Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 202: Introduction task (two in one)

Except for Marger, who went to the Forge House alone, the remaining few people went to choose the free weapons issued by the guild after listening to all the explanations by Jerika.

   Everyone got a free [hook claw] distributed by the guild, and a weapon per person.

With the continuous update of the game version, the weapon system of "Monster Hunter" has gradually become larger and larger. As far as the latest version is concerned, the melee series of hand swords, double knives, taikes, big swords, hammers, long spears, guns, shields, axes, Tomahawks, long-range bows and arrows, light crossbows, heavy crossbows, as well as incomprehensible insect sticks and hunting flutes, in short, except for the staff and gloves, basically gather all the equipment that can be seen in all games, ancient and modern.

But in fact, choosing weapons is just a routine matter for Li Nuo and Chabai. Since the guild weapons are free, you can know how good the quality is. Bladed weapons can be used as iron plates. At first glance, they can even be used. It was a bit rusty, not to mention the long-range weapons, the bowstrings were pulled like cotton, light crossbows and heavy crossbows, you can see the shocking word "jam" on the equipment instruction panel.

   In contrast, the quality of [Cane Sword] and [Yinjia] are much higher, and the iron-tube ammunition in Qin Shou’s slingshot has higher damage than inferior light crossbows.

   Except for Deng Yuanzhou, Li Nuo's hammer used his hammer to be a hammer for ordinary citizens and soldiers, and it was most suitable as a professional tool for carpenters or murderers.

   So, he picked a sledgehammer. It was a bit more powerful than the one in his hand and had a larger area, but it was a bit hard to lift. After all, this thing is actually a big iron mound.

After everything was ready, I got the 100 money rewarded by the hunting wild boar king. Here I want to say that for the guild, hunters can go out hunting without going through the task, but the monsters are clearly marked and the price is not high, and it is usually not cost-effective. , And sometimes in the guild, for the sake of ecological balance, hunting of some monsters is prohibited. Once any unopened hunter kills the protection-level monsters, then wait to lose money.

   A few people stepped down the stairs. Jerica led the way and was still chattering about guild-related matters. Li Nuo took the map and walked at the back.

"Okay, I have finished all the basic information. I will handle your accommodation later. You can go shopping here during this time." Jelika smiled and pointed to the opposite direction from the door. Said: "Going over there is the entrance dedicated to the caravan. Hunters usually don't go out there, but the training field is also in that direction. See you later."

   After she finished speaking, she left with a pit, and did not forget to raise her hand and touch her arm when she passed Cha Bai, blinked her apricot with a smile, "Cha Bai, see you soon~"

   Chabai was taken aback for a moment, and she nodded silently until after Jerika left, "...Hmm."

"Where are we going now?" Qin Shou looked around, and the area on the first floor only took into account the trading venue, the task receiving point and the training venue. There are many places to see, and it seems that all of them are important. It is difficult to choose for a while. .

   "Also, of course I went to the training venue!" Deng Yuanzhou said, looking back at Li Nuo, who was still looking at the map, and said, "What do you think of Brother Li?"

   Li Nuo passed them silently, slowly raised his head to look at the trading venue in front, and said: "First, go and see what is for sale, and then go to get the task."

   Qin Shou wondered, "Lead the task? Let's get the task if we don't understand anything?"

   Li Nuo didn't give an explanation, and went straight to the trading area, Chabai hugged Momanosuke and followed him.

   "I have always felt that Brother Li's team is a bit strange since I was in the dense forest." Deng Yuanzhou's sturdy arms wrapped around his chest, "Xiao Qin, did they do anything strange when you met in the script before?"

   Qin Shou chuckled, "Please clean my brain for a moment..."

   Li Nuo didn't stay in the trading area for too long. He just wanted to see the prices of the world and the effects of props, and to find something to make people cry.

The result is that the price is very cruel. The special recovery medicine for the recovery of blood requires 50 yuan a bottle. The props for the recovery of energy value are temporarily not found. As for the things that make people cry, only a kind of pepper that can be compared to the devil pepper has been found for the time being. , 10 yuan each.

   In the world of "Monster Hunter", because the country itself is scarce, the fixed currency unit is basically unified, with "money" as the unit.

In fact, Li Nuo knows the name of this kind of unit. As a dying child who has played RPG games for more than ten years, he naturally knows that there is a name for currency in Japanese RPG, which is ZENI, which is also commonly known as " money".

