"what is this……"

   Fei Lina was nauseous and wanted to vomit, densely packed eyeballs lined up Cohen's chest, and the eyeballs were still twisting, and the joints connected with the flesh were swollen from time to time.

  Even, a strange feeling appeared in Fei Lina's brain. If her brain was attacked by unknown things, such as a dangerous virus in the brain, she only felt a little heavy in her mind.

This situation also has feedback on Joya. She just learned that Cohen was covered with such terrible eyeballs. Her condition is more serious than Felena. A whisper from an inexplicable world has broken in. In her ears.

   Cohen looked at Charon and Joya, and said, "Mr. Charon, you are very knowledgeable, can you explain what this is?"

   Charon raised the corner of his mouth, his expression indifferent, and did not speak.

   "Being so calm at all times, it is indeed Charon."

   Cohen approves and puts on his shirt.

   sat down and looked at Chabai and asked, "Miss Chabai, how do you feel? For example, uncomfortable feelings. I am not just talking about vision, including your brain or your thoughts."


   Chabai Lengyan said so, she doesn't feel any discomfort yet, even visually.

   "The source warlock is really extraordinary, you are the first person not to be affected by these **** eyes."

  'S words made Chabai a little bit embarrassed, it was indeed a misunderstanding.

   In the space these days, Li Nuo and Maljie did not make up lessons for her. Coupled with the memory advantage of the humanoids, many things can be learned almost at once, including the difference between Nissan games and European and American games.

   One of the points was emphasized in Li Nuo's mouth:

"The games of European and American manufacturers are more real, which reflects the characters’ first reactions to many phenomena. Japanese manufacturers’ game characters are full of two things: fighting and falling in love. Those grandchildren don’t understand what it means to be afraid...Don’t be so. Look at me, I didn't say you...


   The concept of true horror from European and American manufacturers may not be applicable to robots produced by Japanese factories like you, such as urgency or nausea. At least these things may not be reflected in you.

For example, if a monster with eyes full of eyes appears, it is very disgusting for us normal people, and if the sense organs are stimulated, the brain will numb, which will restrict movement and reduce combat effectiveness, but For you, I think your temperament and factory settings will squeeze that monster full of eyes immediately..."

After   , Li Nuo did some tests on her. He drew a lot of disgusting or terrifying monsters for her to watch in turn. Except for the portrait of Marger that made her look a little serious, the remaining monsters were all ignored with a cold attitude.

  The tea-white eyes scanned the expressions of everyone in the room, either nauseated or uncomfortable, only oneself remained the same.

   Maybe it's really because of her own "settings" problem that caused this situation, she can only think about it like this.

But there is one thing that I don’t know. Regarding the setting of "Curse of Bloodborne", the more you know, the more dangerous. Among the people present, she is the only one who has no knowledge of the ancient gods, so the eyeballs cannot bring her. Any mental attack.

   Cohen buttoned his shirt, slowly put on his coat, looked at everyone present, and shrugged slightly.

   "What you saw just now is the "blessing" brought by God."

  Felina's face was grim, "You heal the church offending things that shouldn't be offended."

   Cohen slightly bowed his head, and then asked: "Can you listen to me explain these things now?"

"Please say."

   Fei Lina felt from those eyes [doudouxs.cn] a mysterious and hesitant power, somewhat similar to a curse, but not the same.

These things gave her a sense of crisis. Unlike the monsters she used to face, Fei Lina could use her keen intuition and experience to understand that the things that the healing church is facing now cannot be solved by force, because they come from the spirit. on.

   She can be sure that once there is a situation where force cannot be suppressed, the danger will be immeasurable, so she must listen to it, and strangle everything as much as possible before it is civilized, so that the danger will one day affect Corville.

   Cohen sat steadily leaning on the back of his chair, and began to elaborate on Beilkinworth, Master William and Sumer.

  "The Great Holy Grail of Izzy, if this weird thing is not sealed and exists in the center of the huge maze, it will definitely be mistaken for garbage disposal.

   An object with a waxy texture, strange appearance and no rules at all, proved to be an active object in the laboratory experiment.

If you put human blood in it, it will release a kind of tiny worm eggs into the liquid. This kind of worm eggs cannot hatch in the natural environment. Only immersed in human blood can hatch into larvae, and then the Sumei is unearthed. The Erren literature records the method of ingesting the "blessed blood" through the "Holy Supper" to obtain the "inner eye". "

   "Holy Communion, blessed blood, inner eye, what are these?" Fei Lina interrupted.

"The sacrament is a ritual. The blood of blessing is the product of the ritual and the medium that stimulates the inner eye. This is why we come to find the source warlock. Blood is very important to the ritual, and the inner eye... is one A way to gain knowledge of the abyss or the gods."

