Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 322: Today, I am a good student, really a good student

Li Nuo walked to the center of the training ground.

   "Give me five minutes to prepare."

   After speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground, with his back facing Weipu, and opened the backpack panel.

   Weipu was behind, looking at a loss, she noticed one thing, Li Nuo's injury seemed to healed.

Although she was suspicious, she did not step forward to disturb, but leaned against the wall with her hands in her pockets, glanced at the watch on her wrist, and whispered, "Starting in five minutes, if you really learn my moves and Fighting genre, invitation letter for the fighting competition, I'll apply for you."

That’s what we said, but Weipu didn’t believe it in her heart. It took her a year of assassination technique to apply it in actual combat. She also created the whip technique. It is impossible for anyone in this world to be able to use it in actual combat. God learned these two fighting skills.

   Li Nuo stared at the four extra transparent **** in the backpack panel. Three were skills and one was fighting skills.




   The three skills are common skills of Weipu.

   In fact, Weipu's fighting method is "diversion to attack", which is based on pretending to be offensive and controlling the field, which perfectly fits the definition of a whip weapon.

   Compared with her delicate appearance, the whip technique is closer to fierceness. The attack style of the whip in her hand is "shooting". The trajectory is like a bullet, fast and deadly.

   belongs to Weipu’s original "control whip technique", but to fully master these requires an extremely important thing to lay the foundation-Hardyron's assassination technique.

   This martial art is now lying in Li Nuo's backpack, one of the four transparent balls.

   "There are no side effects..."

   Because "Endless Corridor" was full of thunder's cheating, he hesitated, but this intuition was fleeting, and he opened the four **** one by one.

   The white mist swayed from the sphere, wrapping Li Nuo in it, as if it was covered by thick snow.

   Weipu was taken aback, she had never seen this before.

"what happened?"

She walked forward with worry, and suddenly the dense fog that enveloped Li Nuo washed away like a flood, and the rushing mist hit Weipu’s face. She squinted and saw Li Nuo appearing in her vision again. He was safe and sound, still sitting cross-legged on the ground.

   Li Nuo looked at his palm, his five fingers moved, and at the same time a system prompt sounded in his ear.

   ten seconds later...

   Li Nuo's bones and joints made noises everywhere, as if bones were breaking, but his body felt unprecedented comfort, like the refreshing sensation of being bent by an old Chinese doctor.

   "Relieve muscles and promote blood circulation..."

   Weipu's soft palm rested on his shoulder, "Are you... all right?"

   Apparently the sound of twisting bones shocked her.

   Looking at Weipu's concerned eyes, Li Nuo smiled brightly, "It's time to start~"

   When the words fell, Li Nuo slapped up and swept away before Weipu could react.

   Just like before, this kind of attack can't touch Weipu at all.

   But, Li Nuo's next move made her look slightly stunned.

   Li Nuo subconsciously gathered his five fingers into a knife-like shape, and cut it towards Weipu's neck.

   Weipu fends off, then withdraws from the safe area.

   There are doubts printed on her eyes, and Li Nuo's actions just now look familiar to her.

   "Continue." Weipu stretched his whip this time, stretched his upper body, and made a gesture of facing the enemy.

   Li Nuo didn't know why he had to use a knife just now, but felt that it should be done, like a muscle memory imprinted in his body.

   Weipu flicked the whip, just an action, the black whip coiled around her as if there was a soul.

"The whip is wrapped around the body, it looks defensive, but it actually limits the opponent's angle of attack, so he can attack again." Li Nuo understood everything in an instant. This trick Weipu had never used before, but in his eyes Very familiar.

  Because the foundation of Hardyron's assassination technique has been printed in his back.

   Li Nuo did not hesitate, and jumped on top of Weipu's head with the whip blade. The latter shook his wrist, and the black whip shot straight.

   At the very moment, Li Nuo turned around in midair and avoided the shot whip. His insight actually could not predict Weipu's attack trajectory, but because he now mastered the assassination technique, he could guess Weipu's attack method in advance.

   The next moment, Li Nuo swung the whip blade to the ground, rubbing sporadic sparks, he hung upside down in mid-air and slashed under his foot, then twisted his body, and stabbed Weipu's upper body with the knife.

   Weipu grabbed his wrist in an instant, and violently pulled Li Nuo to the ground.

   But at the moment, Li Nuo's right hand is not idle, using what he has just learned, shaking the whip blade and sweeping towards her.

