Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Space is king, time is respect

   After learning about the blood of the horned dragon Sildion’s descendants, Li Changsheng said that it was absolutely deceptive if he was not touched, because this was a dragon python with the blood of the candle dragon.

  Space is king, time is respected!

   This sentence is not just to say, facing enemies of the same realm, the demon pets of time and space attributes really take advantage, and can often be invincible.

Of course, it is not very reliable to face enemies of higher realm, because if skills such as time flow and space transfer are applied to opponents of higher realm, the effect will definitely decline sharply, and even backlash may be possible. .

   This is the limitation of time and space attributes, but relative to their advantages, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

   A dragon python with the blood of the candle dragon, even if the blood concentration is not very high, still has a high value, and it will be of great help to Li Changsheng to study the time-type ban.

   But there is a little Li Changsheng expressed that he is very curious that the horned dragon Sildion does not have the blood of the candle dragon, why the heir is the blood of the candle dragon.

   The dragon python gave birth to a pig dragon, that is, a crocodile. Sildion’s taste really inherited the dragon clan. From the situation, it is likely that this pig dragon has the blood of the candle dragon.

Li Changsheng also asked the whereabouts of this pig dragon, but Sildion said that this pig dragon had difficulty giving birth during the process of giving birth to the dragon python. In the end, Sildion cut the pig dragon's belly. Let this dragon python survive.

   The most speechless thing is that Sildion even ate the body of Pig Polong.

   Maybe Sildion thought that the pigpolong had the candle dragon bloodline, and eating the body of the pigpolong might also benefit its dragon bloodline.

   It's a pity, Sildion did useless work.

   Li Changsheng secretly said that it was a pity, and at the same time discussed with Sildion how to send his heirs out, and by the way, Sildion would have no worries.

   So, Yana Sans, the king of the Red Dragon, who had just returned to the Dragon Nest, had to set off again sadly and brought out Sildion's heirs.

   After flying out of the edge of the Silent Forest, Yana Sans met Li Changsheng who came to meet him, and was about to hand him the dragon python.

   "Yana Sans, you are so careless, you don't know that you have a tail hanging behind!"

   Li Changsheng had a solemn expression. When he spoke, Huang Quan's sword turned into a black sword light, piercing the shadow hundreds of meters away at an unimaginable speed.

   The opponent's concealment ability is extremely strong. If it is an ordinary king, unless he has a search-type world wonder, it is impossible to find it.

   Li Changsheng is different. As long as his special ability is scanned, he will be aware of it. Unless the quality of the opponent is not high, or the energy fluctuation is minimal, he will ignore it.

   is just in the feedback of mental power, the light spot that represents the other party is like a bright moon. According to Li Changsheng's experience, this is a fairy with a half-step epic quality.

   Originally, Li Changsheng thought he was lucky to encounter a wild goblin of half-step epic quality, but when he checked the information of the other party, he realized that there was no such coincidence.

[Fairy name]: Dark unicorn (mature stage, top monster, absorbs the dark sacred fruit, greatly enhances the power of dark skills, increases the probability of blindness and corrosion. Condenses the source of the Upanishad, greatly enhances the power of the skills; Guardian of the Upland: Partial damage exemption depends on the opponent's realm)

  【Fairy Realm】: Demon Saint Tier 9

  【Fairy Race】: Medium monarch

   [Fairy Quality]: Half-step epic "Compared with the top and the insufficiency more than the bottom, it will definitely break through the demon king level"

  【Fairy Bloodline】: Nightmare (rich)

   [Fairy Attribute]: Darkness

   [Fairy State]: Healthy

  【Fairy Weakness】: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

   For the lord of Silent Forest, Li Changsheng has learned a lot from Sildion.

   This demon-sage-level dark unicorn is not hiding the high lord, but the high lord Mercofis, who is ranked third on the surface, and is best at hiding.

In addition, Li Changsheng still has a doubt, that is, the Dark Sacred Fruit. Last time he found the Thunder Sacred Fruit in the data of Lightning Taitan Lonos. This time it is the Dark Sacred Fruit. The names of the two are relatively similar. The key is whether it is Mercorpheus or Cronus, they are both the lord of Silent Forest.

   "It seems that Sildion still has something to hide, and I will ask it when I go back!"

   Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that organizations with a long history like the Forest of Silence naturally have a lot of good things, and it is no wonder that the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiang will play the idea of ​​the Forest of Silence.

  When the Huangquan sword stabbed, the shadow fluctuated inexplicably, and a handsome dark unicorn rushed out, his head lowered and raised, using the unicorn to resist the Huangquan sword.


   The unicorn can be said to be the hardest part of the dark unicorn's body. In the realm of the Demon Saint level of Mercofis, it is even harder than some low-grade world wonders.

   Only after colliding with the blade of Huangquan Sword, Mercorpheus's unicorn was still cut a lot, and the sharpness of Huangquan Sword can be imagined.

  Merkoffice was surprised at the same time, hurriedly tossed his head, shook off the Huangquan Sword, and turned around to escape.

   Since it has been exposed, and asking himself that he is not Li Changsheng’s opponent, Murkoffis naturally chose to escape.

   It’s just that at this moment, Mercorpheus’s heart was full of doubts, and he didn’t know what method Li Changsheng used, and he could see through it that had escaped into the shadow in an instant.

   "Mercophis, since it's here, let's stay!"

   As Li Changsheng just finished speaking, Ashe turned into a golden rainbow and appeared in front of Mercorpheus instantly.

   Although Mercorpheus reacted, but his body did not keep up, he was hit head-on by Ash, who was in the state of the white tiger transforming the rainbow.

   Click~ Click~ Click~

   How powerful was Ashe's strength, Mercoffis directly smashed the trees along the way, and finally stopped after 100 meters at dawn, directly causing Mercoffis to suffer serious damage.

   Although there is a gap between Ashe and Mercorpheus in the small realm, the superiority in quality and race can offset this gap, and on the contrary, he is stronger in combat power.

   In addition to Ashe, naturally there are other monster pets playing.

   Before Mercorpheus stood up from the ground, Tien Li Huluan ejected a flame column and swept toward it.

  Mercophis knew that the longer he stayed here, the lower his hope of survival.

   Without hesitation, Mercorpheus just dodged a bit, and then endured the pain of being burned by the flames, and wanted to rush towards the hinterland of the Silent Forest.

   But at this moment, a large purple cauldron flew over and landed on top of its head impartially.

   The purple cauldron did not fall, but a special wave was emitted. Mercoffis felt his body sank, as if he was being held down by a mountain, and felt bad in his heart.

   At this moment, a huge shadow enveloped Murkoffice.


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