The screen flickered for a while, and everyone frowned...

Huh? Where was their Enkidu?

As the screen flickered, an ancient clock tower appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

【 clock tower

"I want to participate no matter what, professor!"

"Go to the Holy Grail War that is about to begin in the United States." In the corridor, a blond boy who had never been weak shouted with a stubborn look on his face.

"call...", the figure in the shadow took a deep breath of cigarette and sighed helplessly.

With a neutral face and long black hair hanging down to his waist, Weber, or El-Melloi II, was holding a cigar in his mouth and looking at the students in front of him with an unhappy expression.

"Damn, you're that kind of person. In one word, you're a fool."

"how come..."The boy retorted loudly,"Use at least two words to describe me!"

"That's stupid plus fool." The reason why El-Melloi II didn't want his students to participate in the Holy Grail War was because he had participated in the Holy Grail War.

He knew the horror and danger of it best.

Because that was He is really too weak

"Please! Professor Elmey, no, the best teacher in the Clock Tower! The huge Big Ben London Star!"

El-Melloi II pushed the young man away, pinched the young man's cheek with one hand, and an old angry look appeared on his face,"Don't call me that boring nickname!"

"A fool and a fool, plus a big nerve!"

Who would trust such a student to participate in the Holy Grail War!

"By the way, where did you get the information? Although it's not an important secret, it's not something a little brat like you can know, right?"

"No..."Wait a minute, you don't need to say anything." El-Melloi II seemed to understand something and reached out to interrupt.

After some preaching, Emero II only felt a stomachache when he looked at the more persistent Flatt.

This guy...Is it because you can’t understand people’s words?

"Frater, why do you want to participate in the Holy Grail War?"

"I don't know that you have the qualities of a magician who wants to pursue the roots of magic."

".....", 07 Flatt's body trembled slightly, as if he was suppressing something. The next moment, the young man opened his hands and embraced the world. He was surrounded by thousands of feet of light and shouted excitedly.

"Because I want to see it with my own eyes"

"What did you say...", El-Melloi II frowned.

"Because isn’t that something super cool?! That Holy Grail!"

"If it really existed, wouldn’t you want to see what it was like with your own eyes!"

Looking at such an innocent young man, El-Melloi II's figure was hidden in the darkness, and the hand holding the cigar was trembling slightly,"Do you understand what happens when magicians kill each other?"

"A fate worse than death. It is also possible to achieve nothing but be brutally killed, right?"

"Even if there is a price to pay, everyone is willing to pursue it, right?!"Flat was not moved by what his teacher said, and his eyes shone with even more excitement.

"Wouldn’t this be more for people to see?"

But when El-Melloi II asked if he could kill other Masters for the Holy Grail War, the boy immediately shrank.

In the boy's dictionary, let alone killing, there was no record of killing an animal..

He lowered his head slightly and said softly,"What a difficult problem....I really, really want to meet other heroes,"

"Wouldn't it be better if I could make a friend? if...You can become friends with Shichimi Heroes, now...Conquering the world is no longer a dream!"

The young man shouted out his inner dream. At this moment, a back figure seemed to appear in front of El-Melloi II's eyes.

A figure wearing a red robe, standing among the thousands of troops, the king who stood tall and tall.

In Wanjie, everyone's bad mood because Enkidu didn't appear was suddenly released.

This kid named Flatt is quite good at telling jokes.

Be friends with seven heroic spirits? conquer the world?

You still dare to say it.

Every heroic spirit has its own personality. Want to become friends?

Just look at Gilgamesh and you will know. Summon a bad-tempered man to come up and chop off your head first to see if you can conquer the world.

What a naive idiot. Everyone shook their heads. If such a guy appeared in this Holy Grail War, he would probably be the first to die.——~

It’s not too much to treat this video as a bad joke and for entertainment~

Clock Tower

"conquer the world..."

El-Melloi II took a deep breath, veins popped up on his forehead, and he felt his stomach began to hurt again.

Why are so many of my students problem children?

Flatt—a family of magicians based in the Mediterranean, born as the eldest son of the Escardes family.

He is also a member of the modern magic department"El-Melloi Classroom"...more familiar students...

Although he has a genius-like talent in magic, he has both a"top-notch reputation" and a"bad reputation as a problem child" in the clock tower.

She has an outstanding combination with her classmate Sphinx Grashet, and is known as the twin jewels of El-Melloi Classroom.

