Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 147: Demura, Susumu, Re-demura

Li Nuo smiled awkwardly, "Simply seems to be because the vampire was killed, these villagers want to settle accounts with us..." He added, "It's still the kind of endless death..."

   Kakatri's body was shocked, "Is this too easy?"

   "With that complicated kung fu...Let's think about whether to run faster or send the villagers back to the west..."

Li Nuo glanced at all the villagers present. When he saw a person with a pitchfork stepping towards his position, his throat rolled, his legs were sore, his chest was stuffy, and cold sweat burst out, as if he had fallen into a secret room. Of claustrophobic patients.

   At this time, the villager standing in the forefront holding a hatchet said: "You have to explain!"

   As soon as these words came out, almost all the villagers shouted as if they had exploded.

   "What shall we do from now on!"

   "Money, you can give us money!"

   From Kakatli's point of view, these villagers are almost indistinguishable from the man-eating beasts.

   "Jeriel...what's going on with these people?"

   Jerry shook his head, "I don't know, it became like this after seeing the corpse of the village chief."

   As he said, he turned his eyes to the ground, and Kakatri followed Boliasi's body.

   "It's really dead."

   Suddenly a few leading villagers stepped closer to Li Nuo, shouting dirty words in their mouths, and the fierce light in their eyes seemed to tear apart bones.

   Li Nuo turned his head and said, "I propose to set the fire on this."

what? !

   After hearing Li Nuo's words, Kakatli and Jerry were both surprised.

   But at this moment, there were rapid footsteps in the woods next to the village. The sound was subtle but Li Nuo heard them. He immediately recognized that the owner of the footsteps was not a human being.

   "Go first..." Li Nuo immediately changed his intentions.

   "What the **** are you doing..." Kakatli looked at Li Nuo's eyes like a schizophrenic person.

   Suddenly nearly ten giant bats rushed out of the dense trees.

   They are low-level vampires who have no thinking ability and retain the most primitive animal qualities.

   These low-level vampires **** blood in an extremely rude manner. As soon as they enter the village, they tear the villagers with their sharp claws, sticking out their long tongues to lick the blood leaking from the wound.

   The village suddenly became a mess, shouting everywhere, and the **** smell melted into the air instantly, Li Nuo could already feel the faint sweet smell in his mouth.

   "I'm not leaving yet!" Li Nuo roared and turned and ran.

   Kakatri and Jerry looked at each other and immediately followed.

   The three of them ran out of the woods, panting and looking behind them to confirm that there were no more chasing soldiers, they slumped on the ground neatly.

Jeriel took out a bag of water, drank it, wiped his mouth and said, "I thought it would be ushered in a scene of thanking the hero... What is going on with these villagers? Those low-level vampires Where did it come from? My brain is about to explode..."

   Li Nuo took a sip from the water bag, exhaled, and said: "We kill Bolyas is equal to breaking the life of this village."

   "What do you mean?" Kakatri was surprised, and he paused for a while and then revealed a look of confusion, "Wait...You killed the village chief, Bolias?"

   "Which one do you want me to answer..." Li Nuo took another greedily sip of water, handed the water bag to Kakatri, and sighed and said, "The following are all my guesses. If there is any similarity, I will be considered witty."

   There is an agreement between Kewell and the vampire hidden below the water.

   It is well known that vampires **** human blood, but in fact, most vampires who need to **** blood are low-level vampires, or some high-level vampires with weak desire control.

   The strength of vampires is tyrannical, and the power of low-level vampires is not comparable to that of ordinary monsters. In addition, they feed on human blood, so the harm cannot be compared with other creatures.

   But logically speaking, as long as you put in a lot of troops to prepare for the battle, it is not impossible to eliminate these vampires with the power of the country, but the problem lies in the existence of a shadow elder in Kevir.

In the realm of the shadow elders, the hunting of vampires will anger the shadow elders. Once the hunting behavior is excessive, the cost is extremely disastrous. It can call hundreds of vampires to attack the city. Even if the number of humans is large, the chance of winning is higher. Let the city fall into a dilemma.

