Release that Witch

Chapter 1040: Victor's plan

As the biggest contributor to grain production, the story of the leaves has long been written in the "Witch Diary" in the form of comic strips. Such brochures are sold in the convenience market, and it is not uncommon for foreign businessmen to know that her existence.

However, the name of the surname hopes to cooperate with the witch. He is the first one to be different from the adventurous fjord. The four mainland countries are more influenced by the church and the prejudice against the witch is much deeper. Now some people are willing to take the initiative to contact the witch, Roland. Also gave birth to a bit of interest.

After looking through the letter, he touched his chin. "From the morning dawn... You should know his address?"

"Yes," Barov said. "He has a record in the Executive Office. I also asked the woman to check the tax record and found that his record can be traced back to six years ago. But at that time his business was mainly acquisition. The original jewels, and occasionally some furs, are not related to cotton."

"Interesting." Roland knew very well how simple the tax system of this era was. It was entirely recorded by the tax official. It took a long time for me to be clear, let alone check. In addition, the resident and the producers can say that after all, the fields can't run there, and like the merchants who flow frequently, there are many ways to avoid the "exploitation" of the local lords. Leaving a tax record means that the other party is honest and trustworthy, which is an uncommon quality in the merchant community.

"Call Victor to the castle," he put down the stationery. "I want to talk to him alone."

"Follow, sire."


Roland soon saw the businessman in the living room.

He does have the characteristics of the morning sun, like Andrea, the hair is light gold; the facial features are at the upper level, the skin is also very well maintained; the gesture is completely aristocratic, the etiquette is just right, at a glance I know that my family is very expensive.

It is hard to imagine that such people need to travel between the two countries for their livelihood. Even if it is a large-scale trade, you can hand it over to a reliable hand, instead of choosing to experience it yourself. After all, even if this era is rich again, long-distance travel is not a relaxing life.

The other party also appropriately explained the family dispute.

In order to avoid the oppression of his brother and prove his ability, he had to bid farewell to his hometown and go to the Grey Fort to run a business.

Although this part of the story is rather vague, Roland did not continue to ask. No matter what, it is a private matter of others, and he is not interested. The nightingale did not respond, and it also meant that the businessman did not lie.

After listening to the introduction, Roland went straight to the topic. "You want the leaves to produce high-yield cotton seeds. The ultimate goal is to create a new ready-to-wear store and promote the whole kingdom with good quality and low price?"

This is one of the reasons why he decided to summon Victor. Not that his association is too rich, but the end of the letter is written like this. It’s as if someone submitted a business plan with a fundraising target of one billion, and now you are missing the five hundred.

“It’s not just the Greysburg Kingdom,” the businessman nodded. “I calculated the price, and the final finished product is still competitive even if it is shipped to the morning.”

Low-priced dumping is indeed a magic weapon to seize the market, but... this is not an easy task. “How do you guarantee that it will be affordable?”

“First of all, I need special cotton, squatting.” Victor is very excited. “Since Miss Yeh can produce three times the output of golden wheat, then I think she should also triple the output of cotton if the price of raw materials. Can be pressed to the current one-third, so clothes can be cheaper."

Roland couldn't help but laugh out. This logic seems to be impeccable, but when you think about it, it makes people feel ridiculous. High-yield cotton is not a difficult thing for the leaves. With the support of the forest's vast magic, her cultivation time can be further shortened. The problem is that the reason why food prices are so low is that they are at a stable food price. Think about it, not that it can't sell high prices.

People can't afford to eat a big problem, but cotton is not like this. There are hemp, coarse cloth and animal skin in front of it.

"Well... even if the leaves can actually increase cotton by three times, why don't I sell three times more money to other merchants than sell them to you?"

“Because I can help you save a lot of up-front investment and provide jobs for more than 2,000 people.” Victor did not stop. “In addition, you can get a huge amount of tax revenue, people You can also benefit from it. You don't need to worry about it. Just give it to me."

I have to say that this very modern style of answer made Roland feel surprised again. He took a moment to speak. "These words... are you all seen from the newspaper?"

"There is no publicity announcement for the Winter City. I have read it carefully. Although many words have been read a bit at the beginning, it really made me see the meaning of business from another aspect." Victor Breasted "If it is other lords, this kind of self-depreciation proposal will only drive me out of the door, but if it is you, I think it will not be realized."

This is a novel way of complimenting... If he is driven out now, isn’t he becoming the “other lord” in his mouth? Roland slightly tilted his mouth. "Tell your plan."

Then Victor talked for nearly an hour, and obviously prepared well beforehand.

His concept is not complicated. In simple terms, it is to build a commercial system that integrates planting, textiles and sales. The Losa family has a long history of clothing, and experience and technology are not problems. As soon as the project is officially launched, it will soon be effective.

Of course, everyone who paints a big cake, and the reason why Roland has been listening to it is because he does not consider the many details to be not suitable for cotton planting. Therefore, this part of the industry will be concentrated in the southern region along with textile production. There is plenty of sunshine and high temperatures throughout the year, and the migration of the sand people will bring a lot of laborers, and the conditions are very suitable. The sewing and garment department is set up in the winter city without higher purchasing power.

In the early stage, whether it is renting land, recruiting growers, or investing in textile plants, equipment, etc., it is assumed by Victor. No winter city does not have to bear any risks. In addition to providing high-yield seeds, the entire process is in a positive state of return.

In addition, because cotton is used in a single way, it is easy to estimate the output from the purchase amount, so the tax is also very convenient, which can alleviate a lot of burden for both parties.

Among these details, there are two places that Roland is more interested in: First, the high-efficiency spinning tools mentioned by the other side can handle cotton processing under three times of production. Second, the Lothar family has a number of old tailors who often design clothes for the Huiguang City nobles to ensure that the finished products are widely loved by the public. Victor also admitted that he was watching "Wolf Heart" and found that the winter-free people's dress was still in a very simple stage, and there was no such thing as the king's demeanor.

These two points are the key to the whole plan. With them, this huge and ambitious system is no longer a castle in the air, but rather quite feasible.

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