Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1397: 1 gasification 3 clear

"I'll leave it to you here!"

After Li Changsheng finished speaking, he disappeared together with Emperor Wu.

In a palace, two figures appeared.

This time, the two acquired a few wisps of the **** of the night, which contained a certain amount of memory.

In addition, there are two other artifacts, namely the Pseudo-Order Scale and the platinum sword with the word ‘Secluded Night’ engraved on the hilt.

The energy fluctuations radiated by these two artifacts were comparable to the treasures of the Zifu Treasure Class, which was a bit beyond Li Changsheng's expectations.

Not to mention that sword, the pseudo-order balance in the previous battle, but with one breath resisted the joint attacks of Emperor Wu, day and night. Although it was still broken in the end, the defense was definitely at the highest level of Langhuan. As a result, It turned out to be only the Treasure Grade of the Purple Mansion.

"That's it!"

Li Changsheng checked and quickly found the reason.

There is a dark grid in the middle of the balance of order. After opening the dark grid, a transparent crystal can be seen.

This is a **** crystal, to be precise, it is a **** crystal that has exhausted all its power.

Obviously, the **** of the night has activated the device in the pseudo-order balance and quickly extracts the divine power in this **** crystal, so that the defensive power of the pseudo-order balance can be greatly enhanced. It can only be used once, only in a crisis. Will be used.

"Look at the memory of the **** of the night first."

Regarding these two artifacts, the two did not value them, and began to look at these wisps of divinity.

Since there are only a few strands of divinity, there are not many memories to bear, but the two still found something.

What is the purpose of Human Sovereign? There is no record of this in these memories, but there are memories of the beginning of the birth of the **** of the night.

Judging from these memories, Human Sovereign has mastered a great supernatural power called Yiqihuasanqing, equipped with a balance of order, and countless precious resources, and this has created the **** of the night with an independent personality.

Of course, the newly created God of You Ye is no different from a mortal, because the Emperor did not grant power, but directly gave a large number of targeted resources to send the God of You Ye to the plane of dawn.

With the assistance of countless resources, the **** of the night can quickly become a god.

"In addition to the God of Youye, there are two more!"

Li Changsheng had a solemn expression. He had heard of the great supernatural power of transforming three clears in one qi. It was a great supernatural power that could differentiate into three special clones, namely Taiqing, Yuqing and Shangqing.

However, Li Changsheng can be sure that the mere gasification of the Sanqing cannot make the humans in the fairy world become gods. The key is likely to be the balance of order, or the emperor may have mastered or developed a special method.

Li Changsheng didn’t care about the conclusion. He was concerned about the remaining two clones except the **** of the night. Judging from the development of the **** of the night, the emperor must have made a plan. The other two clones are very Probably not inferior to the **** of the night, or even stronger.

As for where these two clones went, Li Changsheng didn't know.

Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu looked at each other, and they all felt solemnity in each other's eyes.

Emperor Wu pondered for a moment, and said, "The Emperor Human is in the next big chess game. I am afraid that I have planned for a long time. Where do you think the other two clones have gone?"

"There are three possibilities. They may be in the fairy world, they may be in the dawn plane, or they may have gone to other worlds. I think the last one is the most likely."

Li Changsheng analyzed it. If these two clones were still in the fairy world, they would have used them in the fierce battle with Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu.

Even if these two avatars are only double-character kings, with the accumulation of a lot of resources, they are enough to reach the point of Bodhi King, at least they can help a lot.

As for the plane of dawn, this is hard to say. Li Changsheng needs to continue to explore, but he has seen the surprise of several local gods on the plane of dawn. The one who became **** recently is the **** of the night, and the other gods become gods at least. It's been hundreds of years.

Therefore, the possibility of the plane of dawn is also very small.

"These two avatars are more likely to be scattered in two unknown worlds, rather than one world."

Emperor Wu thought for a while and made a supplement.

Li Changsheng nodded and approved Emperor Wu's conclusion.

"Just, what is the intention of the Emperor?"

Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu glanced at each other. Since there are too few useful memories, no valid conclusion can be drawn at all, and they can only be guessed.

"I think this is the way the Emperor arranged for him. If the body dies, the consciousness of the Emperor may merge into a clone."


Li Changsheng always felt that it was impossible to be so simple, but he really couldn't think of other reasons. In short, there was still too little information.

After most of the day passed, King Underworld, Gritty and others finally resolved the rebellious forces of the Youye Club Church, including the other two Youye Churches within the royal city.

In addition, there is the church of Rose Queen.

"Next, you will not only completely incorporate the entire dark region into your territory, but also eliminate the evil forces of the **** of the night and the spider queen Rose as much as possible, and crush it if you encounter danger."

Li Changsheng explained their next task, and soon handed them a few emerald-colored beads.

This is a special prop made by him in his spare time. It contains spatial energy. As long as it is crushed, Li Changsheng can not only receive it, but also transmit it to it at any time.

Not only that, there is also the mark of Li Changsheng on the beads, just like the Dragon Ball Radar, he can feel the location of the beads, and at the same time can use it to transmit it.

Of course, there is a range limit. Once it exceeds a thousand miles, the induction between Li Changsheng and Zhuzi will be interrupted. Only by crushing the beads can the distance barrier be ignored, but it can only be effective in the same world.

If the two worlds are separated, Li Changsheng is also powerless.

Even so, this is a very cost-effective special item.


King Ming Cang and the others replied respectfully, and then they couldn't wait to get ready to go. Although it was a bit dangerous, it was also a beautiful task for them.

"Brother Su, I'll leave it to you for the time being, I'll go to the surface world first."

Li Changsheng thought of the sealed ancestral black This period of time has passed, and it must be possible to exploit this ancestral black dragon again. If the inventory is added, his secondary ancestor black dragon may be possible. Go further.

In addition, he is going to give this ancestral black dragon to Emperor Wu, so that he can add another point of strength.

Although this ancestral black dragon is only at the Demon Saint level, it is a sacred beast and can compete with the ordinary Demon Emperor level demon pets.

Another point is that the more Emperor Wu's dragon-like demon pets, the easier it is to be targeted by him and prevent them from happening.

However, just as they were about to leave, suddenly, Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu were shocked. The two looked at each other, and they all saw surprise, surprise, shock and panic in each other's eyes.

"Something has happened, let's go, go to the Hall of Kings!"

Without hesitation, the two cast their consciousness towards the Hall of Kings.

Not only them, but all those who have a throne in the Palace of Kings, put down the things in their hands for the first time and put their consciousness into it.

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