Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 235: Great Sword of Defilement

The thing buried behind the gravel is a round stone shining with colorful rays. Its volume should be half the size of a human, with dazzling light, and many leaf-patterned objects floating inside.

   Based on these floating patterns, Li Nuo speculated that it should be a mega stone from the world of "Pokemon".

   This kind of stone first appeared in the sixth-generation Pokémon game "Pokémon xy".

   Everyone heard the sound vaguely, but it was small and vague, almost inaudible.

   The voice spread along the cracks around the golden lion.

   "White tea! A bag of rice carries several floors!"

   He raised his head, took a deep breath, and shouted at the loudest volume.

   "It really is a mega evolution stone..."

   He brought out the cobblestone panel and his eyes lit up.

  The big boulders hidden behind the gravel are all visible in the eyes.

   Li Nuo joked and removed the last stone.

   "But I see you having fun."

   "Okay!" Bassoon clutched his nose, twisted back and forth with the big sword in his other hand, twisting out the yellow and red juice.


   "There are monsters below!" Chabai looked at her feet warily.

   After the golden lion roared, he raised his head and looked towards the sky. All four arms began to tremble, and the raised arms of the back fell down, as if all his strength was deprived.

   "'s a bit wrong."

   Chabai suddenly stopped him.

   "Dodge all!" Maljie held it in his hand, ready to take this opportunity to throw it over. Since he can't beat it, it's better to let this guy leave, and now the opportunity is in sight, how can he let it go.

   The golden lion roared, scared everyone back.

   He immediately copied out the big sword, stepped on the stones and swung the sword angrily!

   Bassoon was taken aback, this trick was destructive, although it sounds awkward.

   Li Nuo turned his head and shouted, "Bassoon! Use your great sword to stab it between the two strands!"


   "It's not..." Li Nuoqi took a closer look and said, "Is this guy a male?"

   Bassoon continued: "You read that right, this should be the lower body of a golden lion..."

   "If I read it right..." Li Nuo's mouth was twitching.

   They just moved a big rock away. Who knows that Fang suddenly collapsed and dropped such a thing...

   Li Nuo and Ba Song sat on the ground awkwardly, looking at Fang's thick waist and two muscular animal legs that were stuck by the rock wall, with a blurred look.

   is under the golden lion.

Qin Shou calmed down in an instant, muttering in his mouth, rejoicing in his heart. When the golden lion attacked him just now, I don’t know why the big rock under his feet fell. Fortunately, it sank in. The blow was just a fist. Just let his bones be broken, if it really hits, it will definitely beat him into stuffing.

"Scared me!"

After he was relieved and the dust had dispersed, Deng Yuanzhou was about to speak, but he swallowed the words from his lips, because the golden lion was right in front of him, but most of it sank into the ground, struggling for some reason and couldn’t get out. .

   immediately took the bleeding medicine into Qin Shou's stomach.

   He saw Qin Shou's arms twisted in the opposite direction, blood was choking in his mouth, but his limbs were not broken and he could be rescued.

   "Little Qin..."

   Deng Yuanzhou was even more anxious, and ran to a nearby area with dust covering his eyes and saw Qin Shou who fell to the ground.

With a grunt, Qin Shou's cannon rolled out of the sky.

If it is directly transmitted back to the main space by death, it will only lose a chance to reward the main line, but if it does not die, the golden lion will continue to attack. The most terrible consequence is that the limbs are severely attacked and cut off. Then, Qin Shou’s future will be It's a dead end.

   Deng Yuanzhou shook off the white tea and rushed eagerly. The system did not prompt Qin Shou to withdraw from the script, indicating that he was not killed in this punch, but he was afraid that he was not killed!

   Marger yelled, but the golden lion's attack speed was so fast, it had already been punched, the ground was collapsed and the dust was flying.

   "Qin Shou! Later!"

   It appeared behind Qin Shou.

When    reappeared, everyone was shocked.

  The golden lion suddenly disappeared, leaving only a strand of golden light.

   The white heart of the tea was able to grasp Deng Yuanzhou's shoulders and protected him to evacuate backwards. The speed of this big man was too slow. If the golden lion attacked, he would definitely be the first to suffer.

   "... Brother Zhou retreats, Miss Chabai!" Maljie immediately got up, ran to another position where it fell, and was ready to throw it at any time.

