Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 406: : Pointy Sand Tower

"You should think about it, but after we find them, what kind of reward will Tianyu City give us."

The bloodthirsty rat put on an expression that you can't love, and manipulated Xue Yong's original body of nutrient solution into the body of the three mechanical dinosaurs.

"Thank you, I can't live long without the nutrient solution." The dinosaur's head on the left slowly spoke, revealing Xue Yong's head.

Now he has a harder skull.

"After you go back, I will give you a new body." Then Luo Fei thought about going to Bing Moment City in the future, so he asked: "Do you want a mechanical body in the future, or a biochemical body with flesh and blood and touch?"

"Biochemical body? What is that?" Xue Yong was curious.

"It's an artificial body, which is stronger than ordinary people and has a longer lifespan. The only drawback is that it can't reproduce." Luo Fei's mind quickly remembered the pioneers there, and the long-lived ones would die.

"Does this kind of technology really exist?" Bandung's eyes gleamed. "Then I want it too."

"Can't reproduce, you have to think carefully." The bloodthirsty rat shook his head and looked at him.

"It doesn't matter, my dozen or so children are about to get married, and I don't care anymore." Bandung's excited eyes reflected, "For me now, besides making money or making money, this is all in my life."

"Then wait for my news." Luo Fei ended the topic indifferently.

The production of biochemicals is definitely difficult, and the resource consumption will definitely be a lot.

Luo Fei was confident that Xue Yong could become a biochemical entity, but for others, he had to think about it, which was beyond the guarantee he could make.

The three reached a consensus and proceeded along the path of the mechanical dinosaurs, only to find that their footprints had been covered by wind and sand.

The longer the time, the more unclear the traces of the footprints, and even in the end, the three of them lost the trace of the mechanical dinosaur.

"What to do? They are gone." On the left side of the mechanical dinosaur, Xue Yong looked around.

Luo Fei twitched the tip of his nose, but there was nothing but dry air.

"By the way, there is a human village nearby. Let's go there and ask what they should know." At this time, the businessman Bandung was sitting on the back of three mechanical dinosaurs, putting up a pergola and looking into the distance.

"There is still a human village here?" A metal accent came from the right side of the three mechanical dinosaurs.

The businessman recalled: "It was originally a group of scavengers. In an accident, I once helped them bring goods, but I didn't make much money. Later, I gradually lost any contact with them."

The Bloodthirsty Mouse turned his head, "Well, anyway, there is no clue, then let's ask."

"They should be... over there." Bandung pointed to the distance, and at the edge of the horizon, a pointed sand tower appeared.


Under the scorching sun, above the yellow sand, two hunters in yellow camouflage clothes were lying on the top of the sand slope.

I don't know how long I have been lying here, I have not seen passing prey.

"Master, I'm afraid I won't find anything today. There are really fewer and fewer prey now."

A slightly younger soldier licked his lips. He was a little sleepy from squinting because he had been leaning on a simple gun for a long time.

"Encourage yourself, if a prey is let go, then we will starve to death one or two people here tonight."

The person called the master wrapped his head tightly in a white cloth, showing only a pair of emotionless eyes, and scanning the surroundings.

"Someone is coming, get ready to... kill her."

The young soldier hurriedly looked into the distance through the scope of the gun, only to see a woman in a red wedding dress walking slowly, the red umbrella in her hand slowly turning.

"Is it a human? Do you want to... shoot?"

The master looked at him without emotion, "Either she is dead, or your daughter-in-law and child die, you choose one."

The young soldier gritted his teeth for a moment, and finally raised his head, his eyes were silent.

He had already made a choice, and aimed the reforming gun in his hand at the woman who was slowly walking in the distance.

The moment the sand blew, the gunshot sounded, and a bullet came to the woman's body instantly.

She was about to be pierced by a bullet. Suddenly, a red figure emerged from the woman's body, and a tiger roar knocked the bullet in front of her away.

Suddenly under attack, the woman in red lifted up the umbrella curtain calmly, revealing her smooth chin.

Good-looking eyes narrowed to the hidden sneak attacker.

"No, it's a supernatural person. Let's get out of here." The master was taken aback, jumped up like a spring, and turned and ran away.

"Master, wait for me." The young soldier also realized that it was not good, turned around and ran. Before turning his head, he saw three floating figures quickly approaching them.

At first, the two went head-to-head, but it didn't take long for the young soldier's physical strength to gain the upper hand, slowly closing the gap with his master.

Seeing that the three floating figures behind him were getting closer and closer, the master did not hesitate to pull the bolt, and shot the young man's thigh.

"Ah..." The young man fell to the ground, looking incredulously at the master who ran past him.

He really didn't expect the other party to shoot him.

The three figures behind him were already less than three meters away from him, and six sharp claws were already open.

In the young soldier's premonition, he was bound to die, and his originally angry expression suddenly became fierce.

He took the reforming gun in his hand and pulled the trigger at the back of his master.