   Li Nuo cast his gaze on the bulletin board in the distance, got up and stretched out, and then took a step towards it.

   "What are you planning?" Suddenly Chabai asked behind him.

   Li Nuo lazily said: "Test the world setting of the script and how far we can do it."

Chabai listened to it and looked at Momanosuke, who was looking innocent in his arms, then raised his head and said: "You want to give up the main line as a strategy. You can spend more time in the script to explore how to improve your ability. ."

   After she finished speaking, she looked at Li Nuo.

"Ideal, plump and realistic skinny...If there is no team, I would definitely do it." Li Nuo curled his mouth and raised his eyebrows, "I'm afraid of doing so. In the end, I didn't get the equipment skills and the main line gold coins. Although we deposit It’s pretty wealthy, but that little money is actually gone a few times."



   Li Nuo looked at her subconsciously after hearing Cha Bai's words, but saw Cha Bai was stroking the damned Momanosuke at this moment.

   "Forget it..."

   The two people's talking time has already reached the front of the bulletin board.

This is an open shack. There are not too many hunters looking for tasks in the shack. The bulletin boards are located on both sides, and the columns are very long, like billboards on the roadside. The innermost shack is the service desk. Once selected Just talk to the staff in the station for the task.

   "It's really a dazzling array..."

   Li Nuo looked at the dense task lists hanging on the wooden boards, and his amber pupils were quickly scanning the lists.

   "What task does Li brother plan to do?"

   At this time, Deng Yuanzhou's voice came from behind. He and Qin Shou followed after seeing the cruelty of prices in the trading area for a long time.

   "Wait for me to see..."

   Qin Shou was also looking at the bulletin board at this time, "There is a mission for a big strange bird, the bounty is 500, which is okay."

"No." Li Nuo directly denied, and said casually: "The Wild Boar King's rating is E+, and Tyrannosaurus is C+. Looking for monsters within the range of both of them, we can test out that we are in this script under the safest premise. It’s within the range of strength and earn a little bit more money."

   Deng Yuanzhou stood on the spot and swept the mission for two laps. After a while, he said: "If you can't find it, I think it's better to go to the training ground."

   "It's not necessary." Li Nuo denied again, "The data that can be obtained in actual combat is the most true."


   Li Nuo found a task, tore it off, and walked to the front desk.

   "Denon, a team of four."

   The waitress behind the desk smiled professionally and said: "The bounty is 1,000. Please pay 200 as the deposit first."

   "Brother Li...we don't have that much money, right?" Deng Yuanzhou sighed, wondering why Li Nuo had to choose a 1,000-money mission when he knew that he had to pay a deposit of one-fifth of the total price.

   Li Nuo smiled and snapped his fingers at Chabai who was playing with the cat, "Chabai, please~"

   "Uh..." Chabai was squatting on the ground and stroking Momanosuke's soft fluff. After hearing Li Nuo's words, her fingers tightened, and she grabbed the meat on the stomach of Momanosuke.

   "Meow!" Momanosuke rolled in pain.

   Chabai frowned, showing pain on his face, stood up and glared at Li Nuo.

   "Does it have to be like this?"

   "Well, definitely." Li Nuo's expression was solemn and his tone firm.

   "Well..." Chabai took a deep breath.

   "A bag of rice carries several floors."

After    finished speaking, she immediately turned her hands on her hips and hung her head, exuding a sense of loss that no one would enter.

   Qin Shou was in a mess, "A bag of many floors?"

   Deng Yuanzhou was also messy, "Sure enough... this team is very strange..."

   Li Nuo took a picture of them, took all the money, and put it on the service counter.

   The waiter ordered a total of 100 dollars.

   Qin Shou looked at the waiter ordering money and said, "Li Nuo, the deposit for this task is 200. It's useless if you give 100?"

   At this time, the waiter put the 100-bucket ticket into the drawer under the counter and smiled and said: "You have paid the 200 deposit. This task belongs to your team."

   "Look at..." Qin Shou shook his head and sighed, and suddenly looked surprised, "Wait! You didn't give it..."

   "Hey~" Li Nuo took the task list and smiled, "Secret."

   Of course he will not say that this is one of the effects of [Focuser], and the price will be reduced by 50% after activation.

