Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 329: Mizo's desire

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   The soldiers opened fire with all their strength, facing the rain of bullets, the two of them kicked the wall and flashed from left to right.

   Li Nuo's pupils dilated, he saw the bullet trajectory clearly and sensed the route of the upcoming bullet.

   The stick turned into a sharp sword, cut open the neck of one soldier in an instant, bullied the other, shrank his shoulders to avoid the muzzle, buckled the opponent's wrist and twisted the joint, grabbed the submachine gun, and stunned him with the butt.

   Chabai ended sooner, and the two soldiers lay on the ground as if they were hit by the anti-wolf electric baton, foaming at the mouth and smoking.

   "Where is the barbecue?" Li Nuo sneered.

  Tea white complexion darkened, "Be careful, there was too much movement just now, someone will come over soon."

  It is correct to say that, but it is true that no extra footsteps can be heard. After the four guards are killed, the place is quiet like a secret room at night.

   Li Nuo couldn't help wondering if everyone was killed by Weipu.

   "Forget it, this is not the priority." He stepped forward and pressed the soldier's chin, and slammed his thumb into his flesh.

   The soldier screamed and opened his eyes sharply.

   The technique used by Li Nuo to wake the comatose wounded came from, to be precise, a simple technique for acupuncture points and joints. It was the basis of assassination, and he had already remembered it when he first learned it.

   Li Nuo drew the dagger from the soldier and put it on his eyelid, and said first: "Where is the room where the investigation files are placed?"

   "...I don't know." The soldier's mouth was hard, and blood splashed on the spot.

"No way..." Li Nuo wiped the blood from the dagger and inserted it under the belt. "We are going to do two things now, find the whereabouts of Mizo, and follow him to find the place where weapons are placed inside the base, and from Find out the data of the remaining players in the archives."

   "I didn't understand." Chabai said.

   "Let's go now."

   In order to prevent chasers from arriving, he planned to leave here first.

   Before leaving, the two of them looked at the circular monitor on the corner of the wall almost at the same time, and found that the red dot that had been lit on it had already gone out at this time, indicating that the monitoring equipment was turned off at the moment.

   "Did this also do Weipu...?"

   Li Nuo decides to change his plan for a violent raid.

   He and Cha Bai changed into soldier's clothes, and simply handled the four corpses. They seized three, one, two flash bombs, several bullets, and an intercom.

   Li Nuo led the way and expounded his thoughts to Cha Bai as quickly as possible.

   A sentence that Yazang said just now was printed in Li Nuo's mind-"The police have locked down a few of them, and we are also investigating. All of them have no background or background, just like you."

   These words are aimed at their group of players.

   In other words, the Sound Nest branch stationed in Tokyo not only found out the trends of the Tosu HW team in just a few days, but even the situation of some other player teams was also within the scope of their investigation.

   Getting these information may play a vital role in the next confrontation that is inevitable.

   There are two ways to find the information, go directly to the archives here, go in and rob, or find the person who just passed the information to Yazo.

The first method is temporarily bankrupt as the soldier dies. The second method is simple. As long as Li Nuo takes out the door card that came from the person and smells it, he can basically lock his current position. However, there are unexpected events. Fengyun almost...

Chabai lighted half of his cigarette in his mouth just now, prompting the smell of the cigarette to be refreshed and buried. Although he had smelled the saliva in the cigarette before and remembered the direction of the smell, The smell will fade over time.

   So the safest way is to find Yazo first.

   As for those files, let’s put them away for now.

  Chabai had also wondered why Li Nuo didn't need to pry open the soldier's mouth, but after thinking about it, Li Nuo's energy value was too low, and he really needed to save a little bit to deal with unexpected situations that may arise at any time.

"If it is a place where weapons are placed, there should be a large number of soldiers guarding it." Cha Bai held a helmet one size larger than his head, quite uncomfortable. "And there is a problem. Since it is a base, it is impossible to have only one. commander."

   "It is indeed possible." Li Nuo should drink.

   Chabai hides in the haze on the eyes cloth under the helmet windshield, "I am worried that there will be no more powerful opponents like that called Far Walker."

"No." Li Nuo gave the answer, raising his hand, and said: "This kind of gun, a weapon made in France, will be replaced by another gun in the next few years, with the technology of Sound Nest. It is impossible to equip soldiers with such weapons that are about to be eliminated. Therefore, the base we are standing on is probably not an important stronghold at all. It is enough to arrange a few small cadres to check.

Ha... Besides, although it is a Japanese game, from a realistic point of view, Japan only talks about military and available resources, without any temptation to attract terrorist organizations. I think the so-called Tokyo branch is more like it. A'warehouse' or transfer station. "

   The corridor inside the base is not complicated, and for some reason, there are almost no soldiers guarding it behind Gate 0081.

   After a short walk, there was a corner beside the straight passage, and a strong smell of blood came from the road inside.

   Looking around, there are soldiers' bodies in the depths of the road, and bright red blood is floating on the iron floor, like an asphalt road baptized by a rain of blood.

   Li Nuo sniffed vigorously, the hidden smell was almost buried by the smell of blood, but it was still certain that he had turned this way.

   Then he took out the walkie-talkie and began to awkwardly adjust the buttons on the machine. Hearing an electromagnetic sound, he immediately shouted: "Request support!"

   There was a hoarse noise of electromagnetic interference, and a few seconds later, there was a voice, "It's all dead."

   Li Nuo's mouth twitched, it was Weipu's voice...

   "Sister, let's discuss one thing..."


The corpse continued like a stone on the cobblestone floor of the park to the end of the road. Weipu pierced the last soldier with a dagger and threw the walkie-talkie to the ground. His face was gloomy and he was sprayed with blood into a half-red and half-white face. iron gate.

   "I didn't expect to be back so soon..."

   She exhaled helplessly. After hearing the approaching footsteps behind her, she slowly turned her head to find Li Nuo and Cha Bai who came over.


   In the room behind the door, cylindrical glass containers are displayed on both sides. Inside the instrument, young men are sleeping naked. They are the sound nest strengthening fighters undergoing transformation experiments.

   The white player who was sold by Li Nuo as goods was among them.

   Mizo and his assistant in black military uniform stood at the end of the room. They knew what was happening outside, but they didn't seem to care.

   After entering the numbers in the code lock on the wall, the white iron wall slowly opened, and a blue shirt appeared in front of him. It was the high-tech shirt that symbolized the supreme status in the sound nest.

   "I want to remind you." The assistant said: "The risk of wearing this dress is unbearable for ordinary people. Moreover, this dress belongs to Mr. Zero to the end. Wearing it is a violation of organizational regulations."

   "Am I an ordinary person?" Mizo asked rhetorically, he reached out his hand to take off his shirt, and smiled: "If I have a chance to wear this dress, it can only be now."

   He knows that, compared with rules, the responsibility of letting the base fall is greater.


   There was a kick at the door.

   The two people standing in the room both had a calm expression. The door of this room has been specially treated so that it cannot be destroyed even if it is as strong as Iori.

   But who knows, the door slowly opens in the next moment.



  Ps: Thank you for your reward for the book enthusiast 2006~! chaptere

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