Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 325: Magic Exorcism


The disappearance of    Chabai caused a lot of chaos within the mercenaries.

   The soldiers went to the sea to rescue them in time, but no one knew that she had disappeared into this sea area through the teleportation magic.

   Li Nuo and Maljie tried their best to explain why they didn’t know why Chabai jumped into the sea. In fact, they were all drumming up in their hearts, whether Chabai reached Tokyo safely.

   There are two preparations for this matter. On the one hand, Li Nuo did pass the swimming ring and life jacket to Cha Bai. On the other hand, in Cha Bai's hand, as long as there is a position error, she can use it to send herself back.

   But these are not long-term solutions, the best result is to succeed without any trial and error.

   "Help us locate her location." Li Nuo made a request.

   The mercenary has a global positioning system second only to Sound Nest. It only takes a day or less to locate Chabai’s current location.

   Weipu naturally agreed, there is nothing to say.

  The plan ends here, and the first step has been achieved.

Shang Jun stepped into the room where they were talking, scanned the surroundings, looked at the eyes of Li Nuo and Maljie, and didn't know what to say now, but felt that since he was pretending to be a team, it was necessary to show up now. It will be suspicious.

   Ralph saw her come in and immediately said, "Haruko, your injury is not healed. Go back first."


   Shang Jun may have used a pseudonym, Li Nuo and Maljie thought about it, but they would not break it.

   Ralph took Shang Jun's slender arm, "Come on, I'll take you back."

   Shang Jun responded with a gentle smile, "No, something happened to my friend, I want to stay here."

   "You are really... so kind."

   "No, I am not as kind as you~"

   Don't stay here... Li Nuo wants to do his best to ignore them, but people who show affection are like uncles running naked on the street, it's hard not to see them.

   Chabai jumping into the sea was temporarily suppressed. Weipu yawned and walked slowly in the cabin corridor. She always felt very tired today and wanted to go back to the bedroom to rest earlier.

   "Ha~~~" is another yawn, "So sleepy..."

When    was feeling sleepy, I saw a soldier in a brown uniform walking in front of him. His steps were quick and his face was dignified, and he was holding a stack of information papers.

   "Chang Cao!" When the soldier saw Weipu, he speeded up and walked to her and paid a military salute.

   "What is this?" Weipu asked, looking at the information in the soldier's hands.

   The soldier said: "The information that Shao Zuo kept us investigating, about Edward... your brother and his party."

   "Didn't you find relevant information before?" Weipu was puzzled.

   "That's it, but for the woman who was with Da Zuo today, we found some strange information."

   "Let me see." Weipu first chopped and read the data and looked at it. After a few seconds, her eyes darkened and she was completely tired.

   "Chang Cao?" The soldier looked strange when he saw Weipu.

   Weipu held the information in his arms, walked past the soldier and ordered: "Don't tell this to other people, let alone tell Ralph and Clark, otherwise..."

   Her desire to speak again made the soldier a little embarrassed, but when he saw the whip in Weipu's hand, he chose to obey the woman whose rank was only Cao Chang.


   In a forest near Tokyo, four young people, two men and one woman, are walking in the forest.

   "Zhixiong, I heard that this place is haunted... Let's go back." The girl leaned her shoulder in the arms of a man next to her, her expression uneasy.

"Haha, Yuriko, do you still believe in ghosts?" The man named Zhixiong hugged Yuriko lightly and looked at another man next to him. "Takizawa, tell her, how could there be any in this world? ghost."

   Takizawa's throat swallowed, "Actually..."


   Takizawa's eyes are getting heavier and heavier, "Actually, it's really..."

   "Hey, Takizawa! Don't scare me!" Yuriko resisted and leaned in Zhixiong's arms again.

   Takizawa laughed suddenly, "Just kidding, look at what you guys are like, and you'll be at my grandma's house after another ten minutes. It's definitely a shortcut."

   But Takizawa's gaze suddenly froze, and his expression became stiff, even with a hint of panic.

   Zhixiong said dissatisfiedly: "Don't make trouble for you! And pretend to be a fool."

   But this time, Takizawa's expression became more and more horrified, Shio and Yuriko slowly turned their heads, and saw a white shadow standing there in the woods behind them.


   The two screamed and ran down the road, leaving Takizawa behind.

   Takizawa also wanted to run, but his legs were weak and he slumped on the ground, his pants wet.

   Bai Ying walked out slowly, looked at Takizawa's embarrassed appearance, and asked, "Where is this place?"

   Takizawa seemed to be unable to hear, his eyes locked on a tree behind the white shadow.

   Shio and Yuriko were mistaken. The white shadow they thought was actually tea-white, but Takizawa's soft legs were actually half of the pale face exposed behind the tree.

   "Am I so scary?" Cha Bai couldn't help being curious.

   Takizawa can only slowly raise his finger to behind her, but his language ability has been lost and he can't express what he sees.

   Chabai turned his head and saw the white face hidden behind the tree, like a mask, but the corners of its mouth could be seen gradually rising, grinning in an arc that humans could not reach.

   This weird scene made Takizawa almost fainted, but there are two races that have no concept of ghosts, blacks and artificial humans.

   As soon as the voice of the system fell, the white face disappeared.

   "A ghost?" Chabai meditated, something similar to a spiritual body cannot be dispelled by physical means. This is what Marger said in the space.

   "Just right."

   She took it out unhurriedly, turning the pages to search.

   At this moment, the ghost appeared behind a tree closer to them.



Accompanied by the sound of broken bones, it "walked" out of the tree, raised its body and twisted its arms in opposite directions. Only then did Takizawa see clearly that the ghost's body was facing away from them, but it was straight His face was screwed to his back.

   Its face became more and more invisible, grinning, and its eyes dark and hollow. Suddenly it rushed towards Takizawa and Chabai, his upper body barely moved a bit, and his feet were messy and backward.

   "Come on! Ah! Ah!" Takizawa could finally yell out, but the ghost was already in front of him.

   It came to Chabai first, and stared at Chabai with those hollow eyes. Its arms began to shake, and a child-like hand twisted and drilled out the pale skin of the upper arm.

   "Found it." Chabai didn't rush, and didn't care about the grimace that was about to stick to his face.

   The ghost shot, it clasped Chabai's arm and opened its mouth. It opened wider and wider without restrictions. It wanted to swallow Chabai's head.

   In this scene, Takizawa almost fainted. He really wanted to faint here immediately, but the extreme fear made him more and more sober.

   The white-grey-blue eyes looked at the ghost in front of him, dropped it, and pointed his other finger forward.


   A white light shone from her hand...

   Shio and Yuriko, who were far at the foot of the mountain, saw a light, on the mountain, in the place where they saw the ghost just now.

   held tight, a loud noise echoed in the forest under the dark night.

   Zhixiong was stunned, "Ghost... still uses magic?"



  Ps: Thank you Huan Mo Xuan for your reward~!

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