Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 221: Cat rice and fetters (two in one)

"This is Tao nosuke?" Qin Shou rubbed his eyes and reconfirmed that the "object" was like a big can, but had eyes and ears, and the facial expressions were very wonderful. The look.

   "Congratulations, you are right..." Before Li Nuo finished speaking the last word, he noticed that at the door, a pair of eyes were watching him, and the hidden murderous aura would turn him into charcoal.

   Let us look back in time.

   When talking to the elder that day, Momanosuke was "invited".

   "I said...what's the matter with this guy?" Li Nuo stared at the elder with deadly eyes.

   "It is the cat with the best cooking skills in the guild right now. I think it is better than the chef's skill." said the elder.

   "It was originally the Ailu cat in our team."

   "Oh~ fate."

   "Fate, you big-headed ghost!" Li Nuo shouted: "This color slab matches what you have!"

The elder    was furious, "Aren't you kidding peeping in the hot spring too! What right do you have to say about me!"

   This sentence quieted the scene, and Li Nuo and the elders suddenly realized that they are indeed not qualified to blame each other, and everyone is not a good bird...

"I have an unsympathetic request." Li Nuo said: "This kid is not like other Ai Lu cats, who can do nothing except being cheap, and I am afraid that I cannot bear the desire to smoke him, so is there any way to let him It can’t move, it can walk on it."

   "Meow!" Momanosuke exclaimed, but Li Nuo held him down when he was about to escape.

Elder    said: "It was originally the Ailu cat of the back kitchen, and it is normal that it will not assist in hunting."

   "Then why does this guy come out during the audition?"

   "...maybe it's a scene."

   "...Is the official position of your elder bought?"

   "Anyway..." The elder coughed lightly, and said with a serious face: "This is your own business, I don't care, and be nice to Ellu cats. They and the hunter complement each other..."

"A portrait of a body." Li Nuo interrupted him, took out the pen and paper in his arms, and drew two S-shaped lines with two dots. The lines are soft, clean and full of temptation. You can see at a glance It comes from a professional hand, "I will give you a picture frame-sized sketch after it's done."

Elder    frowned slightly, then the corner of his mouth raised, "Deal!"

   Time goes back to the present.

   "That's it?" Qin Shou marveled at the inside story of Li Nuo and the elder.

"That's it." Li Nuo rubbed the bump on his brain. "The elder and I fed him about dozens of [paralysis raw meat] and [sleeping raw meat], and ten bottles of [cold drink]. It has become a portable object."

   Chabai: "Shameless."

   Jelika: "There is no lower limit."

   Qin Shou: "[BEEP——] Things."

   Deng Yuanzhou: "肏."

   "Chabai and Jelika said that I'm fine, how can you two join in the fun..." Li Nuo said angrily, "Don't you think our team has become much quieter after Momanosuke disappeared!?"

   Marger said: "Huh, you **** and thief are not qualified to slander a cat."

   "It doesn't look like you! In order to establish an image, the conscience is overwhelmed by stool!?"

   Chabai took the healing medicine and poured it into Momosuke's mouth. With a weak "meow", the boy came back to life.

Then it shook its head, staring at the people in the house with poor eyes, until it stopped gazing on Li Nuo, the anger in the eyes soared, and it jumped up and rushed towards it. Its two paws scratched wildly, and the scene was bloody. It's terrible, but very happy.

   It’s fun, it’s fun, it’s still something to be done.

   Li Nuo grabbed the white electric dragon's meat, and gave the hotel owner a [Seal of Akxi], and borrowed the kitchen while the owner was demented.

   Then it's time for Momanosuke to show off his role.

It brought the [Chef Sleeve], and the look suddenly changed the moment it picked up the kitchen knife. The wretched and wispy blue smoke disappeared, its face was firm, its eyes were majestic, and its fallen ears stood up and white. At this moment, the black spots seemed to be exuding super brilliance.

