Palace-level house renovation level!

If according to the previous statement of the system, his original transformation level was only advanced.

That is to say, it is just a system gift, and the system directly raises his old bank to a big level!

From the advanced level to the palace level, it is estimated that even if he has enough understanding, he will have to concentrate on research for at least ten years to achieve it.

But now, it took less than thirty seconds.

A thousand words, in the end, can only be completed into one sentence.

System, yyds!

Li Yueming was still comparing how big the gap was between senior designers and palace-level designers.

In front of the camera, Bing Bing finally completed the introduction of the rules of the program group.

“Now we have asked our designers to go to the homes of our clients in their respective cities to start this house renovation!”

Saying that, the program group lifted the tarpaulins that were parked on the square behind.

When the tarp fell, it revealed helicopters below.

Li Yueming was arranged by a staff member accompanying the program group to get into a helicopter.

Crossing half of the magic capital city, under the gaze of countless people, he fell into the landing point.

As soon as he got off the plane, there was a special car, and he went to the location where the client was.

This pomp and circumstance, the program group can be described as full of arrangement.

But as soon as he was close to the location of the residential building where the residents were located, Li Yueming had to get out of the car and walk by himself.

The whole process was followed by the unmanned tracking machine, followed by several cameraman brothers.

It can basically maintain 365 degrees of shooting without dead angles.

As early as the beginning of the show, the heat in the live broadcast room was already growing wildly.

Ten billion jackpot!

God-level designer!

Helicopter open way!

This eye-catching bluff is enough to make many netizens on the Internet hear the wind.

On top of the meager hot search, the popularity of the dream transformation program group has rushed to the first.

And crush all other news with one unrivaled heat.

“Let me come first, ten billion jackpot? What kind of paratroopers is the program group (author)? ”

“Paratrooper author, there is a problem with the brain!”

“Ah, ah, I also signed up, why didn’t the program team draw me!”

“I’m so sour, if I can become famous in a battle, it is estimated that my future life will be directly complete, right?!”

“Are these twelve designers the protagonists of the show? It doesn’t seem to be much different from ordinary people! ”

“Upstairs, you don’t understand this, do you? No. 3 designer Shi Beiqiao and No. 6 designer Lai Xuxi are both industry bigwigs! ”

“Especially Shi Beiqiao, people give nicknames to the plane space magician!”

“Miss No. 10 is so beautiful, she looks so young, I don’t know what her skills are!”

“This little brother is also quite handsome, this little brother looks even younger, well… How do you feel like you just graduated from school? ”

“Little brother No. 10 and Miss No. 1 are the face of this show!”

In the live broadcast room, a large number of barrages rolled wildly.

The heat rises in a straight line.

Ten thousand….

Twenty thousand….

One hundred thousand….


Less than half an hour after the start of the broadcast, the total popularity in the live broadcast room of the program has already exceeded the one million mark.

And it has not slowed down in the slightest, and it is still climbing.

Among these twelve designers.

The strongest should be Shi Beiqiao, the third designer, and Lai Xuxi, the twelfth designer.

These two teachers are not only well-known in the industry, but also have sufficient work experience, and have experience that many people do not have.

Although the other players also have unique brothers, their comprehensive strength is not as comprehensive as these two teachers.

The live broadcast room is divided into twelve channels.

You can check the overall situation of twelve designers at the same time, or click on the live broadcast room to track your favorite teachers.

At the beginning, the attention of all the audience was attracted by a few unique contestants.

First of all, of course, are two teachers who have a pivotal position in the industry.

Most of the viewers who follow their live broadcast room are those who want to see powerful designers.

Then there is No. 10 player Wang Linlin.

This young lady is about twenty-seven or eight years old and very beautiful.

Of course, the most striking thing is the pair of big whites that she hides under her professional suit. Rabbit.

As for who is looking at her, then there is no need to say more

Right, L.S.P.

The last onlooker was Li Yueming.

As the youngest designer of this show (not eight years old), Li Yueming has a handsome face that fascinates thousands of girls, and his temperament is quite eye-catching.

No, there is a rich woman in the live broadcast room that followed Li Yueming to get married online.

“Ahhhh, I love this designer, don’t rob anyone from me!”

“Ten minutes, I want all the information of this designer!”

“This is the old town of the magic capital? I’m coming for a romantic encounter with a designer! ”

The joyful atmosphere in the live broadcast room lasted for a long time.

Of course, Li Yueming didn’t know anything about it.

He has now stepped out of the car.

A pair of shoes stepped on the streets of the old town of the magic capital all the way.

His eyes lifted slightly, and he found that this world seemed to be no different from his previous life.

The only difference is that the population of the Parallel World Water Blue Star Dragon Country is much larger than that of the Earth in the previous life.

One of the consequences of this situation of large numbers of people and low land is the problem of housing.

The old town, crowded streets, alleys and people, the whole city is busy.

Many ordinary people return home exhausted after a busy day.

However, the place they call home is just a small dwelling of more than ten square meters.

Therefore, the status of house designers in this world is much higher than that of Aqua Blue Star.

How to create infinite possibilities in a small space.

This is what all house designers pursue all their lives.

In his previous life, Li Yueming dedicated his life to this cause that he considered glorious and great.

In this life, Li Yueming still has no regrets.

And we will continue to work hard.


Walk through the alleys and through one dark, damp old town building after another.

Under the guidance of the program group.

Li Yueming finally walked to the front of the renovation client’s residence.

In front of you is an old concrete house.

At a cursory glance, the entire wall is mottled and full of traces of time, and it is estimated that it must be at least twenty or thirty years old.

The beams of the roof of the old house have been tilted, and the walls on both sides also show signs of tilting.

Even the concrete foundation on the surface of the earth and the land connection have cracks a little thick.

Originally, Li Yueming was going to enter the client’s house directly on the second floor.

But after discovering that the old house in front of him had such a ‘peculiar’ shape, he not only did not go upstairs directly, but directly circled around the old house several times.

His action made many viewers in the live broadcast room laugh.

“Hahaha, I think the designer must have been frightened by the weird shape of this house!”

“House: Don’t give you a dismount, you still think I’m easy to deal with?”

“Did you notice the designer’s expression just now, I almost laughed out loud!”

“With my thirty years of experience with constipation, this building is estimated to be older than the designer’s father!”

“Red fire trance, upstairs, the wall is not obedient to you!”

“As soon as I came over, the designer circled around this building several times, it seems that this house is the soul!”

In the live broadcast room, the audience was ridiculing.

If nothing else, just look at the appearance.

This old house is definitely not easy to deal with.

The difficulty of the transformation will certainly not be low.

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