Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 228: Rider station

[Already open the fire dragon evolution chain]

  【Fire Dragon LV16→Blue Fire Dragon LV30→Silver Fire Dragon】

   [The second evolution chain has not been unlocked]

  【Silver Fire Dragon LV55→? ? ? 】

   [Silver Fire Dragon + Armor Core→? ? ? 】

  [The third layer of evolution chain cannot be queried]

  【Current situation of the blue fire dragon】

  【Blue Fire Dragon LV20】

  【Attribute: Fire\Dragon】


  【Object Attack: 75】

   [physical defense: 50]

  【Special Attack: 42】

  【Special defense: 61】

  [Speed: 80]





   "What's wrong with you...?" Jerica couldn't help being curious seeing the shocked faces of the four men.

   The four looked at each other.

   "It's okay, on the road..."

   This matter is not easy to spit, and it is a little bit impossible to talk about it.

   because the slot is too big!


Four hunters marched in the grass. They were Bassoon with big swords, Dadu with bows and arrows, Dobrum with double knives, and Rem with insect sticks. All four men, as for what equipment they wear. Don't say it, waste time.

   Take a knife and scrape off the dirt on the road.

   "This is it, I found it."

   "But it is still uncertain what kind of body fluid the monster left."

   Dobrum took out the map and pointed to the spot, and said: "Further ahead is the monster coast on the east side..."


   Several people were a little silent. They came here after tracking a monster that had attacked the village. After walking for two days and two nights, they finally found a clue to the monster, but...

   Monster Coast is a restricted area for their hunters.

"Let's go." Basong straightened the big sword on his back. "It's all here. There is nothing that can stop the hunters from the Monster Coast. All that is just a legend, not to mention the rewards of this list. Gold is enough for our retirement."

   The other three people were silent for a moment. Then they smiled at each other and walked on the road to the monster coast together.


   The fire dragon flies in the sky, and the distant sun has risen, covering the green earth into warm yellow.

   "A mutant of Tyrannosaurus...?"

   Jelika sat on the dragon's back and shouted at the bottom.

   "Yes! It's the Furious Tyrannosaurus mutated into another creature!" Li Nuo yelled from the top, he was routinely tied to the dragon's leg, and the other leg was tied to Marger.

   The cold wind whizzed past. Although the speed of the Blue Fire Dragon had been reduced a lot, it still couldn't stand the cold wind like an exposed airplane wheel.

   Li Nuo has basically said the Benjra Deinosaurus matter once, but after listening to it, Jerica just repeatedly asked the words "A mutant of the Deinosaurus?"

   Obviously she doesn't know what happened to the Tyrannosaurus Rex mutation. In other words, the mutation situation is likely to be closely related to the main mission.

  Of course, Li Nuo didn't get rid of the affairs of the mirror master Ronald when he told everything.

He also didn't expect that the first meeting with the Mirror Master in another world would be so smooth. He thought that this old guy would put forward various conditions before he could help. This also made Li Nuo a little puzzled. Why did Ronald have such a different world? The big interest, as he himself said, is just because he wants to broaden his horizons because of his discomfort, or he has other plans...

   I can't think about it for the time being, nor can I think about it.

   Li Nuo knows his own brain well, and is likely to think about something extremely scary.

   "Edward!" Jerica shouted at this moment: "Let the blue fire dragon fly to the south!"

   Li Nuo obeyed after hearing this, and used [Long Lei] to guide the flight of the Blue Fire Dragon. At this moment, he had a feeling of being a captain, except that the cockpit was on the side of the plane.

   About half an hour later, the blue fire dragon landed smoothly.

   Jelika was the first to jump off her body, and then she took out an oval sphere from her pocket.

   "Everyone plug your ears."

   When the words fell, everyone hadn't reacted, and they saw that Jerica had thrown the sphere far away.

   Then, the ball exploded.

   fried like a new year...

   The branches and leaves of the surrounding trees began to shake, and a loose sound came from a distance.

   Suddenly two female fire dragons flew out of the forest.

   Everyone was shocked, but they heard the sound of people wearing the female fire dragon.


"I am back!"

   These greetings are like greetings between old father and daughter who have not seen each other for a long time during the Chinese New Year.

   Two men jumped off the female fire dragon's back, both holding long spears, and also dragon cavalry, given the name A and B due to their weak status.

   followed the two eldest riders into the dense forest, walked a few miles, suddenly enlightened.