   Peel the skin and bones, and slice it, the kitchen knife seems to be given life in its hand.

   seasoning soup, the spoon is like a gentle girl, playing in the soup.

   was originally a kitchen full of foul smell, but it filled with a refreshing fragrance.

   After a while, everyone who was rushed back to the bedroom waited, the door opened, and Momano stepped in with the dining car.

   There are six plates in total, all covered with a lid.

   Momanosuke carefully divided each plate into the hands of everyone, lifted the lid, and dazzled the roof.

   Everyone’s eyes were almost flickering and could not be opened. This is not an illusion, but there is real light!

   When the light fades, everyone's dishes are different.

Fresh and juicy fried pork steak, spicy dragon meat pasta, refreshing and refreshing dragon meat sashimi, everyone is already hungry except for the cyborg who does not need to eat, and looks at the attractive food without thinking about it. In the entrance.


   Li Nuo's eyes changed as he watched Momanosuke. Fortunately, this guy is a slicker. If he is a bit motivated, he might be able to conquer the world.

The meat of Baidianlong will be a kind of high-quality food with good taste without the viscous liquid, but this kind of meat is also very greasy, because the fat is very thick, but after Momanosuke's cooking, the greasiness almost disappears, but it remains A unique fragrance.

   Even Chabai, who doesn't eat meat, has eyes moved because of the delicacy.

   In the "Monster Hunter" world, there is an auxiliary product called cat rice, which is rice cooked by cats. Foods with various effects can appear through different combinations of ingredients.

   In this world, the role of cat rice is extremely important, increasing energy and blood volume, or strengthening attack power and defense, or strengthening the player's other types of BUFF.

   However, there is a time limit for cat rice. Judging from the results of this consumption, the time range is within one hour.

   In short, using Momanosuke can help players increase fault tolerance in future journeys.

   "Fat and drink, can you talk about business?" Maljie looked at Jelika.

   Just when she was about to open her mouth to speak, she was stopped by Li Nuo again.

   He dragged Qin Shou and Deng Yuanzhou together, and whispered: "Both of you, before Jelika speaks, you two must think about one thing."

   "...If you have something to say, okay?" Qin Shou urged.

   Li Nuo said: "What she is going to say will definitely trigger a branch line. If we can't do it, 500 gold coins will be deducted. Can you accept this denomination?"

   "This is what you were worried about?" Deng Yuanzhou sighed after hearing this, "I didn't expect Brother Li to think so much for us."

   "No, Brother Zhou... he must have his own little nine..." Qin Shou interrupted.

"You're right, 500 gold coins are really hard to bear, but..." Deng Yuanzhou glanced at Jelica, who was sitting on the bedside, and laughed in a low voice: "Girl Jie is very nice, I can never see her. Don't help if you have trouble? And Brother Li don't have to worry. If the branch line problem is beyond our tolerance, we can put down the burden and go to the ancient pagoda first. Xiao Qin and I have no objection.

   As a middle-aged man who has been in the society for decades, Li Nuo's thoughts can be seen at a glance.

   Don’t look at Deng Yuanzhou’s carelessness. In fact, his mind is extremely delicate. He habitually treats and understands others with his heart, and always puts himself at the end. Such people are sometimes brilliant and sometimes foolish.

   Especially in places like "Endless Corridor", the intrigue among players is more tragic than reality. Sooner or later, his mentality will hurt him, but fortunately, most of the players in this script are abnormal now.

   A strange expression flashed in Li Nuo's expression, and he whispered: "If the branch line fails, I will replenish you with gold coins."

  After the words were over, before Deng Yuanzhou and Qin Shou could speak, he turned around and said to Jelika, "Please tell me, Dragon Cavalry, Miss Jelika."

   Jelika closed her eyes and opened her eyes instantly and said, "I am indeed the dragoon in your mouth, but...some things are different from what you imagined."

   "Say the topic directly." Li Nuo said.

