Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 395: Rudos' Alchemy

"Do you know where to find mushrooms that beat people with your fists?"

This is Li Nuo's first question.

"What you said, I don't understand."

"Well, I have one more thing."

Rudos said: "You have too many questions, so maybe..."

"Teach me how to make it."

Li Nuo interrupted Rudos's words, and the latter widened those godless eyes, not sure whether he was hearing the truth.

Li Nuo emphasized again: "I know that you can refine the technique, just like you can extract the power from the king's soul. I need this power, very much."

From the fragmented information of "Dark Souls 3", one thing can be basically analyzed and with certain accuracy:

Rudos was originally a scholar of alchemy, and Rudos of Courland... Courland was his hometown, but he was banished from his hometown and became the king of salaries.

The reason why a researcher would be banished is based on Li Nuo's understanding of the plot.

Rudos owns a jewelry called [Skull Ring], which is one of the treasures made by Kurlan and is made from the soul of "Soul Eater" as nourishment.

"Soul Eater" is a monster that can endlessly absorb souls and turn them into power. Perhaps this ring was made by Rudos, and the huge soul of "Soul Eater" entered its body, causing him to have a legend. The qualification of fire, after all, King Xin represents one of the people with the most souls.

And what is "Soul Eater"?

The answer, the greedy ice crystal lizard.

Of course, only one can be called "Soul Eater", not all.

But the crystals covering the epidermis of the ice crystal lizard are indeed a manifestation of its devouring soul and overflowing.

Li Nuo holds the eggs of ice crystal lizards. If he wants to breed these lizards to make 【Glory Wedge Stone】, he needs to understand how to use Rudolph's alchemy.

"Interesting, this is the first person who came to me to study."

Rudolph thought for a while, still shook his head, "You are not a scholar, you can't learn my knowledge."

It really is this set! This is NPC's standard evasive words. As long as the preconditions are not met, the words will always be the same.

You are a mage and cannot learn my swordsmanship.

You are a knight, you can't learn...

You are stupid [BEEP——], can't learn...

Just change a noun to avoid one thing, Li Nuo will naturally not be fooled.

Although Rudolf did not show combat effectiveness in the original game, he is a salary king after all. There must be many interesting things for players to explore. Alchemy is just one of them, and the most important ability, and the alchemy of the demon hunter. Li Nuo's appetite was equally good.

Since Rudos said so, it means that the prerequisite for learning skills is to give him some special gifts or threaten this old guy with some things.

Regarding these two possible methods, Li Nuo prefers the latter. Now it is not easy to get out of the enemy everywhere. It would be best if he could threaten Rudolph to let him surrender his skills.

In order to verify its feasibility, Li Nuo swept Rudolph with [Emir's Mask], which surprised him.

[Rudolph: Level? ? ? 】

【Physical Strength: 1520】

【Energy: 360】

【Power: 10】

【Reaction: 6】

【Spiritual Power: 270】

【Insight: 365】

【Medical: 22】

【Accurate: 5】

Should... provoke [] can't afford...

"Then do you have anything you want?" Li Nuo asked rhetorically this time.

Rudolph opened his closed eyes, his pupils were deep and muddy, "Go and do what you should do."

Chase the guest order, Li Nuo thought about it, but there are some things that may pry Rudolph's heart as a researcher, such as... the strange creatures in the alien world.

He had a notice in his heart. The egg that SCP1136 gravity-guided spit out, [Monster’s Egg] was now asleep in the backpack, and had reached the premise of awakening, but Li Nuo refused to take it out of the backpack. When the eggshell cracks, he still knows what will happen-gravity will be disturbed.

For the user, SCP1136 is only effective under certain circumstances, such as escaping at the critical moment, and injuring the enemy one hundred and eight thousand.

This strange and magical thing has other meanings for Rudos and for a scholar.

But it is not to take it out now, even if it is taken out under Rudolph's somewhat impatient attitude, it may not be profitable.


Outdoors on the second floor of the sacrificial site, the three of them were next to a dead tree.

Li Nuo has already explained about the fire girl and Rudolph.

Marger leaned against the tree trunk and said in a deep voice: "The blacksmith didn't put out anything useful. I tried it with [Squid Shield]. He said that he would not build this weapon, but he could try... So I put the shield Give it to the blacksmith.

The maid of the sacrificial field had a lot of things in her pocket, but it was not nearly infinite like in the game. "

Marger said that he took out a familiar thing from his backpack.

"For example [Shit Block], there are only three pieces in her bag...Hey, why are you hiding so far?"

Li Nuo and Cha Bai held their noses silently at a position ten meters away from him.

"I found out that you didn't have any doubts when you took the shit." Li Nuo said.

Marger sneered, "Huh...I am a doctor of anorectal department after all, this kind of dirty thing in your eyes is as common as the rose that accompanies day and night to me."

Cha Bai frowned slightly, "You obviously used to express disgust before."

Li Nuo echoed: "And you are not a doctor now."

"Li Nuo..." Maljie looked heavy, "I sometimes especially want to put [Shit Block] in your mouth."

Li Nuo's body shook, and immediately said: "I shut up, you continue."

Marger put [Shit Block] into his backpack and rubbed his hand against the tree trunk and said, "I have a plan, but I need to keep a group of undead in captivity."

"As mentioned in the description of [Shit Block], this thing is a product of undead. I can raise a group of undead in captivity and let them concentrate on production."

When he had shaken out all the plans, Li Nuo and Cha Bai were dumbfounded, admiring the innovative and bold thinking, and wondering what this girl's mind looked like.


Marger's plan is really interesting...

"Chabai, where's your side?" Li Nuo asked.

Chabai heard the words and said: "Listen to you."

"No... I mean, do you have a plan or something?"

"No." Chabai shook her head slightly, "I talked with the fire-resistant girl for a long time, and I couldn't understand what she said."

She expounded the words of the fire girl. They were all fragmented language that had appeared in the game. Li Nuo and Maljie could roughly understand that there were some uncomfortable words hidden and tucked away, and they were actually narrating the plot. Now they don't need to think about the plot.

Li Nuo rubbed the stubble on his chin with his fingertips, his eyes flashing, "For Rudos, the blacksmith, and the breeding of the undead, let's make a preliminary plan."

"What are you thinking about again?" Malger wondered.

Li Nuo smiled happily, "You said, what if we destroy the fire-transmitting sacrificial ground and change it into a greenhouse suitable for breeding, or upgrade it according to different areas?"

Marger said: "Just don't be beaten to death by those NPCs."

"Okay~" Li Nuo made up his mind, "Then our goal this time is called the farming simulation operation of the Black Soul."

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