Cohen picked up the teacup on the side, took a sip, and continued: "Master William injected this "blessed blood" into his body with the help of Lawrence, and looked forward to the results of the experiment in the eyes of the students. .

A miracle happened a few days later. The elderly Master William felt the changes in his body. His insight became sharp, as if he had many eyes to assist in observation at the same time, his brain became clear, and his mental state was rapidly improved, as if "inner "Eye of the Eye" has already had an effect.

   Both the students and the teaching assistant Laurence witnessed the change of Dean William. "Blessed Blood" began to be called "Blood of Ancient God", and "Inner Eye" was also officially named "Lingshi".

   At the same time, under the joint experiment of Master William, Lawrence and I, it was found that continuous input of "Blood of the Ancient God" can slowly increase the magnitude of "Spirit Vision".

   Based on this, Master William continued to conduct experiments on improving spiritual vision on himself, and at the same time, a large-scale blood transfusion experiment was started within the college.

  The volunteers inside the academy cultivated "spiritual vision" by inputting blood blessed by the Great Holy Grail of Izzy.

   This method established the first phase of the experimental procedures of Baierkinworth: large-scale blood collection-blood cultivation through the "Communion" ceremony-blood transfusion experiment. "

   "At least so far, there is no problem." Fei Lina held her teacup to warm her hands. All the things Cohen has explained so far are beneficial.

   Cohen smiled and shook his head, "The key is in the back."

   "Soon, as the pioneer of blood transfusion experiments, Master William saw the other side of blood transfusion experiments.

Researchers who transfuse the blood of the ancient gods will show dependence on blood transfusion, and cannot forget the pleasure of injecting blood from the first blood transfusion. However, after long-term transfusion of the blood of the ancient gods, after the level of spiritual vision increases, it will often be caused by the brain. Can't bear too much information and fall into madness.

As the dean of the academy, William was calm and wise, although he was the leader of the blood transfusion experiment, and he was not affected too much, but he discovered that some tiny parasites began to appear in his lacrimal glands, and then Master William’s forehead A few wriggling eyeballs grew on it.

   Humans’ spiritual vision is not infinite. After a certain limit is exceeded, the human brain will not be able to withstand the huge amount of information and cause violent turmoil. The overflowing “spiritual vision” will also appear on the human body in the form of extra eyeballs.

   For example, the eyeballs I showed you just now, they will not only affect the host, if someone sees the eyeballs, they will also be peeped at by the hidden things in them. Surely you should understand the hidden things I mean? "

   Fei Lina kowtow, Charon kowtow, Qiaoya kowtow, tea is white.

   Charon said: "Lingsight is something we can't see. Enabling spiritual vision is the way to worship the gods, but how does God see us?"

   Cohen smiled and said: "Mr. Charon, you are right. After that, Master William stopped the Beilkinworth experiment, but the law of inertia has been triggered, and the irreversible rules have begun to spread in the academy.

   Although the blood of the ancient gods is banned in the academy and the Great Holy Grail of Izzy is also sealed, a large number of addicted students are still making blood privately by drawing blood from the students who have already received blood. "

   Qiaoya frowned when he heard some changes in his expression here, and his eyes flashed low and low.

   "It's like drugs..."

   Cohen heard this, looked at Joa, and said, "Yes, it's drugs, but things are still going worse.

  Because of the underground trading, many residents of Yanan also participated in the blood trading. Some became blood providers or merchants collecting blood, and more became blood addicted patients because of blood transfusion.

   Yanan is heading towards destruction, and destruction that cannot be stopped.

However, this is not the end of the matter, because Lawrence went to the opposite of Master William. He longed for the "blessing" brought by the blood and continued to dig out the ruins. After that, the real worst thing happened. We found two A real ancient god. "

   Everyone present did not speak, and Fei Lina even held her breath and dared not interrupt.

   Cohen asked Charon for a cigarette again, lit his cigarette, and slowly said: "We will discover a new ruin later, the ruins of Laurent City.

   This tomb belongs to the late Sumerian civilization, but it seems to have perished because of a disease called "beast plague" and was eventually buried in the yellow sand. I have a hunch that Yanan is following in the footsteps.

In this tomb we found a peculiar substance called the "Blood of Yadan". This sealed bottle of blood is located in the center of the labyrinth of Laurent City, like the Holy Grail of Izzy. Observation found that this kind of blood also exists in it. Similar to the tiny parasites in the Holy Grail of Izzy, this parasite is shaped like a tiny tadpole that swims in the blood with a tail. The difference is that this parasite remains active when found in the tomb.

What made Lawrence even more ecstatic was that the unearthed documents pointed out that Yadan, also known as "Invisible Yadan", was a real ancient god. This **** had no entity, only the blood of God. This is the first ancient **** we have discovered.

