Chapter 0101: The Designers of the Ma Claw!!

Early the next morning, a group of people from the program team carried cameras to the cabin in the woods.

It is worth mentioning that the transformation content that Li Yueming is now taking over is called the Nanhai Xinbao Island Forest Cottage Renovation Project!

View from the asphalt road on the island.

The endless expanse of the sea outside Shinbao Island is always pleasant.

The waves lapping against the shoreline and the waves are rough.

Coming to the scene, Li Yueming took out his toolkit.

After this period of precipitation, he has collected a lot of popularity values.

These popularity values were all fully utilized by Li Yueming.

He bought a complete set of tools in the System Store.

Basically, as long as it can be used in the transformation process, Li Yueming is prepared.

【Extended version of the delicate measuring tape measure×1】

[System black technology products, using this tape measure, you can get any diameter data you want with the fastest speed! ] 】

[Give it a fulcrum, the extended version surprises measuring the measuring tape measure energy out of the earth’s waistline! ] 】

[Fine level: micron! ] 】

【Popularity value required for redemption: 65000】【Super Invincible Air Drum Hammer×1】

[System black technology products, carrying this empty drum hammer, developers no longer dare to build indiscriminately! ] 】

【Exchange popularity:50000】【Horizontal laser measuring instrument ×1】

【Fix this machine, it will escort your construction! 】 【Exchange popularity: 80000】

All the treasures stored in this toolbox are Li Yueming’s treasures.

Today, he is going to carry these treasures to Wu Nanfeng’s house for a full body examination.

“How do you feel that this time the designer is more comprehensive than the last time!?”

“Is this going to take the whole rhythm again?”

“The budget of 600,000 seems to be a lot, does the designer really not consider hiring a few masters?”

“Upstairs, you are sloppy at a glance, the budget of 600,000 sounds like a lot, that is without calculating the freight!”

“It’s so far from the coastline, to be honest, I think it will cost 200,000 yuan to transport 09…”

“This… It’s not clear, but the same building material will definitely be at least fifty percent more expensive to transport to the island than on the shore! ”

Li Yueming took out the level measuring instrument, and also measured the deviation value of the entire house first.

Wu Nanfeng’s house is not built for a long time, about fifteen years old, and from the perspective of a house, its life span is relatively short.

“But because of Wu Nanfeng and the previous designer’s ‘patting on the head’ and.”

“As a result, this house, which is only more than ten years old, is full of obstacles to living.”

Although after so many years down.

Wu Nanfeng has also been worn to the point that he did not have the temper of gritting his teeth and scolding his mother.

Now he has become the pillar of this family.

Some of the whimsy and youthful madness of the previous youth have long disappeared into the polishing of life.

In fact, a person’s life is like a stone on the coastline.

Life is the waves.

Wave after wave.

In the end, people are worn to the point where they once were.

It becomes more and more banal and sleek.

The base at the bottom of the house is cement.

However, the parts above the surface are basically wooden structures.

The reason is simple, cement is not worth mentioning on the shore, and it is expensive to transport to the island.

Bags of cement, tons of weight.

Shipping to the island is directly more expensive than at least ten times the price!

This price is basically not affordable for many people.

Therefore, except for necessary places, Wu Nanfeng’s house is basically cement-free.

This also leads to a large deviation on both sides of the house.

The wooden beams swell as soon as the water bubbles, and shrink as soon as the sun shines.

Over time, the degree of deformation of a wooden beam is very exaggerated.

Li Yueming recorded all the deviation data on the floor plan.

Wu Nanfeng’s house structure is relatively complicated, even with Li Yueming’s skills, there is no way to directly make sketches.

You still have to list all the data on the floor plan first.

Wait until all the rules are figured out.

to make a sketch.

Li Yueming carefully measured the data of the entire room with the instrument.


In the broadcast room, Ye Bingbing was connecting with Old Master Guo.

Previously, because he insisted on going to Xinbao Island with Li Yueming.

The program group has removed Ye Bingbing as the chief director of the broadcaster.

Gave it to another female hostess.

But it’s only been two days since it started.

A group of netizens have sprayed the female host and the program group to autism.

This group of sand sculpture netizens shouted in the main director’s room every day for the ice host to continue watching.

As a last resort, the bitter director could only invite Ye Bingbing back again.

It’s just that unlike the same stage before, the current live broadcast mode has been changed to connect yes, just like a new one. Sniff. Join. Broadcast the same form.

Today is the first time the program team has used this method.

Both the director and screenwriter behind the scenes are watching nervously.

Old man Guo sat in the director’s room for a long time, waiting to connect with Xinbao Island, thousands of miles away.

It didn’t take long for the video to connect.

“Ah, Bingbing wife, I’m dead!”

“Sister is so good-looking, right? Dear brothers-in-law! ”

“Upstairs, you are still smart when you are young!”

“Yes, right, my heart is ice!”

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, oh, we just met yesterday!? That’s all right!! ”

The whole live broadcast room was full of jubilation.

Obviously, a group of viewers are still very loyal to Bingbing.

Ye Bingbing showed a sweet smile and deliberately exposed the camera a little, so that all the audience could see Li Yueming behind him.

Then he spoke: “Hello everyone, I didn’t expect to meet everyone in this form!” ”

“Teacher Guo, I haven’t seen you for two days, I don’t know if you always miss me?”

