nothing will happen." Su

Momo nodded, and then seemed to think of something again, and said to Chen Fei: "Brother-in-law, no, it's not right. You are playing my boyfriend now. I can't call you brother-in-law anymore. We have to change the name."

Well, that's right. "Chen Fei said, then looked at Su Momo, "Then I'll call you Momo." "

Su Momo nodded, and then said to Chen Fei: "Then what do I call you, Brother Fei, A Fei, it doesn't feel great!"

When Chen Fei heard the words, he smiled and said, "It's better to call her husband!" Su

When Momo heard it, he glared at Chen Fei and said, "Brother-in-law, you are taking advantage of me again. Oh, no, I'd better call you Chen Fei. Anyway, I will introduce my aunt to meet him, so there is no problem with this name. "Chen

Fei nodded and said, "Well, you can call it whatever you want."

While talking, the two had already arrived at the door of the hotel. This is a five-star hotel, which is considered very good in the whole Long'an City. Su Momo's aunt chose to meet here, which shows the family situation of the Su family.

Su Momo, who walked to the door of the hotel, became nervous again, took a deep breath, and his body trembled slightly. Chen

Upon seeing this, Fei grabbed Su Momo's slender jade hand, squeezed it slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Ok! Su Momo nodded, and then the two of them walked into the hotel together.

Quickly, Su Momo saw the aunt near the window in the hotel, held Chen Fei's hand harder, and walked over there.

Approaching, Chen Fei also saw the image of the woman sitting there. It was a middle-aged woman in her forties, with short, capable hair, a casual suit, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. She looked like a business woman. Do not

However, the jewelry and purses she carried with her were all world-renowned luxury brands, which were definitely not affordable by ordinary business women.

When the two approached, the other side also noticed the movement here, and turned his head to look over.

She saw Su Momo, nodded lightly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said: "Momo, you are here."

Su Momo also squeezed a smile and said, "Aunt Yunlan!"

Immediately, the middle-aged woman swept her eyes and fell on Chen Fei, especially when she saw Chen Fei and Su Momo holding hands. In an instant, her face sank, her tone was cold, and she stared at Chen Fei and said, "You are—"

Chen Fei smiled softly, and Su Momo hurriedly introduced, "Chen Fei, this is my aunt, Su Yunlan."

"Aunt, he is Chen Fei, my-friend!" Seeing the cold eyes in Aunt Su Yunlan's eyes, Su Momo still didn't directly say the three words for boyfriend, but used the two words for friend to introduce.

It's just that, even after using these two words, Su Yunlan still had cold eyes when they saw the two holding hands, and said in a bad tone: "Momo, why don't I know you have such a friend? Or a man." Su

Momo took a breath and explained, "Auntie, I met Chen Fei here. We have a very good relationship."

After that, Su Momo looked firm and said: "Aunty, shouldn't we sit down and talk?"

Su Yunlan resisted the angry anger, snorted softly, did not speak. Su

Upon seeing this, Momo pulled Chen Fei and sat down opposite Su Yunlan.

Chen Fei picked up the menu and said, "Aunt Su hasn't eaten yet, or else, let's order some dishes and talk while eating!" Su

Yun Lan said coldly: "I'm not your aunt!"

Chen Fei didn't feel annoyed, and continued: "I don't know what Ms. Su likes to eat?" Su

Yun Lan ignored Chen Fei at all, looked at Su Momo directly, and said, "Momo, I told you on the phone, what do you mean by my purpose of coming here?" Listen

At this point, Su Momo could not help but frowned, and then took a breath, and said firmly: "Auntie, I have already said it. I am not familiar with Yao Yao, and I don't want to be engaged to him. My marriage, I am. Make your own decisions." Su

When Yun Lan heard this, she shot it on the table and said, "Momo, what are you talking about. How old are you? Can you do such a big thing as a marriage?"

Su Momo was also anxious, and said: "Aunty, you also said that marriage is such a big thing! But you haven't asked me my opinion. Isn't it nonsense that I should be engaged to Yao Yao?"

"Young Master Yao was decided by me, your parents, and the elders of our Su family. The Yao family is a wealthy family in Nan'an City, and Young Master Yao is also a well-known rich and young man. Engaging with him will do no harm to our Su family. Yes." Su Yunlan said.

The more Su Momo listened, the more angry he said, "You know the benefits, and you know the door, but have you ever asked my opinion, did you like me? So I decided on the marriage, this kind of marriage, I will not Promised."

"I have said that Yao family is very good, Yao Gongzi is a dragon and phoenix among the people. Not to mention that in Nan'an City, even in the entire south, it is a good existence among the rich family. At this level, what do you have in Momo? Dissatisfied?" Su Yunlan said.

"You know that it depends on the conditions and family history. But this is marriage, affection, and it is not measurable by those things." Su Momo said. Su

Yun Lan couldn't help but her complexion changed when she heard this, and then said: "You are a kid, and you know what a relationship is. This engagement was decided by our elders after considering various aspects, and it will do no harm to you." Su

Momo was angry and anxious. She felt completely unreasonable and didn't excuse her. She grabbed Chen Fei's arm and pouted, "It doesn't hurt, then you can marry the Yao son. Anyway, I don't want to marry. Besides, I now have a boyfriend, Chen Fei."

When Su Yunlan heard Su Momo's personal relationship with Chen Fei, her complexion changed drastically, she glared at Chen Fei, and then said angrily: "Momo, how can you be so foolish!"

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