Among the huge tree roots in the dense forest, there are countless tents. People living here are wearing thin armor or leather coats. Many of them are standing at the roots. The upper flying dragon.

   They are dragoon cavalry, but this is not their village.

   The village has long been destroyed by the monsters out of control, and this place is just a temporary camping place.

   "Is this Nima still "Monster Hunter"...?" Qin Shou looked sleepily at the cavalry who was in harmony with the flying dragon, and his blurred brain was wondering what script this was.

   "Ha...Xiao Qin, even "Pokemon" appeared, I don't think it's a big deal." Deng Yuanzhou's eyelids were drooping, and he was very depressed. He was so sleepy that he wanted to fall to the ground and couldn't sleep.

Along the way, the eldest brother now admires how the three of Li Nuo can be so energetic. Starting from the beginning of this world, the two-day sleep time did not exceed 6 hours, even if the iron man is basically awake. It's over.

   Actually, to explore this issue, you have to talk about occupation.

Since Li Nuo healed, he began to adopt the "normal" cartoonist's work and rest time. He sleeps no more than 5 hours a day, and one month of exercise has made him the kind of normal person who can maintain energy with only half of his work and rest time. Energetic people.

   Marger, in his own words, he often works overtime, and he has long been used to sleeping less every day.

  Chabai, she is a human being...

   Jelika took them into the largest tent.

   Inside the tent, several rider-like people gathered around a woman in leather armor.

   This woman has dark skin, a reggae haircut, and white stripes on both sides of her cheeks, she can tell that she is a strong brunette.

   When Jelika opened the curtain, everyone in the tent was taken aback.

   "Jelika!" The black girl's eyes widened, her voice mixed with joy and shock.

   Jelika burst into a smile, rushed directly onto the black girl, and hugged her tightly.

   "Sister Chel..."

   The riders around are also smiling happily, it seems that no one regards Li Nuo and them as human beings.

   "Zelika... let me take a look." The black girl held Zelika's face like a pair of lilies.

   "Haha, sister Chel." Zelika wiped the corners of her eyes happily, turned her head and said, "I brought a hunter who can help us."

   "Where!" The black girl stood up and scanned.

   Jelika smiled helplessly, and reached out to Li Nuo and the others, ""

   The black girl was taken aback, the color of joy was instantly shrouded in the haze on her face, she waved her hand, and the riders in the tent left after seeing this.

   After everyone left, the black girl asked: "Are you sure?"

   Jelika nodded firmly, "They are great."

   "Hmm..." The black girl sighed softly and said, "You are rude, please sit down."

   Several people looked around subconsciously after listening.

   "Sister Chel means, just sit on the ground." Zelika smiled bitterly.

   Li Nuo's mouth twitched, are you really a tribe...

  Although they were so slanderous in their hearts, everyone still sat down, except for Deng Yuanzhou, who leaned on the edge of the tent, knowing that he could immediately fall asleep after sitting down.

"My name is Chel Jessles, the acting head of the village." The black girl thought about introducing herself first anyway, her eyes were scanning the "hunters" sitting here, she The more I look at it, the more I feel unreliable.

  A boy who can't help but grow up...a ​​kid, a fat man, a thin woman, a pervert, a strange-eyed Ellu cat...How is this like a hunter...

   At this time, her gaze swept across standing there, her eyes condensed from sleepiness, the resolute and strong Deng Yuanzhou, suddenly, the black girl was stunned.

   Strong, masculine, mature, sexy, with a little melancholy...

the man.

   She suddenly felt her heart beating violently.

   "Sister Chel?" Jerica looked strange when she saw her.

   "Ah...ah! It's okay!" The black girl hurriedly turned around and patted her cheek, what am I thinking! ?

   She calmed down, turned around again, and let her pupils try not to look at Deng Yuanzhou.

"Presumably Jerica should have also told you about what happened here. I am also going straight ahead. I will be rewarded for helping us, but please think about it, because..." She deliberately brightened her voice. Subconsciously glanced at Deng Yuanzhou, this strong man had not seen her directly, and was a little bit disappointed about this.

   "Because of what?" Li Nuo asked curiously.

   The black girl immediately changed her mind and said, "It's dangerous."

   She turned her head to look at Jelika.

