The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Hey! This time I brought Xiyue back to the Taichu Holy Land. At first, Master didn't know the situation and scolded me."

"If I dare to take down the Lord Saint, I don't know how angry Master will be!"

Gu Qingge shook his head and said.

As his first woman, he cares about Master's feelings.

He knows that Master is a reasonable person and will not get angry easily. Every time he gets angry, there is a reason, and it is all because of what he did.

"You may not know that when Master Tan Tai was young, she was always taken care of by my Master, so she is very afraid of my Master. If you take down my Master, let my Master help you manage Master Tan Tai or educate Master Tan Tai in the future, I dare say that Master Tan Tai will never be angry again."

Hearing this, Gu Qingge's eyes suddenly widened and he became very interested.

He was very curious. Once Master Baobao was angry with him and taught him a lesson, Master Shengzhu suddenly appeared to support him. What kind of scene would it be at that time?

"Hey! Let's meet the Holy Lord first! I don't know what the Holy Lord's personality is like?"

"Don't worry, my Master will never slap you. After all, you are the Holy Son now, representing the face of Taichu Holy Land. Master is wholeheartedly for Taichu Holy Land and will definitely not do anything to damage the face of the Holy Land."

Every word and action of Gu Qingge and Beiming Zhiyun was taken into Xiyue's eyes.

Bei Ming Zhiyun's words once again broke her cognition.

A virtuous wife could be so virtuous.

If her mother was like Bei Ming Zhiyun, then with her father's character, he would probably find a bunch of concubines for her and give birth to a bunch of little brothers and sisters.

Of course, the premise is that her father has that hard power.

After all, if he can't even satisfy his mother, how can he satisfy other women?

On the other side, Gu Qingge and Bei Ming Zhiyun walked and talked, and soon came to the Taichu Saint Lord.

"Zhiyun, is this the Holy Son of my Taichu Holy Land?"

The Taichu Saint Lord looked Gu Qingge up and down, his eyes full of satisfaction.

"Qingge is also my disciple's Taoist partner!"

Bei Ming Zhiyun said very proudly.

"The Holy Son and the Holy Daughter are very suitable, but with the Holy Son's excellence, I'm afraid there will be many admirers. I just don't know how many Taoist partners he will have in the future?"

Although her disciples also have many admirers, as a woman, she can only choose one person after all.

As the Holy Son, no matter how many admirers Gu Qingge has, as long as he wants, he can take all of them into his harem.

So, she wants to give Gu Qingge a warning, support her disciples, and warn Gu Qingge not to mess around casually, and finally cause a lot of trouble, which will not only implicate her disciples, but also implicate the Taichu Holy Land.

As the Taichu Holy Lord, she will never allow such a thing to happen.

For this question from the Taichu Holy Lord, Gu Qingge really didn't know how to answer it for a while.

After all, no matter what, it is extremely disadvantageous to him.

"Master, I don't care about these, and I am actively looking for a sister for myself!"

The Taichu Holy Lord was stunned!

As Bei Ming Zhi Yun's master, she knew Bei Ming Zhi Yun very well.

But she never expected that her disciple would do this for Gu Qing Ge!

"Since you have said this, I, as your master, naturally cannot interfere any more."

Then, Bei Ming Zhi Yun began to change the subject:

"By the way, Master, what is the strongest cultivation level of the fallen creatures in this riot?"

Hearing this, Gu Qing Ge became interested.

He also wanted to know what the strongest level of the fallen creatures born in the Bronze Immortal Palace was.

"There are more than 20 at the Quasi-Emperor level, and there are even several Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens."

"This is just what has appeared so far."

"The more powerful the fallen creatures are, the more intelligent they are. The tragedy 100,000 years ago is the best proof!"

"Therefore, it is very likely that there are many Quasi-Emperor-level fallen creatures hidden in the Bronze Immortal Palace."

Hearing the words of the Holy Lord of Taichu, Gu Qing Ge was surprised.

Before coming, he had already read the records of the past eradication of fallen creatures.

In the past, there were usually no more than five fallen creatures at the Quasi-Emperor level outside the Bronze Immortal Palace.

This time, there were more than twenty, which was really terrifying.

As for how many were still hidden in the Bronze Immortal Palace, it was unknown.

But they could not be ignored.

Because in an operation to eliminate fallen creatures 100,000 years ago, there were only four fallen creatures with quasi-emperor cultivation outside the Bronze Immortal Palace. But later, when the Bronze Immortal Palace was opened, dozens of fallen creatures with quasi-emperor cultivation suddenly emerged from it, catching the ancestors of the major holy places who were encircling and suppressing the four fallen creatures with quasi-emperor cultivation by surprise.

In the end, the ancestors of the five major holy places only managed to suppress it at the cost of the death of two quasi-emperor ancestors and the serious injury of three others.

And that battle was also the biggest price paid by the five major holy places since the elimination of fallen creatures.

Therefore, since that battle, when the five major holy places analyze the top combat power of fallen creatures, they often take into account the fallen creatures hidden in the Bronze Immortal Palace.

"Holy Lord, this time the riot of fallen creatures may not be that simple."

Gu Qingge said with a stern face.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

This time, those fallen creatures with high intelligence may have extremely terrifying plans!

Otherwise, they wouldn't have sent out more than 20 quasi-emperors directly.

All of a sudden, the pressure on the ancestors was enormous!

Once a problem occurred, not only would the ancestors of the major holy places be at risk of falling, but all the living forces of the Tianshu Realm who came to clear out the fallen creatures would also face the risk of being wiped out.

Before entering the Bronze Immortal Palace, he had to leave the Emperor Realm puppet outside to ensure rescue!

Suddenly, the Holy Lord Taichu received the voice transmission from the ancestor Wen Dao, and said to Gu Qingge and Bei Ming Zhiyun: "The ancestors have already discussed it, and it's time to enter the seal formation to act."

Then, the cultivators stationed at the Bronze Pass began to mobilize the cultivators who came.

All the cultivators were ready.

A quasi-emperor ancestor came out from each of the five major holy places and activated the formation together.

In an instant, countless runes on the seal formation flashed, and then the runes began to reorganize, and the seal formation also entered another mode.

This mode allows creatures from the outside world to enter, but corrupt creatures cannot leave.

"To protect our homeland, we must destroy the corrupt creatures."


A quasi-emperor ancestor suspended in the void said excitedly.




The cultivators shouted and rushed into the seal formation at a high speed.

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