Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 209: Meeting meeting

Night falls, and the crescent moon hangs high.

   Although the high mountains of the guild are stacked on top of each other like terraces, the area of ​​each floor is large enough to house many construction facilities.

The second floor of    Mountain is the area where hunters live. The houses here are densely packed and arranged randomly. At first glance, it looks a bit like a slum.

   The assigned residence of Li Nuo is in one of the vacant buildings.

   The movement caused by the fire dragon was quickly suppressed for some reason.

   They also completed the handover of the task. Chabai’s "a bag of rice carries several floors" helped her and Li Nuo increase the amount of experience points gained by 40%.

  Reward random cards were drawn by four people and obtained:

   Li Nuo [Poison Flying Knife X5], Tea White [Nepal Scimitar], Qin Shou [Soft Toilet Paper], Deng Yuanzhou [Pepsi].

It can be seen that Li Nuo and Chabai got better than Qin Shou and others because of the contract item [Rune: Eyes], but it was not much better. Although the effect of the rune can improve player extraction The probability of getting a good thing, but this so-called probability is actually difficult to calculate, just like the lucky value, no one knows whether he was a lucky E gunner before getting the rune promotion.

   Next is the focus of this mission reward, the [script mission special reward package].

   What this thing gives is not any substance, but 4 characteristic values ​​plus five grids of the backpack.

   In fact, sometimes, this kind of reward is often very important. Filling the player's backpack capacity can make people search more unscrupulously. The characteristic value can strengthen the basic attribute value, which is not bad.

   At this moment, Qin Shou and Deng Yuanzhou were sitting half-deadly resting, Chabai frowned and hugged the book to learn Elvish language, and Momanosuke was sleeping soundly under her feet.

   At this time the door was opened and Li Nuo and Maljie walked in from outside.

   Li Nuo came up without a word, picked up Momanosuke, opened the window and threw it out.

   Qin Shou watched his series of smooth movements, without complaining, "Why did this cat offend you?"

   "No outsiders will come in next." Li Nuo took out an apple that had just been brought in from the dining room from his backpack, took a bite and chewed it quickly, swallowed it and said, "Everyone, let's have a meeting."

   He held the apple, took out the map Jerika had given him, and threw himself on the ground and sat cross-legged.

   "Even so, you won't be able to throw the cat out..." Qin Shouxu sat down on the ground with his eyes open.

   Chabai sat in a chair and closed the book, breathing a long sigh of relief for having a reason not to study.

   As everyone gathered around, Li Nuo gave a light cough and said with a smile: "The first thing I want to say is..."

   "First of are the village official?" Malger interrupted disdainfully.

   Li Nuo raised his finger to the window, "Believe it or not, I mean the moon will destroy you?"

   Maljie's expression tightened, "If you want to insult Moon Hare again, I will poison you."

Li Nuo smiled, "Poisoning? It's nothing more than the inferior products produced by your sphincter factory. What kind of face is there to threaten people with that kind of thing? I have five poisonous flying knives that implement the righteousness in my hand, Erneng compared to?"

   "Huh, but er, I have my own technology blessing, called a lighter, with that million poisonous cakes, you might take it?"

   Li Nuo was startled, unconsciously violent, and his consciousness flashed back, his arms in a defensive posture, "So vicious?"

   Maljie smiled evilly, took out the lighter, lit the flame to make a white crane with wings, "It's so vicious!"


   Chabai coughed lightly, "Is it finished?"

   The two returned in an instant, with a calm expression on their faces, as if they were just a game and a dream.

   Only Deng Yuanzhou and Qin Shou were dumbfounded.

   "A formal meeting." Li Nuo pressed the apple on the map and said, "First of all... I must apologize to Brother Zhou."

   "Apologize to me?" Deng Yuanzhou was puzzled.

   "Because of some other reasons, we are very wary of other players. We didn't intend to really cooperate with you at the beginning, but... you saved me today, so I have to apologize." Li Nuo said.

   "Ha~ Brother Li is serious."

   "Re-introduction." Li Nuo pointed to himself, "Melee type, half-devil hunter."

"Demon hunter?" Qin Shou was shocked, staring at Li Nuo's pupils, and then said, "I said why your eyes are the wrong color... So you are a demon hunter. The poison you drink is a decoction, right? ?"

   "I thought Brother Li brought a cosmetic contact lens." Deng Yuanzhou said.