Weipu slid away, and the shattered whip blade pierced her army green uniform. At this moment, Weipu's balance was broken. She couldn't control her body and moved towards Li Nuo without a sense of balance. A few steps.

   "This trick..." Weipu looked at Li Nuo incredulously, "My, code name... Power?"

   Li Nuo shook the whip blade into a cane, and smiled on his shoulder, "It's not over, the next is the Hadillon assassination stream."


   Five minutes later, Ralph groped his pocket and walked back to the door of the training room.

   "The key...the key is lost..."

   Before opening the door of the room, he smiled, thinking that Li Nuo behind the door was being abused by the whip queen of their angry team, and he couldn't help but hang on to the excitement.

   People are like this. Watching the excitement is not too big a problem. When watching others fight, think about making videos.

   The door opened, and the training room was quiet. Li Nuo sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

   Ralph saw the blood on the corner of Li Nuo's mouth at a glance. He happily stepped forward and greeted him, "Yeah~ Isn't it over yet?"

   But Weipu didn't respond, she stood silent like a nail.

   frowned tightly, his face darkened.

   "Vip, what's the matter?" Ralph asked, his tone dignified, he saw something was going on here.

   Weipu still ignored the words and stared at Li Nuo.

   Ralph picked up Li Nuo and said angrily: "Boy, what did you do?"

   Li Nuo said in an indifferent tone: "Don't be so irritable..."

   "Let him go." Weipu grabbed Ralph's hand, and the latter let go.

   "Edward..." Weipu called out Li Nuo's pseudonym, and then asked after a pause, "The strengthening ability that Sound Nest gives you is learning?"

   "Learning!?" Ralph shook his body. The world's largest terrorist organization gave strengthened fighters a talent for learning.

   Weipu said, "He learned my moves."

   Ralph wondered, "Isn't it... It's only two days..."

   "It's not bad at all... and..." Weipu turned to look at Ralph, eyes deep and indescribable, "... forget it."

Weipu wanted to say that Li Nuo even had part of the "Hadiron Assassination Stream", but thinking that this would cause others to doubt that Ralph was a soldier or a mercenary, and the caution of the soldiers made him doubt Li Nuo. In fact, I have mastered the assassination technique a long time ago, but I have never used it just to hide certain things...

  If Ralph really knew about it, it would be no good for Li Nuo.

   In order to protect him, Weipu chose to hide it.

   Li Nuo was also taken aback, but soon he understood Weipu's intentions, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and followed Weipu's so-called "learning" guess and said: "A few reformed fighters will be given different abilities."

   He looked at Ralph, pointed his arm and said, "Alphons, whose arm was broken by you, is good at using machinery. His strengthening is in the brain, not in combat, but closer to the backup supply."

   "The white-haired girl is proficient in all combat skills and belongs to a natural warrior. The woman who is still lying on the hospital bed, she..." Thinking of Shang Jun, Li Nuo didn't know how to speak, and said casually: "Good at seducing sex."

   "Seduction..." Ralph was dumbfounded, the girl you like, good at seduction?

   These words, Li Nuo did not lie.

   He refocused his gaze on Weipu, "Sister...My ability, just like you said, is good at learning combat skills, you can master and learn the essence of moves with just a few glances."

   A suspicion flashed in Ralph's eyes, "A guy like you is very dangerous. As long as Sound Nest allows you to continuously increase combat knowledge, your ability will be infinitely strengthened. Why is your strength still so weak so far?"

Li Nuo was ready to say something, and said: "There are only a few strong players. I would have been dead if I really want to fight. I don’t have time to learn. It is impossible to let me learn how to fight in the Sound Nest before I completely brainwashed me. Skill, but unfortunately." He buckled his head with his index finger knuckles, "I am very stubborn and it is harder to be brainwashed."

   Ralph was lost in thought. This remark was correct, but he always felt that something was wrong.

  Weip broke the silence, "There is no need to argue about this, Ralph, he's a mercenary now, put your doubts away."

   "Okay." Ralph spread his hands, "I'm sorry, it's a military habit to be suspicious, forgive me."

   "Edward." Weipu reached out and touched Li Nuo's messy hair, and smiled, "As agreed, I will apply for an invitation letter to the fighting competition."


[August One Chinese Website]    Li Nuo almost shouted out excitedly.

   "But there is a condition." Weipu's tone suddenly became extremely serious, "As a new team, you must act in unison with our angry team."

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