Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 123: Start of assessment

Li Nuo casually found a remote place to sit down, and saw Ke Min followed in and sat next to him.

   "Can you come in too?" Li Nuo was puzzled.

   Ke Min glanced at him, "I am a warlock, and you can enter this kind of occasion, and if you are dead or alive, I have to give Jasmine an explanation."

   At this time, a soldier came over with a note, "Ms. Ke Min, this is your list."

"it is good."

   Ke Min took it, and Li Nuo glanced at it.

   bet 60 marks, press the 4th, the 18th...

   "That's it..." The eyes under Li Nuo's mask became dead fish.

   "Don't get me wrong." Ke Min calmly said: "This is just to pass the time and cultivate sentiment."

   I believe that you dress well enough for sentimentality. Li Nuo immediately sneered and glanced at her thigh... The brain was spinning fast, and he came to the conclusion that it was still tea-white and beautiful.

   At this time, Li Nuo noticed that several people dressed in orthodox clothes had walked into the house, and each of them followed by one less entourage.

  The entourage took the same order as Ke Min's hand from the soldier, and then walked out of the house.

   Then they walked into a single room, took down the wooden board blocking the glass, and sat in front of the window to enjoy the assessment.

   Li Nuo understands, it seems that this place has additional operating income...betting on horses...

   "This beautiful lady." A rough voice came from behind Li Nuo.

   A tall, strong man stood behind them, his eyes fixed on Ke Min's hemisphere.

   "Would you like to consider having a drink with me later?"

   Ke Min didn't even look at him, "You can first consider whether you can survive."

   "I admire your wit, but I want to remind you that there may be many unforeseen dangers when the assessment starts later. It is better to find a man who can protect you..."

   When he said this, he glanced at Li Nuo and smiled: "After all, it might be dangerous to stay next to a kid who uses a mask to protect his head."

   Li Nuo was speechless, thinking that I was obviously trying to hide my identity, and I can stare at you to death with my eyes.

   "How is it?" The man put his hand on Ke Min's shoulder, full of expression, "I will protect you."

   At this time, two soldiers came over and said solemnly: "Please don't disturb others, or you will be disqualified."

   The man curled his mouth and raised his hand with a smile.


   Then he turned his head and whispered to Ke Min, "I'm waiting for you~"

   then turned to face Li Nuo and wiped his neck, and left here.

  Who did I provoke...this was Li Nuo's first thought.

   Ke Min looked at him, patted Li Nuo's thigh, and said, "Don't be afraid."

   Afraid of your sister! You really think I'm three years old... No, Li Nuo changed his mind. Judging from Ke Min's age, he is really not much older than three years old in front of Ke Min.

   relieved instantly.

   Suddenly the old man who took the lead shouted on the stage: "The game will start in ten seconds."

   The four people standing on the playing field stared at each other, and the atmosphere was extremely tense at this moment.

   Li Nuo unconsciously counted the seconds in his heart, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6... 3, 2, 1..."

   There was a sudden chill on the venue, no one announced the start of the exam, and four examinees showed their sharp edges.

   The killing intent was filled instantly, and the scene was chaotic under the shadow of the sword, light and sword, and everyone was not attacking the embankment when they saw the trick.

   Looking at this scene, Li Nuo somewhat understood why the killer could join this kind of duel.

A man named Solna, whom Ke Min introduced just now, is also on the court. Although he is a killer, his power in frontal duels is not lower than those of the brawny. The hot weapons of this era are loud and unsuitable for life. Killer use in hidden environments.

   is constantly living a life of licking the blood of the knife, so that these gods of death have the capital to fight against any master through the accumulation of many years.

   That's a weird shenfa.

For example, Solna is on the field. He doesn't need to face the opponent. He swiftly dodges the opponent's body with a single knife, using this method to kill the opponent's mentality, and in the chaos of equal strength, Excellent positioning ability or extremely powerful defensive skills are the most important. In a sense, the killer may have an advantage on this battlefield.

   At this time, the scene changed from a chaotic battle to a 1VS1 singles on both sides.

   Solna’s opponent was a man with a giant axe. Among the two on the other side was a figure familiar to Li Nuo, the eldest brother who did not give up his seat.

   Look aside first.

At this time, Solna flashed under the opponent's heavy axe and slashed through the enemy's arm. After leaving a wound of flesh and flesh, he raised the corner of his mouth and quickly walked to his back, and the two knives were inserted into the opponent's ribs. under.