He knew early in the morning that Jelika had a problem. That night, the girl opened her mouth and analyzed that they were going to the east. Nothing... That was not analysis, but induction. The induction of a group of "thief" made them think that they were going east. It is safe and dangerous to the west, but in fact, it is quite the opposite.

On the dragon’s back, Jerica slapped the fire dragon and called out "this child". Let’s not say whether normal people would call the fire dragon a child, but the tone and state. She must have been in contact with these monsters. Member, how can you have the opportunity to be in contact with the ferocious dragon and live well to this day?

   Finally, when Deng Yuanzhou marveled that she was not afraid of fire dragons, Jerica’s ridiculous answer almost clearly told Li Nuo that she was lying because the Hunter School...there is no such school in this world.

   If it was ever, Li Nuo would definitely expose it on the spot and find a branch line, but it was the same as Chabai’s evaluation of him.

  He is sometimes too "careful".

"Then...please let me introduce myself again." Zelika said with a serious face: "My real name is Zelika. Before I became a receptionist, I was just a...rider who was able to communicate with the dragon from a small village on the east coast. ."

   "Rider?" Qin Shou was puzzled, "Isn't it called Dragon Cavalry?"

   "Let her finish." Li Nuo made a request towards Jerica.

Zelika continued: "Dragon cavalry is what the outside world calls us. Almost everyone thinks that getting along with dragons is incomprehensible, but we don’t think so. We coexist and communicate with the “monsters” in your mouth. Even lifelong companionship is an ordinary thing in our opinion."

   She stopped here, looked at the reactions of everyone, and continued to tell her story when she saw that no one wanted to ask questions.

"In fact, our existence is not a secret. The upper level of the Dolma Guild basically knows the riders. The place where the guild was established is densely packed in the west and sparsely located in the east, because on the east coast, we riders manage the ecological balance of the monster , It’s just that in order to prevent those who ruled out bad intentions from using the power of monsters to do evil, the guild will hide this matter."

   "It's just...just a month ago, the customs that had been passed down from generation to generation in the village were broken."

   She took out a purple spar from her pocket, the size of her palm, and her dim luster.

"This is the secret that we can communicate with the dragon. [Binding Stone], a person recognized as a rider must challenge the test of liberating the power of the fetters. After completing the test and satisfying certain conditions, the power of the fetters Will gradually strengthen.

   In contrast, it can also form bonds with more ferocious ‘monsters’ and rare ‘monsters’.

  Furthermore, the power of the fetters can calm the ‘monster’ that has become violent for some reason to a certain extent.

   But...for some ‘monsters’ who have been completely out of control due to excessive influence, they seem very reluctant. "

   Jelika said that there was a shadow in her expression.

"After a strange earthquake of the earth’s crust, the light of [fetters] dimmed, and we could no longer control the overly ferocious monsters. The creatures that were originally stationed around the village fell into anomalies and lost the control of [fetters]. The village... was attacked and destroyed in an instant by the most ferocious dragons. Only me and a few riders escaped, but apart from dragons, we don’t have the guild’s weapons and armor that can fight ferocious dragons. If Keep going...someday everyone will die there."

   Qin Shou asked, "Can't you just run to the western mainland like you?"

   Jelika shook her head, "We live with dragons, it is impossible to integrate into the regular society, and the guild will not allow us to live in the west."


Li Nuo said: "If there is no intervention from the dragoon cavalry, the eastern area will be the guild sooner or later, not to mention dragging a group of dragons to open up new villages in the forest. It is too eye-catching and will be discovered sooner or later. At that time, the riders in the guild area can only face two choices, either kill the dragon that accompanies them and hand over the [fetters] to live as an ordinary person, or die with the dragon."

"That's it." Jelica kowtowed slightly, "No assistance can be sought in the normal way, and the guild will not accept our entrustment, but it is ironic that we can only seek the help of a hunter with a stronger single body, so I and mine A companion came to Dolma area together. He went to Mildare further west. I stayed in the guild where I met you, hoping to find kind hunters to help us."

