Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 262: Catch me

"Count the money for vandalism..."

   "A total of 574 grams, leave your identity and address, and hand it in within one week."

   Several policemen surrounded Li Nuo. They did not invite Li Nuo in, but stayed outside.

   Li Nuo sat on the steps and rubbed his chest, with blood on his face under the mask, and said: "Mask butcher."

   A policeman smiled and said, "My friend, sleep in a daze."

"What I'm saying is true... and where will I go to sleep at night?" Li Nuo pointed to his mask and the walking stick that turned into a whip blade, "Mask and walking stick, take a look at it, and the reward The same."

  The policeman said: "Well, it looks like it, where did you buy it?"

  Another policeman said: "The wanted order was handed over to another agency last year. It would be unfortunate if you want to stay in jail. Recently, it is overcrowded."

   He tore off a list, "Name and address..."

   Li Nuo didn't wait for him to finish and used it.

   The police's eyes suddenly became cloudy, but no one else saw anything abnormal.

   "Which agency was handed over?" Li Nuo asked.

   "The Order and... the gang..."

   The policemen were all taken aback, and the policeman who got the French seal was even more confused.

   "Thank you."

   Li Nuo said softly, turned around and ran away with Chabai.

   "Do you know where the gang and the sect are?" Chabai followed Li Nuo into a dark alley.

   Li Nuo smiled as he ran: "More than know..."

   "By the way, Chabai, you will do me a favor later..."


   went through the alley and headed towards the Nanjiexiang District.

   As before, it's humid, smelly, dirty, and isolated.

   It didn't take long before they were standing at the gang office stationed in Nanjie Lane, a house that didn't fit in here.

   According to Watsk, the owner of the Black Crow Castle, this is a single-story building with exquisite decoration, and its surroundings are full of dilapidated houses built of stone and brick.

   "Evil capitalism..."

   He threw the empty bottle on the ground, wiped the green juice from the corner of his mouth, and stepped forward and knocked on the door.

   The door was opened to a small gap, and a pair of godless eyes appeared from the gap.


   "Mask Butcher."



   Close the door.

   knocked on the door again.

   This time the door was opened rudely, and the gun was aimed at Li Nuo's forehead.

   "You **** sick!"

   "You **** have medicine?"

   Li Nuo’s answer left the gangster at a loss...

   "What's the matter!?" A shout came from inside the house.

   The door-opener with no spirit of eyes explained the matter to the people in the room, and Li Nuo and Cha Bai were "invited" to enter.

   "I am really a masked butcher." They stood among a group of black suits, Li Nuo raised his hands, "I was caught by her."

   Everyone focused their eyes on Cha Bai's body, and suddenly laughter arose.

   "You mean this chick caught the mask butcher~" A cheeky smiled, "I think her little hand also grabbed my root~"

   Going on, I promise that she will twist your roots off, and I have never seen a person who describes herself as small, you are a warrior... Li Nuo scornfully glanced at the tea white, her face calm.

   I still don’t know what root means...

   "Hey, kid." Luo Hu continued: "It's too late today, we have to rest, so let you go, but this girl..."

   He glanced up and down at Chabai, his eyes looked like a hungry wild boar, "She has to stay, we suspect this little girl...there is a dangerous weapon hidden in her clothes~"


   Chabai took a sigh of relief, and said, "Li Nuo, stay away."

   Li Nuo stepped back to the wall, brushed his beard and waved, "Brother, take care."


   The blue electric light burst out suddenly, and the dazzling light dazzled everyone's eyes.

   When the burnt smell entered the nostrils, more than half of the gangsters had already gone.

   Most of the rest fell to the ground in fright.


   Luhu hid under the table to avoid the lightning strike, he suddenly jumped out at this moment, and there was an extra weapon in his hand.

   Li Nuo recognized at a glance, cane! ?

   Is this grandson a church hunter?

   The moment he waved his cane, Li Nuo was already a step closer, and the tip of the cane plunged into the shoulder of the beard in an instant.


While the beard was still in surprise, Li Nuo's hand had already pressed his throat and pressed him to the ground with his knees against his chest. The cane was thrown away and turned into a whip blade, and the fine blade was placed on the beard. On the neck.

   "You...who are can you have this weapon..."

   "I have said..." Li Nuo said helplessly: "Mask butcher..."

   "...What are you going to do?" Luo Yang Hu said this time.

   "Catch me."

   "...You don't have the attitude of being caught now..."

   Li Nuo glanced at the Chabai beside his eyes and said, "As reported above, this woman caught me."

   "Can you please...have an attitude of being arrested..."

"Just gave you, you don't cherish it." Li Nuo said coldly: "Listen, use the fastest speed to draw up a letter to arrest the'mask butcher'. I don't care whether you want to stamp your handprint or sign it, no matter how complicated the process is. , It must be done before dawn to let the people above you know that the'mask butcher' was caught by a female warlock."

   "How do you know that the formalities of the letter hearing are troublesome?" Hu Jinhu was surprised.

   Nonsense, Li Nuo is slanderous, it's not that I haven't taken the subsistence allowance.

   hurriedly said, "My friend...I understand how you want to go in, but the process is very cumbersome. It will take two days to hand in at the earliest. I can't..."

   "It won't be done before dawn..." Li Nuo's eyes swept toward the crotch of his beard, "I'll twist your roots."

   Luhu's face suddenly paled, "I understand!"

   "But... you need to go with me... go directly to the superior mansion to report..." Luo Jihu cautiously said: "All right...?"


   Just like that, Li Nuo surrendered to the superior mansion they said in the dark, escorting the gangster...

   Chabai held a large bag of prepaid bounties, looking at the wanted criminals and gangsters who were in disorder.

   She won't go with her. After all, Chabai belongs to a person with status in this world, and this identity is the best thing to keep. Second, Li Nuo has something to ask her to do.

   She found from her pocket the route map that Li Nuo had drawn when she rushed.

   took a step and quickly ran toward the route drawn on the drawing, and the sound of high heels landing echoed in the dark streets.

   After a while, she has reached the destination pub.

   Looking at the text written on the back of the note, Cha Bai looked at the closed wooden door in front of him and hesitated.

   "Are you sure to do this..."

   She knocked on the door three times, three long and one short, three short and one long, two long and two short, and finally kicked the door fiercely.

   The wooden door fell to the ground with a bang.

   There are no customers in the shop, only the boss is wiping the glasses.

   But he is silly now...

   I saw the woman who had knocked her door down slowly walking on a catwalk, looked at him and said:

   "Black Crow Tavern, Watsk?"

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