The gunfire sounded again.


The young man looked at the wound on his chest incredulously. The moment he was about to pull the trigger, his master had already fired a deadly bullet at it.


The young soldier fell to the ground full of resentment, and was killed by the'bridesmaids' who rushed up.

The master in the front continued to run, shooting at his back from time to time. The bullets immediately passed through the body of the ‘bridesmaids’, but they only caused the opponent’s screams and had no effect on them.

Seeing that he couldn't kill the other party, the master turned around and fell to his knees, begging for mercy to the wedding dress girl who came slowly:

"Please forgive me, forgive me, I can promise you whatever you want."

The ‘bridesmaids’ stopped attacking, and Xueyi, the girl in the wedding dress, stood in front of him a long time later, looking at him condescendingly, "Then you tell me where is the person from the ‘Eye of Time’?"

A bunch of question marks popped up in the master's mind, and he could tell from his confused eyes that he really didn't know.

Seeing that the "bridesmaids" around were about to start, the master hurriedly shouted: "But I know where there is water and where there is food."

You can walk in the desert without a car, without money, but without water, otherwise you will not be able to get out of the desert at all.

"You moved me, lead the way."

After receiving instructions, the master quickly got up and moved forward like a dogleg toward the pointed sand tower in the distance.

Not long before the two of them walked, another dust rose on the other side of the sand slope.

A motorcycle saw them and drove towards them halfway through a turn.

The young soldier's master called himself an evil master, and quickly stepped forward and raised his hand to reform the gun.

Before the motorcycle in front of him stopped, he shot a bullet on the sand next to the motorcycle, splashing a dust of sand, and shouted:

"Quickly stop for me, if you don't want to die, just leave the motorcycle."

The motorcycle stopped, and there were two figures sitting on it, one of which made Xueyi very familiar.

"Kaya, it's really fate to meet you."

"Why don't you introduce the sister in front?"

Facing Xueyi, Kaya was obviously a little scared, and quickly whispered to the figure in front of her:

"Mengxi Pioneer, she is the nasty woman who followed Luo Fei. She forced us to work for her."

She thought she was very quiet, but Xueyi heard Kaya's words clearly.

" misunderstood me." Xueyi covered her mouth and chuckled, "I didn't mean to persecute you. I just used martial arts to persuade people. If you are also stronger, then you can persecute me. NS."

"Oh, as long as I am better than you, you will listen to me, right?" Mengxi looked at him with suspicious eyes, "I hope you won't be beaten and cry by me."

"Accept the move."

As soon as the words fell, two bullhead monsters appeared out of thin air and rushed to Xueyi fiercely.

The opponent's speed was very fast, and the evil master on the side was taken aback, and sat on the ground, while the gun in his hand burst into flames.

A bullet hit the bull's head monster, but it was like a rubber bullet hitting the cowhide and bounced away easily.

They waved their claws and grabbed Xueyi's head.

As the immediate crisis was approaching, Xueyi was calm and calm. A dozen "bridesmaids" emerged from under her umbrella, spreading their sharp claws and rushing towards the bullhead monster.

The speed of the ‘bridesmaid’ was very fast, and the two claws landed on the bullhead monster first.

The bodies of the bullhead monsters are more rigid, and the claws of the "bridesmaids" cut away from them.

At the same time, the two bullhead monsters threw out spear-like tails. The tails were very flexible and fast. They made a phantom sound in the air, accurately penetrating the chests of the ‘bridesmaids’.

Both of them are energy creatures, which do great harm to each other.

The ‘bridesmaids’ screamed immediately and turned into nothingness.


One face to face, the "bridesmaids" were cut in half, and the two bullhead monsters were still alive, Xueyi was very sad, but she was the only "bridesmaids" left.

Seeing this, Mengxi smiled triumphantly, "surrender, since you are Luo Fei's subordinate, I can consider not to pursue your mistakes."

"Master Pioneer Envoy, she hasn't tried her best yet, and there is a huge tiger." Fearing that Mengxi would lose the game because of her complacency, Kaya quickly reminded her in a low voice.

"Oh? Can you still summon a tiger?" Mengxi secretly guarded and said loudly:

"Summon your tiger, let's compare it, let us decide who we should listen to next."

At this time, Xueyi gently wiped her tears and shook her head, "I gave up, I listen to you."

Mengxi and Kaya looked at each other and couldn't believe that the other party gave up so quickly.

"Why? Don't you still have combat power?" Mengxi didn't accept it immediately, she felt too unreal.

"Xiaohong is injured, I don't want it to bring the injury to the battle." Xueyi blinked, "Besides, we are all women. Why should women make women so hard?"

Mengxi dissipated her doubts and nodded in satisfaction, but Kaya curled her lips slightly, "I didn't see you didn't embarrass me before."


The closer Luo Fei was to the pointed sand tower, the more he could see the height of the sand tower.

It is at least ten meters high and covers an area of ​​100 square meters, like a small tall building.

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