Old man Guo brushed his beard and said with a smile: “Think, you are not in the director room here, netizens are about to take off my old man’s beard!” ”

The two chatted briefly.

As a host, Bingbing naturally has a good control of the atmosphere.

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room was calmed down.

He immediately changed the subject.

He spoke: “Old man Guo, I recently noticed some remarks on the Internet, saying that it is very difficult for us to dream of transforming the second round of projects…”

“What do you think about this?”

“Do you think the overall difficulty of the second round has increased compared to the first round?”

Old man Guo has always been in the director’s room, and he knows the basic information of all the contestants.

Naturally, there has already been a conclusion on this: “That’s a good question!” ”

“On the whole, in fact, the difficulty has not increased by anything!”

Ye Bingbing was puzzled: “Why do you say that?” ”

Old man Guo continued: “You see, the house is still an ordinary house, twelve designers, basically there are no tricky apartment types. Except for a very few designers, the budget is not very dead! ”

“What is the difference between the difficulty of such a transformation and the first round?”

“The Internet said that the difficulty coefficient of the second round of transformation of our dream reform program group is high, in fact, from the perspective of transformation difficulty alone, the difficulty of the second round of transformation has basically not changed.”

When Ye Bingbing heard this, his expression was obviously confused.

She served as an entourage.

followed Li Yueming to the new treasure island in person.

She also saw the renovation of this house throughout the process.

Obviously, she also felt that this transformation was very different from before.

Why does Mr. Guo say that the difficulty of the transformation of the program group has not changed? On the Internet, a group of netizens also boiled.

“There is no change in God, no matter how you look at it, it seems to have become a lot more difficult!”

“Yes, even Teacher Shi and Teacher Lai, who have the slowest comprehensive strength, have been a little anxious these days, and they say that the difficulty has not changed?”

“But I feel that what Old Master Guo said seems to make sense, and there is indeed nothing strange about this transformation…”

After the audience discussed it for a while.

Old man Guo slowly threw out a twist: “But…”

“From the perspective of the entire transformation, from the perspective of the program group, it did not increase the difficulty.”

“But not necessarily for the designer himself!”

“I think everyone has already discovered that this renovation project is basically selected in some special location!”

“Generally speaking, all the renovation projects selected by all the designers in this round of renovation are all areas that they are not good at!”

“For example, Mr. Shi Beiqiao, he has more than twenty years of experience in transformation!”

“Basically, all the houses that can be renovated, he has already had some experience in renovation!”

“But go to Xizang to hide. People renovating houses, but for him it has never happened in his career! ”

“And you said that the familiar Teacher Lai, Teacher Wang and Teacher Li are all extracted from the areas that they are least good at!”

“In this way, you can see that although the program team did not increase the difficulty of transformation, the oppression of the second round of transformation compared to the first round of transformation is no longer the same!”

“So this show is really interesting, and my old man is also looking forward to what amazing designs various designers can make under this situation!”

The old man’s words are very long.

The explanation is also very detailed.

Dream of remodeling twelve houses, and each round of renovation will increase the difficulty.

Originally, many viewers had no concept of this.

But I didn’t expect it to be the second round of transformation.

The program team has already planned to give all designers a problem, and many viewers have woken up.

“So that’s the case, I said how I always feel that something is wrong with this round of transformation!”

“No wonder the previously confident designer No. 10 is now a little numb!”

“200,000 budget to transform three bedrooms and one living room…”

“It may be a relatively simple renovation project for the average designer.”

“But for designer No. 10, this move is a lore!”


“Teacher Lai and Teacher Shi also seem to be a little numb…”

“Both of them can’t grasp the balance between the ethnic style of the plateau area and the modern style of the city!”

“The program group has a first-hand mentality!”

“Nonsense, otherwise do you think this ten billion bonus is so easy to get?”

The audience was still discussing in the live broadcast room.

Apparently, this transformation was at the beginning.

Designers are faced with serious challenges.

Wang Linlin’s aside, as a high-end designer, she never pays attention to civilian transformation.

Even Teacher Shi and Teacher Lai.

All of them are scorched by all kinds of folk customs in the western mountains.

Replace the houses of compatriots in the western region.

But what exactly does this house have to do in order to integrate folk customs and modern architecture?

These puzzles may seem like nothing at first glance.

But only after you actually encounter it, you will feel pain.

Today is already the third day of the official renovation.

Many designers are still scurrying like headless flies.

After all, people are creatures that rely on experience.

In modern society, beyond the scope of their own experience, they can also choose to rely on the Internet.

But there is no way to rely on the Internet in the program.

Therefore, once encountered, experience can solve something outside the scope.

It takes great courage to face and challenge difficulties.

While the audience was still talking.

Behind Ye Bingbing, Li Yueming put away the instrument and stood up.

Many viewers can see the notebook in his hand from this angle.

As well as drawings and dense data on notebooks.

(A little Carvin today, just a little better, and one more chapter in the evening) (the author has three chapters a day, and there are still more than 10,000 words)

(Further up, I really don’t have enough energy, I can only say sorry) (In order to make everyone have a better reading experience… )

(So that there will be no situation of looking at a cut and pulling a cut)

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