   Marger looked at the ceiling and said, "I am mainly engaged in the production of armor removal. For the time being, I am mainly auxiliary. I set out with the ideal of finding a romantic place for men."

   Li Nuo turned his head to look at Chabai who was sitting on the chair with his legs up.

   "This man, close-fighting Faye, 2B."

   "2B...why does this name sound so familiar?" Deng Yuanzhou stared at the tea-white, short white hair, handsome face, slender legs, and the more he looked at it, he became more familiar.

   At this time, Qin Shou said: "Brother Zhou, do you remember that we have been to the script of "Neil Mechanical Era" before?"

   "..." Deng Yuanzhou was stunned, with an incredible expression in his expression, "Isn't it..."

   "Yes." Li Nuo bowed, "I collected it with a poke ball."

   "Jing...Spirit ball?"

Li Nuo smiled and said: "In short, we have basically said the details. As for Chabai's real name, I think even if I don't say it, You Chao Yi Shou will tell you, so it's better to say it now to show our sincerity. For Brother Zhou, you can consider what I want to say next."

   "Brother Li, you and Xiao Qin are acquainted with each other. They are definitely not the ones with evil intentions, so just say something."

   Li Nuo knocked his head lightly, raised his lips and smiled.

   "I just discussed with Comrade Ma, we plan to abandon the main mission."

   Qin Shou's mouth twitched, "What are you kidding me? We are waiting to die without the gold coins given by the main line."

Li Nuo said: "I understand that this is a seemingly faulty decision. For players, the main line of gold coins is a bargaining chip for survival, but Brother Thin, even if you can complete the main task this time, can you guarantee that you can complete it next time? ?"

"This one……"

   "You have also been to a high-difficulty script. You should understand how big it is that players want to complete the main line of that difficulty?"


   "Finally, the equipment and abilities of the two of you can guarantee that you can defeat other players with bad intentions in the future. Take a step back and say, can you guarantee self-protection?"

   "The last time we both had the script..." Qin Shou wanted to refute.

   "That's because your opponent is too weak." Li Nuo interrupted him, "If the three of us want to plunder your gold coins now, are you two capable of keeping yourself?"

   Qin Shou and Deng Yuanzhou were silent. Indeed, as Li Nuo said, if the two parties conflict, it will definitely be the two of them who lose.

   "Brother Li, what are you going to say?"

"It's very simple." Li Nuo smiled, "Since the three of us don't choose to be the main line, we must have other plans, but the difficulty is no less than the main line task, and it may be more difficult, so we need the help of both of you. At the same time, I can guarantee that this line can get powerful equipment that you can't imagine, and Marger, as a manufacturing cadre, will find ways to help you build a handy weapon, even if the final gold coin is too small, we will have We can help you with difficulties."

   Qin Shou said, "...You can also get good equipment by doing missions in the guild."

"That's right, but there are only 6 days left. If you choose to abandon the main line and do your guild missions, 6 days are enough to gather a piece of equipment, provided that you are confident that you can defeat at least three to four in a day. The monster above the wild boar king and the monster below the electric dragon, and we need to ensure that it does not roll over. Brother Zhou, you were hit by a female fire dragon today. Can you appreciate your or our strength in this world?"

Deng Yuanzhou bowed his head invisible but did not speak. He knew in his heart that a monster of the female fire dragon level only needs to hit him two or three times to kill himself, relying on his freedom to hunt and guarantee supplies in just a few days. It is basically impossible to keep up with the product without overturning.

Even if the material of the monster body is stripped to make equipment, it is necessary to look for monsters of the electric dragon level. The equipment made by monsters such as the wild boar king or the big strange bird is not enough to look at. What's more, he is not confident enough to hunt several large monsters continuously. Monsters of this level of strange birds.

Li Nuo took a bite of the apple, chewed it unhurriedly, and said after swallowing: "It's not bad to complete the main task that is extremely difficult and confusing, and to hunt in the guild honestly. It’s better to cooperate with us to find the best treasure in the world."

   "The best treasure?" Qin Shou was surprised.

   Li Nuo said: "Brother Thin, I ask you, what is the best thing you can get as a player in Monster Hunter?"

   Qin Shou shrugged his full shoulders, "Furthermore, of course it is the equipment and skills of those hunters."


   Li Nuo denied loudly, pressing his finger on the continent on the far right border of the map.

   "The best thing you can get in this world is technology!"



  Ps: Thanks, Ying Zhong, the seventh day of the seventh day of the reward for two consecutive times

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