Originally, it was to survey and measure.

The measured data was not as accurate as Li Yueming!

Chen Wen felt very embarrassed like this!

Obviously, Li Yueming’s requirements for data accuracy are even more refined than he thought.

This is just an ordinary residential building.

Li Yueming’s deviation measurement accuracy has actually reached the shocking micron level!

He didn’t even dare to imagine how Li Yueming managed to do it in such a short time!

You know, even as a senior structural engineer.

I want to measure a deviation value down to the micron level.

First of all, not only extremely professional equipment is required, but also at least two to three days.

It took a lot of effort to barely get it done.

That’s a conservative estimate.

But Li Yueming has only taken over the renovation of this building for a few days!

The deviation value of the house has been accurate to the micron….

It’s totally outrageous, okay!

Chen Wen’s side was already a little confused at the beginning.

He really didn’t understand how Li Yueming managed to be fast and accurate?

And his skeptical expression was captured by the camera.

In the live broadcast room, a group of lemon essences were collectively excited.

“Hahaha, the engineer showed this expression as soon as he first measured it, it must be because the data of the No. 1 designer was wrong!”

“Senior Brother Chen, come on, on behalf of our structural engineers, teach a good lesson to designers who don’t know the height of the sky!”

“It’s about honor and disgrace, please be more careful!”

“Whether we can eat this bowl of rice in the future is all here!” (dog head)”

“Hahaha, I think Senior Brother Chen Wen’s current expression must have found a blind spot!”

“I admit that the designer’s house design is very professional, but the data measurement is really not a beginner and a layman can dye. Fingered! ”

There were many structural engineers who heard the news in the live broadcast room.

One of them is a group of structural engineering students, and Chen Wen is a brother and sister.

There is also a group of practitioners of structural engineering, who are Chen Wen’s peers.

A group of people came together.

Just wait for Chen Wen to raise their eyebrows!

The structural engineering exam is so difficult, and many of them are still carrying buckets and bricks on the construction site.

Just to be able to learn more about the field.

But Li Yueming patted his head.

I made an appointment this morning and went to the exam.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to many students.

We’re all about to crack.

Your designer went in and took forty minutes to complete the exam and turn it in.

Where to put them?

And as peers, others are even more divided.

Your designer has it all from start to finish, and that’s disrespectful to them!

In the future, if they all play like this, then they will still eat a fart meal!

Therefore, the two gangs were extremely excited.

However, what they didn’t know was that Chen Wen, who they had high hopes for, had already been hit hard at the beginning.

After surveying the western wall, Chen Wen barely calmed the waves in his heart.

Start walking to the east wall to continue measuring.

Although the data he measured was one bit different from Li Yueming’s, it was all within control.

Because the accuracy requirements of this old house are enough to reach the millimeter.

Measured the deviation of this wall again, compared the value on Li Yueming’s drawing, as long as it is accurate to millimeters, there is no difference, it can be passed.

He took a professional piece of value recording paper and began to record the measured values on it.

After measuring the two most important load-bearing walls, he began to measure around the wall.

This is a measure of the degree of deviation of several other walls.

The value measured by Li Yueming was basically no different from what he measured.


Therefore, the most important load-bearing walls around Li Yueming did not make a mistake.

Glancing up at the roof, Chen Wen stepped on the stairs provided by the program group and began to go upstairs to check.

The deviation values between the beams are very dangerous and have reached the force limit of the column.

I took Li Yueming’s design drawings and looked at them, and found that Li Yueming had also noticed and had written the construction plan in detail.

Chen Wen measured for a long time and thought for a long time.


There is nothing wrong with the construction scheme.

Come down from the roof and return to the house again.

Chen Wen looked at the location where Li Yueming punched the hole.

According to the design drawings, the whole building is a moving brick structure house.

In addition to the prefabricated panels in the compartment, the steel bars in the foundation and load-bearing beams are quite solid

A few glances at the place where the hole was drilled.

The hole drilled by Li Yueming is very exquisite.

Unbiased, the hole is located at the edge of the stress point of the structure.

And the holes drilled are small, but very precise.

It drilled near the rebar at once.

You must know that in the absence of the overall structure of the house, the average person simply does not dare to start in this position.

Not to mention that it was ruthless and quasi-successful.

This is not just theoretical knowledge.

Change to a theoretical student, he can drill ten holes for you here!

And none of these ten holes can see the thickness and force of the internal walls and rebar.

You have to have very sophisticated practical experience to be fast and ruthless the first time.

Marveled awe. A while later.

Chen Wen took out the caliper again and measured the position of the drill hole and the thickness of the steel bar in it.

These are all detailed data provided in Li Yueming’s drawings.

And every one, the measurement accuracy is at the micron level.

Chen Wen’s whole person was completely numb.

For a long time, he didn’t even know why he was here.

What the hell is for him to investigate?

Or is it to test his psychological endurance?

After this set, I almost gave him a whole self-isolation!

If only every designer were so awesome….

So their structural engineers still eat a ghost’s meal?

Hurry up and change careers as soon as possible!

In the live broadcast room, many viewers finally realized that something was wrong.

“What’s the situation? Why do you feel that Senior Brother Chen’s expression is not quite right! ”

“After checking for so long, it can’t be without problems!”

“Don’t worry, Senior Brother Chen will definitely not let us down!”

“Several structural aspects have been measured here, but there is still one most important point that has not been reviewed!”

“Yes, yes, the wall drop caused by the cracking of the foundation on both sides has not been measured!”

“This was personally mentioned by Mr. Guo!”

“We just watched the replay repeatedly, and Designer No. 1 had not measured the height deviation of the two walls before!”

“There must be great hidden dangers in that place, Senior Brother Chen hurry up and check it out!”

Chen Wen in the old room surveyed the room.

It is considered that the data in the entire old house has been checked.

What made him most suspicious of life was that he couldn’t find anything wrong during the whole process.

Li Yueming really didn’t even give him the opportunity to pick bones in the egg.

He now suddenly felt that he was making a complete mistake to come here!

Following Li Yueming’s numerical calculation, people wrote everything clearly.

And the most critical thing is….

He hasn’t measured it accurately yet!

Knowing this, the program group should have directly refused when they asked him out before!

This is completely disgraced to him!

After all the data measurements in the room have been completed.

Chen Wen’s gaze finally shifted to the height of the two walls.

He already knew before he even arrived.

Li Yueming did not measure the high and low deviation between the two walls.

Now he can only hope to regain his last dignity as a structural engineer on this!


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