   Also after this, Lawrence and a few compatriots and I left Master William and founded the Healing Church. "

  Felina couldn't help but say: "It seems that the reason for the founding of the Healing Church is not the same as what you preach to the outside world.

"Of course, this is the result of careful deliberation. We must use the name of knowledge to obtain a large amount of development funds for the flattery of high-level government and even underground gangs, and at the same time establish our own defense system to continue to excavate ancient tombs. .

   Lawrence has fallen into the madness of power and knowledge, but as more and more people turn into terrifying creatures because of blood or the gaze of the ancient gods, I began to realize that perhaps Master William’s approach is the most correct.

A few days ago, in the mansion of a merchant in Novigrad, we found a girl named "Anna". Under the stimulation of "Invisible Yadan", she turned into a fleshy ball full of eyes. The blood test confirms that he is the second ancient god.

   After this, Lawrence has decided to apply blood to civilians on a large scale, so as to ingest the experimental value of Lingshi on a large scale and achieve the goal of seeing more ancient gods.

   I oppose Lawrence’s approach, but it is useless to oppose it alone. Yanan’s demise is only a matter of time. I don’t want this kind of tragedy to happen in Novigrad because of the extremeness of the church.

   And Lawrence asked me to extract the blood of the source warlock this time, also in order to expand the area in the future to put the blood into a higher field, and obtain the knowledge of a higher god. His target has obviously been locked on the warlock. "

   Cohen stopped talking when he said this, took a cup of tea and drank, smoked a few cigarettes, and cocked his legs.

After a while, Fei Lina gently shook her head and said, "Cohen, if it is only for the tea-white blood, there is no need to say so much. The blood extraction is allowed in the upper level, and too much talk is not for you. Good, so..."

   She leaned forward slightly and said, "What is your'seek for help'?"

Cohen smiled blankly, "In order to stop Lawrence, I need Miss Chabai's blood, and then use your warlock's alchemy to fuse the blood of the source warlock and the blood of the ancient god." He said and looked at Joa, and glanced at Joa. The suitcase next to me, "Miss Joya, please give me the suitcase."

Cohen took out a glass bottle containing blood from the box, "This is part of the'invisible Yadan', which I brought from the church. Lawrence wanted to obtain new blood through the fusion of the blood of the source warlock and the blood of Yadan. , But I hope you use alchemy to extract the elements of the source warlock’s blood to see if you can find a path to suppress the blood of the ancient gods. After all, Miss Chabai was not affected by the eyes just now. I think this method may be effective."

  Felina took the bottle and looked at it, "If the ancient gods are as dangerous as you said, then this method is too dangerous for Corville."

   Cohen stared at Felena, and vowed: "I hope you can believe me. Lawrence's gaze has really been placed on Corvell, on the sorcerer with mysterious magic."

   "Okay." Fei Lina put the bottle on the table, "I will ask the country for instructions."

   After hearing this, Cohen heaved a sigh of relief and said, "There is one more thing I hope you can help me."

   "Your request is so many, let's talk, if it is not too much, I will consider it." Fei Lina said.

Cohen said: “It’s not accidental that Master William discovered the Sumerian ruins. I asked him how he found the ruins, but Master William just laughed at the time, as if he laughed at himself. He said, “I made an agreement with the devil and it led me. Look for the divinity and I will give it back knowledge.'

  Except for Chabai, everyone's expressions have changed.

   Charon, who had been speaking for a long time, said at this time: "Cohen, do you mean that in addition to the ancient gods, there are so-called ‘devils’ involved in this matter?"

Cohen said: "I think so, and the initiator of everything may be this'devil'." He paused when he said, "There are only two creatures called demons in this world, one is the Fendt, I I think it can be eliminated, it is just a beast after all, and another kind..."

  Ferina showed fear, and slowly said: "Master of Mirror...Gant Odim..."

   Cohen kowtowed, "In order to know the truth of everything, I need to find it, so I need the help of the warlocks, and borrow your summoning ritual or magic."

   Fei Lina closed her eyes, thought for a moment, opened her eyes and said: "I refuse, Kevir will not touch the real bottom line."

   Cohen smiled and sighed. This result seemed to have been expected a long time ago, but he said, "In this case, you can always help me pay attention to a wanted criminal."

He took out two wanted warrants from the box, "This person is related to the death of the merchant in Novigrad. He may have some understanding of the ancient **** named'Anna'. Help me pay attention to him. This request is not difficult, right? ?"

   Everyone turned their eyes to the wanted order already placed on the table. Two of them were the same person, one was wearing a strange mask, and the other was the true appearance of the mask removed.

   Chabai opened his eyes wide when he saw these two wanted orders.

   "Li Nuo..."



  Ps: Thank you for the 100 rewards of 10001 and the 500 rewards of Interstellar Immortality.

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