   And the golden lion stepped on the blue fire dragon, leaning back, and slowly walking towards the players.

   With a boom, the fire dragon landed, lying on its side, trembling, unable to fight again, this was just the power of a blow.

   grabbing the fire dragon's neck with his shoulders and arms, his fists on his back combined into a hammer, and he smashed the fire dragon head heavily.

   It appeared in the blue fire dragon's side in an instant!

  Tea Bai raises his head, "Heaven..."

   Deng Yuanzhou was shocked, "Where did you go?"

  When the flame exploded, the golden lion had disappeared here.

   The Canghuolong who had been waiting in the sky suddenly spit out three fireballs at the golden lion.

   How rich is the combat experience inside the human brain, and her evaluation is definitely the most accurate among all players present.

   "I can't beat it, I don't even have a 10% chance of winning..."

   Chabai made an accurate estimate as soon as he saw the changes in its appearance.

   Marger was stunned, and the golden lion had grown four arms. What is this change like a Super Saiyan now!

   opened his eyes and looked around, a layer of golden flames surrounded the golden lion.

   Suddenly, golden light appeared, and the air rushed to blow everyone away.

  Only Chabai said softly, "It's not good..."

   No one responded, because everyone felt the same with him.

   "Why...what's going on?" Deng Yuanzhou was sweaty and his hands were shaking. He knew that it was time to attack, but he didn't dare to take a step forward. The current state of the golden lion brought him an unprecedented sense of danger.

   Everyone was obsessed with seeing it. They didn't know what was going on at this level of change, but one thing was for sure. They were shocked by an inexplicable coercion that they could hardly move.

   The ground under its feet cracked fine lines, and a layer of air flow spread out, surrounded by rubble.

   The championship belt on the waist of the Golden Lion fell to the ground.


   Marger is overjoyed, the faint attack is successful, so, just repeat the steps just now...

   The golden lion jumped out of the sink, rolled around on the ground, and stood up, but his footsteps began to be messy.

   At the same time, for the sake of the ancient tower behind, try not to eat pills or seeds that can increase power as much as possible. In this way, the trap becomes the main prop for the final cleaning of this link.

Just as Li Nuo emphasized the preparations before the war, a large number of powerful monsters will inevitably have a few slippery fish escape from the bombing. The props prepared should not only be explosive barrels and dung blocks, but also for further cleaning. Be prepared.

   And Malger took advantage of the fight between the white tea and the golden lion, and more than one settlement was arranged on the ground.

After the golden lion jumped into the fall, Ma Jie and Qin Shou first used high-fire ammunition to increase their injuries, and finally waited for the golden lion to break free before being hit by Deng Yuanzhou’s hammer, making the golden lion even run out. The sinking is also in a dizzy state.

   blunt weapons can cause more stun values. At the same time, the biggest weakness of the golden lion is that it is prone to fainting when it is hit on the head. This is why Marger asked Deng Yuanzhou to make a final shot.

   cat’s ko technique makes it easier for monsters to stun, and the stun value caused by weapons is increased to 11 times.

   The key lies in Momosuke's cat meal, and the cat meal Deng Yuanzhou ate was determined for him.

   The orb inlaid with the hammer is a friend's orb. The function is to share part of the effects of the supplies you have eaten with your teammates. Because the orbs in the Dragoon camp are all first-class beads, the effect of the orb on combat is limited.

   Deng Yuanzhou's hammer hit the golden lion's forehead, and the air pulsed, the golden lion's eyes turned white, and the corners of his eyes were bleeding.

   On the other side, Fang.


   "Move quickly, whether we can live or not depends on it."

   Li Nuo took a step forward and continued to move the stones to quickly liberate the maga stone.

   "I have never seen this kind of mineral..." Bassoon exclaimed.

   can allow some creatures that were thought to be unable to evolve to break through the original limitations and obtain further evolution. , And can liberate the hidden power in a short time.

   Only Chabai can hear her. She is an artificial human, and her sensory system is born better than ordinary humans.

   Then her tight expression relaxed, she could hear Li Nuo's tone, although she didn't know what happened, but since he allowed himself to turn on, it means that the two side horses that are now going can be over.

   After a light sigh, Chabai said in a helpless and painful tone: "A bag of rice...carry several floors..."

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