   Li Nuo asked curiously: "A certain guild that Banks said was taming flying dragons. Is this your companion doing it?"

   Jelika wrinkled her apricot eyes, and said thoughtfully: "Well...I don't know, it should be...but I don't know why he did this."

   Assimilated... Li Nuo slandered, but he didn't say the answer that would make Jerica fall into sadness instantly.

   At this time, Marger asked: "Is the tyrannosaurus appearing one after another related to the fall of your village?"

   After all, there are very few individuals of Tyrannosaurus Rex. It shouldn't be accidental that two of them happened at different locations.

   "It's hard to say, but there are indeed a few invading Direnosaurus around the village under our control."

   Li Nuo's brain twitched as he listened to it. In his heart, you are still fat...Hoarding Tyrannosaurus...

   "Okay, let's get back to the topic." Li Nuo said: "Since I got the fire dragon back to the guild, you have been planning to find us to save the village, right?"

"Please don't say it so bad... It's not a calculation..." Zelika pouted, "I know you are definitely not riders, and I can see that you are different from ordinary hunters, especially sneaky in the dark. ...No...It's a gentle and slow step to leave, which makes me more convinced that you can't be a hunter. Big bags and small bags are more like... thieves... plus you don't seem to know the area... so I thought Lead everyone to the east."

"As long as your guidance is successful, even if we don't agree to your request, you can follow us to the east side of the mainland, and then find a way to'lie' us to the village halfway." Li Nuo interrupted her and added, " Let me think about it... A girl catches up with a group of mysterious guys from unknown sources in Hei Tian, ​​and intends to take out all of her foundation, you are big enough... How can we be sure that we are not bad guys? Just [fetters] It is enough to make ordinary people feel bad."

   Jelika smiled, and looked at her grayish blue eyes.

   "If it is a bad person, it is impossible to have such clear eyes."

   The tea was white for a moment, feeling deeply uncomfortable with such praise.

   Jelica looked at Li Nuo again, and said, "What's more, you develop a relationship with the fire dragon without needing [fetters]. From this alone, I can also be sure that Edward, you are definitely not a malicious person."

   No... You are thinking wrong... You don't know what happened that day... Qin Shouxu looked at him, feeling that this sister really didn't have the eyes to see people.

   "Miss Jerica." Marger said, "Actually, my heart..."

   "That's all I can say." Jerica quickly interrupted Marger, as if she didn't want to listen to him.

   "Everyone, can you help me and save the village?"

  【The branch mission has been triggered】


  【Experience: 7000】

  【Reward: Bonding Stone】

   Everyone's eyes widened slightly, 7000 experience points...what the **** is this...

   Li Nuo took out the map and laid it directly on the bed.

   "Point to where your village is?"

   Jelika walked over and pointed to a place not far from the coast on the east side of the mainland.

   "We don't have our village on the map. The location is probably here, but the village has never been named, only a name specific to that location."

"what is it call?"

   "Monster Coast."

   Li Nuo opened his eyes wide and looked at the tea white who was surprised at the same time.

   Just as he was about to speak, there was a sharp pain in his stomach.

   It hurts, he frowned and crawled onto the bed.

   "What happened to Brother Li?" Deng Yuanzhou asked first.

   Li Nuo reluctantly waved his hand, his stomach hurts so much that he could barely speak, even if he had undergone pain training, he couldn't bear it.

   It's like... eating expired food poisoned with poison.

   His pupils glanced at Momanosuke.

   suddenly realized.

   This cat has wrong eyes...

   "It's really...every cause will have results..."

   After a murmur in his mouth, Li Nuo immediately ran to the toilet.

   He never appeared again until dinner.



  Ps: Thank you, Ying Zhong Chu Qi and Y Gu Ao Tian Y have been rewarding in a few days~

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