   Losing both sides will only involve more troublesome problems, so the Elder Shadow made an agreement with the senior leaders of Kevir.

  Kewell is not allowed to hunt vampires, and high-level vampires who are rational cannot be harmed.

   delineated an area to establish a "breeding" base for vampires to provide timely blood for those low-level vampires who lack rationality and thinking ability.

   The group of vampires led by the Elder Shadow cannot attack humans outside the "feeding ground".

It’s hard to guess where the humans being raised come from. Foreign fugitives, smugglers, and homeless people are all possible, but at least being "raised" can ensure that they live in Corville. Going on, if you don't have the identity of "food", transferring to another breeding area is the best result, but it is more likely to be abandoned or die in the wilderness.

However, the scene that happened in the village just now just shows how important the high-level vampires are as "breeders". The death of Bolias indicates that the village is unmanaged. Those low-level vampires who are supported start because the mall has no owners. Want to "grab goods".

   There are definitely more than one villages like Wakaro in Corvell. Whether this approach is wrong or right, at least Corvell has ensured the tranquility of the town and given the unlicensed people a chance to re-employ...

  After Li Nuo finished explaining, Kakatli and Jerry's faces showed unbelievable expressions.

"Probably that's it. After all, I was thinking about it, so believe it or not, but in order to beware, I have to lie to the Chamber of Commerce. We have never seen a vampire, let alone killed it. After killing the Fendt, we three I just came back."

   Kakatri lowered his head slightly, " killed the vampire?"

   "Ah...yes." Li Nuo stood up with his cane, "Anyway, you can be regarded as revenge."

   Kakatri frowned, his tone could not be suppressed in surprise, "You really did it..."

   Jerry looked at the two in surprise, "Vengeance?"

   He slept peacefully at night, not knowing what happened.

   Kakatri stood up with Li Nuo, raised the corner of his mouth to Jerry, showing a smile with a different kind of funny effect, the facial paralysis a little bit will not laugh after a long time.

   "Let’s talk on the road."

   "Wait for a while." Li Nuo stopped them, and then said, "I have two more places to go. You should go back first."


   Li Nuo went to the open space where the body of the Fent monster was displayed, and after damaging the two daggers, he took out the mercury bullet that entered the body of the Fent monster.

   then carefully returned to the village of Wakaro, hid in a bush with perfect covering effect, watched the vampires leave after eating and drinking, and then picked up all the mercury bullets left in the village.

   In this way, there is no evidence and no evidence. As long as you close your mouth, you can keep yourself peaceful for a while. This is the lesson that Novigrad suffered.

   Li Nuo stopped when he left the village, looked back at the corpse all over the floor, and left the village saying "Amitabha".

   A few hours later, when I returned to the Chamber of Commerce, I saw Kakatli and Jerry sitting indoors, and they were conscientiously waiting for Li Nuo to return.

   Then, in the unclear eyes of the administrator, Jerry slapped the horns of the Fendt monster on the table.

"you guys……"

   Jerry laughed, "Don't be obsessed with us!"

   Did you cross here... Li Nuo slandered at returning a straight sword that was of no use. It seemed that he had no chance of playing sword in this life.

  The manager wore white gloves and picked up the horn and took a glance, his expression flashed, "By the way, there is no other danger, right?"

   Jerry thought for a while, "Does the evil spirit count?"

   "It doesn't count."

   "Then it's gone." He glanced up, "We killed the Fendt and returned directly, and we haven't even been to the village."

   "Huh?" The manager frowned slightly, then nodded, "After the investigation team confirms the situation of the evil ghost, find a time to receive a reward of the evil ghost."

   He raised his head and glanced at Li Nuo, his expression frightened, "What's the matter with your glasses..."

   Li Nuo pointed to the two brown lenses covering the eyes, "This? Change the look."


   The manager pressed his brow, stretched out his emotions, and put on a fascinating smile.

   "Rookie, how does this hunt feel?"

   Li Nuo looked at him, and also smiled with a mysterious smile...

   "It's pretty bad."


  Ps: Thank you book friend 20181109223512073 for your tips.



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