   "What I told Jerika was to find two groups of hunters, but now only a few of you may not be enough. If you want, you can wait for a few days, but I will guarantee that the reward will be very rich."

   "Don't wait, we don't have time." Li Nuo immediately rejected, "And please tell me, what are the rewards?"

   "Of course it is the bounty that you hunters care about the most."

   "No bounty is needed, we need equipment and manufacturing technology."

   "What!?" The black girl was unhappy, and the equipment was okay, but how could the manufacturing technology be handed over to foreign hunters casually.

   Marger said, "Ms. Chel."

   "What do you call me?" The black girl glared. She was still a big girl.

"Ah...Miss Cheer, it's like this." Marger said: "On the one hand, we may not be able to complete the task alive, on the other hand, in terms of manufacturing methods, we can exchange with you so that no one loses. "

   After hearing this, the black girl lowered her head and thought, and a moment later said to Jerica, "How is Leonardo?"

   "He went to a place further west, and I don't know when I can bring people back."

   "This is not easy..." The black girl whispered: "They are too few in number, even if we add our riders, they used to die."

   While she was talking, she secretly glanced at Deng Yuanzhou, how could she let such a good man go to death... What am I thinking!

   Jelika smiled: "Not necessarily, they are really good."

   Is it okay for you to ignore us so much...Although Li Nuo wants to say that, he still intends to listen to it first.

   "I want to hear your reasons." The black girl said.

   "One of them can establish contact with the fire dragon without [fetters]."

   The black girl looked bright after hearing it.

   Jelika continued, "They fought off the Tyrannosaurus that attacked the city."


  Through these two paragraphs of description, the black girl's heartstrings have loosened a little. The establishment of contact with the fire dragon shows that she is an extremely mature hunter, and her ability to repel the Tyrannosaurus repelling is also good enough, but she still hesitates.

   The greater the base of the hunter, the higher the success rate of hunting. Even if the people in front of them are outstanding, if they act rashly to damage the soldiers, it will lead to failure of the ending. It will not do them any good for the riders. Waiting for more assistance is the best way.

   The black girl said, "Wait a little longer."

   "Miss Cut."

   In the corner of the tent, Deng Yuanzhou leaning there raised his jaw.

   "Ha... please trust us."

   A simple sentence is like a bow and arrow that has entered her heart. Looking at this man, the half-closed eyes have been opened, his eyes are firm but with a little sadness.

   Of course she did not expect that Deng Yuanzhou's melancholy look was due to sleepiness.

   "Um... well... well..."

   The black girl turned her head immediately after speaking, and blamed her impulse in her heart, but she was a little excited in contradiction.

   "Live together, let's talk about business." Li Nuo dragged her out of the girl's feelings untimely.

   "I just thought about it. In addition to equipment and manufacturing technology, we also need some materials and supplies."

  The black girl stared, "Why don't you grab it?"


   "...Li Nuo, don't take it seriously!" Qin Shou reminded in a low voice.

   Li Nuo smiled, “It’s okay. In order to cooperate, we always need to talk about some things. The breeze is over the mountains and the sand is rolling. Our relationship is like the wind and the sand. Rolling and rolling will become familiar."

   The corners of the black girl's mouth twitched, "Are we familiar?"

   Li Nuo said: "Now give you a chance to be friends with us."

   "Zelica...Where did you find this guy? His face is thicker than a fire dragon's carapace."

   After some wrangling, Li Nuo and his party fulfilled their expectations as they wished for the rewards, weapons, equipment, materials, and some of the drawings of the dragoon cavalry.

   Correspondingly, Marger will report the [deflagration bullet] and the way the pistol was made.

   The black girl sat in the only chair in the tent, and wanted to tell something about the mission.

   "Do you know this place like Monster Coast?"

   Everyone was silent.

   The black girl was speechless and squeezed her brows and said: "Monster Coast is one of the most dangerous places in the entire continent, no less than the ancient city of Xiured."


   Li Nuo interrupted, "No less than the ancient city of Xiureide?"

   "Yes, that's why I will ask you to wait for more people to arrive before you act, because there..."

   "Don't cause it first." Li Nuo interrupted again: "Since it is so dangerous..."

   The black girl said: "Timid?"

   Li Nuo shook his head lightly and smiled sullenly.

   "We need to add another payment."



  Ps: Thank you for your reward~



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