   There was a scream of pain, and Solna was gloomy.

   "It's over~"

   He provoked both knives in the flesh, his opponent's painful face was twisted, and he raised his head and shouted, "It's not over yet!"

   The moment the words fell, the man locked Solna's hands in disregard of the severe pain, and suddenly jumped backward, landing on his back, and Solna was pressed under him.

For a moment, Solna lost his voice, and the man who was pressing on his body got up with pain, with two knives still hanging under his ribs, but he knew that it was not the time to take care of these pendants, so he had to kill Solna, the pervert. .

   Suddenly an arm caught his neck from behind, Solna not only did not faint, but also tightened him tightly. The seemingly thin arm was full of strength and locked the neck, causing the opponent to quickly suffocate without exerting force.

   "bye bye~"

   Solna whispered in his ear, and slammed the knife out of his ribs, and began to stab the opponent's body until the intestines pierced and completely died.

   The battlefield on the other side also divided the victory and defeat, and the eldest brother who refused to let his seat was cut off his neck.

   "This is the retribution for not giving up..." Li Nuo noticed Ke Min's slightly smug look with a smile.

   "Have you earned it?"

   Ke Min gave him a white look, "You should care about yourself."

   After another scene, the **** smell of the room gradually became serious.

   Ke Min guessed right again this time and was overjoyed.

   Li Nuo couldn't help feeling when he looked at her. At that old age and so greedy for money, this society is still impetuous, too impetuous.

   "No. 2, 11, 15, and 18, enter the venue immediately."

   After hearing this voice, Li Nuo glanced at his number plate.

   "The 18th, it's me."

   Ke Min hadn't spoken yet, a soldier had already walked up to her, lowered his head and asked: "Ms. Ke Min, who is betting this time?"

   Ke Min glanced at Li Nuo, and after examining it like a naked man, he said to the soldier, "No. 15, and the guy next to me, 50 marks."

   The soldier glanced at Li Nuo suspiciously, nodded and walked away.

   "What does that look in his eyes mean..." Li Nuo's eyes twitched, feeling the contempt from the crowd.

Ke Min said: "All those who come to participate in the assessment are selected by the referees. Generally speaking, they are people who can be found on the black market. Although there is no need to register when registering, the details of the assessment participants can be quickly checked for the Chamber of Commerce. Clearly, but there are some people who can’t find out the details. They are either easy to compete, but basically this kind of people can’t get referrals, or they are very strong players, such as killers that only appear in rumors, or..."

   Ke Min paused, looked at Li Nuo, and said, "Either he is weak and not famous, and he came in by relationship."

   Li Nuo was speechless, he still doesn't know, or he actually got a touch of all three.

   Picking up the straight sword, checking the pistol, Li Nuo walked down the steps.

   Ke Min dragged his cheeks and said lazily: "I will pray to Lord Triss for you, and hope that your life is safe."

   Li Nuo waved his hand without looking back, "You still pray to me that you can make more money for you."

  As soon as he stepped onto the field, Li Nuo felt three pairs of murderous eyes looking at him.

   As expected, the three opponents had already stood in the center of the field, and they turned their eyes to Li Nuo together. The test had not yet begun, and the bloodthirsty eyes had already pounced on him.

   "Hey, this is a bit bad..."

The man who struck up Ke Min just now was also on the court. He held a hexagonal black long stick and stuck it on the ground, looking at Li Nuo with a gloomy expression, and slowly said, "I'm sorry, my friend, we have already decided. Get rid of the weakest guy here first, and then decide the outcome fairly."

The people participating in the assessment are all celebrities on the black market. They have either met each other or heard about each other. Li Nuo, he hasn’t even contacted what the black market is, and no one knows who he is. It's no surprise that the thin body was used as a trusteeship to find death.

   Li Nuo nodded with a faint smile, "Thank you for your respect for me..."

   "The game will start in ten seconds."

   The sound ended, tens of seconds back.

   When the count reached one, suddenly a black figure flashed in front of Li Nuo.

   Li Nuo was knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye, motionless as if fainted.

   The man holding the black long stick stood not far in front of Li Nuo, sneered, and looked at the two remaining opponents present.

   "The weakest obstructive ghost has been resolved, let's officially start."

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