Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1363: Supernatural powers: big and small

While waiting, Li Changsheng made two more transactions.

One stroke is based on the top-level Yuyao Jue of the "Wuqi Chaoyuan" in exchange for a "Golden Zhang Yulu", but it is a sub version.

Both sides can also be regarded as getting what they need, and no one suffers.

This "Golden Chapter and Jade Record" is still a great supernatural power, its name is Ruyi, and it can be changed from large to small at will. Its strength and physique change with changes, and it can conceal the shape of the heavens and the earth or hide the form.

Not only that, but also local changes in size, for example, when the hand stretches out, it suddenly grows bigger and bigger, and can hit the enemy by surprise. If this magical power is applied to the third leg, it can theoretically be able to whip to death.

Li Changsheng is very satisfied with the magical powers of the size and wish, not only can it match the changes in "Xuanji Nine Changes", but also can be used for boudoir pleasure.

The second transaction was related to the half-grain of Golden Turtle Jade Dew Pill. A double-character king exchanged the corpse of a water-saving golden-eyed beast + a piece of the origin of the earth in exchange for half of the Jin Turtle Jade Dew Pill + Qiankun Pill.

Qiankun Good Fortune Pill is a special top-level pill that can increase the effect of bloodline transformation treasures, and the effect depends on the level of the bloodline transformation treasures.

Li Changsheng possessed Qiankun's good fortune pill prescriptions, and Langya, Daiguo and Xiguo continued to provide resources. During this time, Kailan refined a few.

Not only the Qiankun Pill of Good Fortune, but also the future Sumi Pill and Shifang Nether Pill, etc. have also refined a batch.

This transaction is not easy to say who loses and who wins, it can only be said to be a win-win situation, and each has obtained what it needs.

"The corpse of the water-saving golden-eyed beast can probably purify six or seven cans of essence and blood. If you add the inventory, it may make Bizhen's blue-eyed golden-eyed beast go further."

Li Changsheng secretly said, not only that, but the remaining materials of the water-saving golden-eyed beast can also be used to refine several world-class strange treasures or semi-sacred artifacts.

As for the origin of the soil, it exists for the time being.

After more than an hour, when Li Changsheng and others were anxious, King Kan finally heard the news.

Soon, the two met again.

"King Kan, how's it going?"

"Fortunately not insulting one's life!"

Under Li Changsheng's surprised gaze, King Kan handed him a piece of blue crystal in pain.

Looking at the flawless crystal in his hand, Li Changsheng could be sure that it was the original crystal of water.

The strange thing was that the other party didn't even see Li Changsheng's face, so he gave him an invaluable, profound crystal of origin.

"My ancestor told me to give it to you!"

The ancestor in King Kan's mouth naturally refers to Emperor Wu.

"It turned out to be Emperor Wu, what did your Majesty say you want to change?"

King Kan shook his head in a tone of envy, jealousy and hatred, and said, "The ancestors said it will be given to you!"

Li Changsheng was a little surprised, and then frowned again. To be honest, he would rather trade things for things than owe favors.

It's just that this Upright Origin Crystal is of great use to him, and he is reluctant to return it to Emperor Wu.

The most important thing is that if you return it to Emperor Wu, the other party doesn't know what to think, maybe it will become angry. After all, Emperor Wu's personality is really explosive, and his brain circuits seem to be a little different from ordinary people.


Li Changsheng made a decision and chose to accept the kindness of Emperor Wu. Whenever he has enough strength, he might help him.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng handed the Zixiao Kirin Armor to King Kan.

"Then I will accept it unceremoniously!"

King Kan happily touched the Zixiao Qilin Armor, showing an expression like he was touching his wife.

After obtaining the crystallization of the upright origin, Li Changsheng was afraid that the king of Cang would go back, so he immediately went to the king of Cang, and by the way, transmitted to Xiang Yutian and King Gen to signal that King Kan had found it.

Not to mention the expressions of Xiang Yutian and King Gen after receiving the sound transmission, just say that after Li Changsheng found Queen Cang, he took out the crystal of the origin of water and prepared to complete the transaction with the other party.

To be honest, Li Changsheng was really afraid that the king of Cang would go back, or come to a lion to open his mouth.


The Cangwang hesitated for a moment and chose to exchange directly.

It's not that the Cang King didn't want the lion to open his mouth, it was that he did not dare to offend Li Changsheng, otherwise it would be difficult to guarantee that the other party would trouble him after the exchange meeting, so it is better to accept it.

"Under Cangwang, if you have time, you can come to Langya as a guest at any time!"

Li Changsheng also expressed goodwill in a timely manner and exchanged'business cards' with Cangwang.

After completing the transaction, Li Changsheng did not leave, and continued to wait on the edge of the jade platform, occasionally checking the items recently put on by other kings.

This wait is nearly a day, until the end of the trade fair.

During this period, Li Changsheng also found a few items that were of great use to him. Unfortunately, either the seller was not a big talker, or the seller's conditions were not met, and he had to choose to give up.

As for the potential buyers who took the initiative to find him for a deal, they have completed another transaction.

Li Changsheng used the second ancestral dragon scale armor in exchange for the "Earth of the Gods" and a bottle of hole virtual chalcedony.

Hollow Chalcedony: A treasure of heaven and earth, which can speed up the growth of Lingzhi.

In this way, as long as you make up the Dijiang Chapter, you can make up the "Du Tian Shen Sha".

It’s just that, for some reason, the Dijiang Chapter is notoriously difficult to collect. According to Li Changsheng’s speculation, there should be some people who don’t want other people to make up the "Evil of the Heavens".

Just as Li Changsheng expected, this exchange meeting, Li Changsheng can be said to have gained a lot, and has the opportunity to further his strength.

After the exchange meeting, Luo Yuanjun approached Li Changsheng.

"Brother Li, Your Majesty the Emperor is going to meet you tonight."

Li Changsheng's heart was tense, and he smiled pretentiously: "Brother Luo, do you have anything else to explain?"

To put it bluntly, Li Changsheng really doesn't want to see the Emperor, who knows if the Emperor will hand him over to the Emperor Xuan.

More than that, when the Emperor saw him alone, it was possible to see through his realm.

"No." Luo Yuanjun shook his head, after thinking about it, and then transmitting his voice to Li Changsheng: "Your Majesty Human Emperor has just received the Emperor Xuan's messenger again, Brother Li, if you can, you'd better be loyal to your Majesty, the best is Swear by heaven."

Luo Yuanjun's meaning is very simple. If Li Changsheng is loyal to the Emperor, then he is the real one, and the combat power shown by Li Changsheng is almost equivalent to a top double-character king.

It's just that Li Changsheng's potential is too enchanting. Once the emperor feels that Li Changsheng is a threat, there is also the possibility of being cheated to death.

From the standpoint of Li Changsheng, it is impossible for him to put his life in the hands of others, even if the other party is the emperor.

"Thank you, Brother Luo, for your suggestion."

Li Changsheng thanked Luo Yuanjun, but did not say his plan.

Luo Yuanjun glanced at Li Changsheng, then shook his head and said with a smile: "I know your plan, and I will try my best to deal with you."

Li Changsheng thanked Luo Yuanjun again, and the other party was willing to do this for him, and he was worthy of the friendship between the two.

After Luo Yuanjun left, Li Changsheng returned to the Palace of the Kings. The questions that the Emperor had received were set aside for the first time, and he was going to raise a wave before talking.

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