Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 154: Escape in rainy night

The sleeping Fei Lina suddenly opened her eyes.

   She is keenly aware that the magic power that should exist in the embassy is dissipating, which is a bit strange.

   Suddenly she looked tight, got up abruptly, and quickly walked out of the house without a coat.

   ignored the oil lamp and began to pray in the dark corridor.

   "May the Lord Triss bless..."

   "No, she has never shown signs of leaving. This should be my own scare."

   comforted himself and walked outside the tea-white dormitory. Two soldiers guarded both sides of the door of the house. They were the elites selected by Kevir. They were dedicated to the work of "bodyguards" for important officials. The source warlocks were also in their guarding range.

   "Bishop Felina?"

  The soldiers wondered why they came here so late.

"Step aside."

   Fei Lina stretched out her hand to hold the doorknob and twisted it open. After the door opened, a cold wind poured out of the house.

   Looking at the scene inside the house, Fei Lina was dumbfounded.

   "Hurry up... mobilize people! Turn Pound Vines to find someone!"

   "This..." The soldiers were dumbfounded when they saw the empty bed and the open window.

  Gen Warlock is gone!


   Chabai walked in the dark alley.

   The rain is still falling, and most of the raindrops are covered by the eaves of the buildings along the narrow alleys.

   Although the rain is concealing the sound, the sound of the heel stepping on the ground may still reveal his position.

   Therefore, he took off the [Kung Fu Shoes], held it in his hand, and walked barefoot on the cold and wet stone floor.

   picked up two pieces of cloth soaked with water from the ground, wringed them dry as they walked, one wrapped around his head to hide his appearance, and the other wrapped his shoes in his hand.

   After a few steps out of the alley, it was an old street full of houses and shops. It was a bit open, although all the doors were closed and all the windows were dark.

   But this direction should be the person walking by during the day.

   This route is the only clue to Chabai.

Walking slowly across the entire street, both the residences and various shops were closed. If Li Nuo faced this situation, he would knock on the door shamelessly and ask for directions, but Cha Bai did not have such a thick face and could not think of this. the way.

   She still retains the artificial human thinking mode, she will rely on herself no matter how quickly everything happens, and the idea of ​​seeking help from strangers will hardly appear in her mind.

   Reluctantly, Chabai leaned in front of a shop. The wrench model hung on the door of the shop covered part of the rain, but it could not block the cold wind.

   The bangs drifted in the wind, and the white tea was buried in thought. Now there is no clue, maybe it would be better to leave some marks.

   She took out a pen from her backpack, and she hurriedly escaped from the embassy without any sharp objects. Only the nib of this pen was still sharp.

   The nib is tightly tied on the wall of the building until the nib is bent, leaving a shallow scratch on the wall.

What is the mark left by   , Chabai has already thought about it, so just write your real name.


   At this time, I heard noisy footsteps not far away, and I could hear it here even when the rain was not small, indicating that there were a lot of people.

  Chabai put away the pen, turned and left quickly. She knew that Fei Lina could feel the weak magic flow in the human body, so her escape might have been discovered.

   As for where to go now...

   In any case, run to the distance first, as far as possible from the center area.

   left a few more marks along the way for fear of attracting unnecessary attention, so only two were left.

   traversed a few streets, relying on the cloth covering his face, escaped the eyes of a few prospecting soldiers by luck.

   Just when she reached the entrance of an alley, when she heard the voice of someone nearby, Chabai immediately concealed herself in the shadow.

   Two people in white robes holding oil lamps appeared in her vision.


   Is there such a big noise...

   Chabai leaned against the wall, waiting for these two people to disappear from his vision.

   Suddenly one of them stopped.

"what happened?"

   "There is a strange magical movement..."

   "Um... maybe it's vampires, you know, those guys also live in the city."

   The person who noticed the abnormality shook his head, "No, it feels different, it's very strange and very weak..."

   As she said, she turned her head and looked at the place where the tea was in the shadow.

   "Master Genocide, I found you."

   Her eyes became sharp, and her body released a rush of heat.

   At this moment, Chabai suddenly rushed out.

   The slender arms condensed the unimaginable power of ordinary people, and knocked the person who found him to the ground with a hand-made knife.


   The other person didn't react yet, just exclaimed, and the next second he kicked her down with a back-rotating leg, and the moment his head hit the ground, he closed his eyes as if losing consciousness.

   The person who first discovered Chabai did not faint, the body heat was still radiating, but his expression was a little blurred.

  Chabai stood beside her, looking down at her face.


   There was a soft, soft tone, and a hand knife again knocked her out.

   Looking back, tentatively testing the snort of the person who was kicked down by him, confirming that he was still breathing, and let out a long sigh of relief.

   During this period, I have been getting along well with the warlocks. If the warlocks died because they didn't control their strength, they would be uneasy.

   At this time, there were footsteps and voices appearing in the ears, and the white tea wrapped in the fallen cloth immediately lifted his legs and ran away.

   She speeded up her steps, and her white soles stepped over the stagnant water on the sinking ground, and rippled water.

   Until she ran to an area close to the border of the city, Chabai stopped. She understood that she could not expose herself to the outside world again, and urgently needed to find a place to rest, such as a room.

   peered around along the wall while carefully walking deep in the streets and lanes, and saw a dilapidated house without going too far.

   It's hard to see this two-story building whose exterior wall has been corroded by moss in Corville. Chabai pushed down the old wooden door with a tentative mind.

   The door was not locked and opened slowly.

   walked into the house softly, it was pitch black, after several confirmations, the house was indeed unoccupied.

   Chabai settled down, went out to visit no one around, and carved a mark at the door.

   went back to the house, leaned against the wall and avoided the window, and sat down slowly.

   Seeing the falling rain outside the window, she sighed and lowered her head.

   There was an unfamiliar feeling just now that made me puzzled.

When    defeated the two warlocks, she developed an uneasy state of mind. She didn't want to hurt the lives of unrelated people.

  Chabai was surprised by this state of mind. As a combat-executed humanoid, her brain was given the mission of “killing”, and she would not be merciful due to emotional entanglements.

In fact, in the case of being discovered, the best solution is to kill the discoverer. She has never exposed her skill in front of the warlocks. Therefore, killing the opponent with physical skills can prevent anyone from suspecting herself, and Able to divert the attention of searchers.

   "Why should I refuse..."

  Chabai buried her head in her knees, thinking about this question, she remembered a conversation with Li Nuo and Marger.

   2B: "Am I fictitious?"

   Li Nuo: "Not anymore."

   Marger: "Perhaps you are also human now."

  Unconsciously, I am gradually becoming a human...

   Chabai fell into this thought, and slowly closed his eyes.

   When I opened my eyes again, the sky was clear.

   Chabai took out a pocket watch from his backpack, and it was noon.

   At this moment, the old wooden door was suddenly pushed open slowly.


   Chabai looked awe-inspiring, and immediately moved his body to hide himself in the shadow behind the stairs.



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