   The secret belonging to [Identity] is Li Nuo and the others. If it were not a last resort, even if the relationship was close, they would not say it at will.

Deng Yuanzhou patted Qin Shou who was in astonishment, and shook his sculpturally determined cheeks slightly, "Xiao Qin, if you have time, you must tell me what you have experienced in the "Neil" script last time... …"

   Li Nuo shook the task list and walked to Cha Bai, and pushed away Momanosuke who was still rolling on the ground.

   "Let's go, you have to go to the trading area to buy some peppers, it is too dangerous for you to drive [identity] to the wild, um...what's wrong?

   He found that Chabai's complexion was a bit bad.

   "'s okay." Chabai said coldly and turned his head and walked out of the shed.

   At this time, the mechanical voice of the system rang in everyone's ears:

  【You have triggered the profile task】

   [This female dragon is a bitch]

  【Experience: 1500】

   [Rewards: Brilliant Wedge Stone X2, Marrow Ash X2, Random Cards, Scenario Mission Special Reward Gift Pack]

   Chabai stopped, and looked back at the three men who were in a daze, "Have you heard it?"

   Qin Shou looked blank, "What the **** is the briefing mission...?"

   Deng Yuanzhou strode to Li Nuo's side and slapped him on the back.

   "Brother Li is amazing! How do you see that this task is unusual?"

   "Cough!" Li Nuo coughed straight after being slapped by Deng Yuanzhou, took out the map and said casually: "Blind chicken with bugs... try your luck..."

   He looked at the divisions of the creatures on the map and the hunting area indicated by the task list, and immediately found the location of the electric dragon.

   "Not far from here, deep in the dense forest going north."

  Chabai also came over to look at the map in Li Nuo's hand, and seconded: "But I don't know the specific location."

   Qin Shou said: "There is a bug guide system in the original game, which can guide us to find the location of the electric dragon."

"I miss you too much..." Li Nuo smiled: "That's a guidance system to balance the difficulty. In fact, how can there be any guide insects? Besides, how to replenish the guide insects for such a large group of hunters is a problem, don't believe you Go find a hunter and ask."

   "How do you find it?" Qin Shou asked.

   Deng Yuanzhou smiled, "Consult other hunters, but I think I can break into the dense forest directly. It's a big deal."

   Li Nuo glanced at him, is this something more of a hammer...

   When this task appeared, he began to pay attention to the hunters around him.

   Li Nuo is looking for something related to the "mother dragon".

   After Deng Yuanzhou finished speaking, Li Nuo saw a female hunter walking in the distance. She was wearing a female fire dragon armor.

"found it."

   Li Nuo snorted and walked to the female hunter.

   "Excuse me, please delay you for a minute."

   The female hunter stopped, looked at Li Nuo's amateur equipment, frowned and said: "I don't team up with the novice hunter."

   After speaking, the huntress turned her head and took a step forward, not wanting to pay attention to this cream-looking guy.

   "Really an arrogant woman." Deng Yuanzhou slapped his mouth, "Xiao Qin, what is this brother Li doing?"

   Qin Shou said, "I have a bad feeling..."

   At this time, Li Nuo suddenly stepped forward and took the huntress's arm.

   "Hey, hey, don't go in a hurry."

   The huntress turned her head and said impatiently: "I'm annoyed, I've already said that I won't be able to... Hey... Hey! What are you doing!?"

   Just in time, Li Nuo suddenly greeted him, and he inhaled sharply on the female fire dragon armor whose nose was on the huntress's body, sniffing the scent on the huntress's clothes like an idiot.

   "Mom..." Qin Shou weakly patted his forehead, and his hunch was correct.

   Deng Yuanzhou's facial muscles were twitching, turned his head to look at Cha Bai, and asked: "Miss Cha...Does Brother Li usually treat women like this?"

   Cha Baidao: "There is nothing wrong with him doing this."

   As soon as he said this, Deng Yuanzhou's eyes went straight, and the pictures of Li Nuo and the three people in their own space appeared in his mind...

   Amidst the shouts of the huntress, almost everyone who was active here gathered their eyes.

   Since this day, there has been a rumor from the Hunter Guild.

   A hunter named Edward, on the first day after entering the guild, he made an unprecedented feat that no one can come to him, he played a hooliganism in the vast public.



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