He has a meek nature that is completely opposite to that of a magician, so he is considered to be missing the most important"mentality" of a magician.

If there is an age limit, then looking at the entire clock tower, these two people should be able to squeeze into the forefront.

But it always makes people worry.

For example, the person on the screen is saying that he has been talking sincerely for a long time, but the other person only knows that he is crazy.

In this regard, Weber just wanted to use force on him!

Looking at the innocent and approachable Flatt on the screen, Weber was slightly dazed. Perhaps this is why people can't hate him.

In short, the various off-line behaviors of that guy Flatt made him feel extremely sick to his stomach, but as long as he could see the other person, there should be no problem.

And a good holy relic costs thousands and thousands.

How can that stupid kid have so much money?

Is he really a teacher? Why do I always feel like I’m taking care of a child?

"call....", took another deep breath.

The soft sunlight shone on his face. El-Melloi II suddenly thought of something, and his expression softened,"In that case...That guy must be able to see it too."

I...I've been chasing your back...(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

During the Fourth World War

"that's me...?"

"hahahahahahahaha!!! You are worthy of being my king’s minister!!!"Iskandar's big hand fell down and patted Weber's shoulder hard.

At the same time, there was a hint of shock on his face. Although he didn't say it, Weber clearly read it, I Cao, you kid can do it!

——Shocked like an emperor!

Iskandar stopped when Weber gave him a death glare, but the smile on his face continued.

He knew that he was right about this young man. His persistent and strong heart would bloom with unimaginable brilliance after going through the storm!

Weber on the other side didn't know what the other person was thinking. He stared blankly at the screen.

Is that serious and dignified man, like a British gentleman, really me? Is it your future self?

Will he become the Twelve Lords of the Clock Tower in the future?

No, no, no, he must have recognized the wrong person. Although he does not doubt his knowledge, his talent is too poor!

Because of his talent and because his family's magician background is only three generations long, he is often looked down upon by other families and mentors.

And his teacher rejected his thesis without hesitation, so he stole his mentor's heroic relic and participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War, hoping to show his strength and gain everyone's recognition.

But the moment he saw the Holy Grail War, he was frightened. It was so terrifying!

This is completely different from what he thought!

Fortunately, this video was playing and the Holy Grail War was paused, otherwise he really wouldn't know what to do.

And in these days, he also seriously thought about his own problems

?He wants to prove that a magician's strength is not entirely determined by his bloodline, and that the gap in bloodline can be made up by acquired efforts!

So he wrote a paper that refuted the theory of blood in the magic world, hoping to use the paper to reshape people's understanding of blood.

But the paper I spent several years working on was torn to pieces by my mentor, Director Ken, in public.

?At that moment, it was not his paper that was torn to pieces, but his dignity.

But after thinking about it these days, his thoughts changed again.

Does bloodline really matter?

It is indeed very important. From the perspective of magic circuits, families with a long history can improve the quality and quantity of their descendants' magic circuits through eugenics and nurturing, making them more talented in magic.

From the perspective of magic engraving, magicians pass on the crystallization of achievements accumulated from generation to generation to future generations, so that future generations can continue to study on the basis of their predecessors.

In short, the advantages accumulated by descendants of famous families are beyond the reach of ordinary magicians. Therefore, my mentor Kenneth's views on bloodlines are generally fine. and...Weber also discovered something from the video these days that made him shiver. no matter which world...Heretics are not allowed to exist...

Either perish in destruction, or like the protagonist, soar into the sky and break all impossibilities! but...Weber knew that he was definitely not a protagonist, he was just an extremely ordinary person.

The Clock Tower will not allow heretics, and I don’t have the ability to stand out from the place where geniuses gather in the Clock Tower, so...

"...Therefore, that person can never be me."

The young man's eyes flashed with throbbing light, but his mouth said something different.

The Matou family

"Huh, stupid kid——"

"If the Holy Grail War was all about this kind of stupidity, then I would have already had my wish come true!"

The old man with a bald head, limbs as skinny as a mummy, a slender look from his deep-set eye sockets, and a stooped, insect-like old man sneered.

Do you think conquering the world will be so simple? The first thing is life. If there is not enough life, 177 will not survive at all. It is impossible to realize this wish!

It would be better to conquer the world...The reality of becoming a partner of justice...

Matou Zangyan was leaning on a cane, and there was a squirming abyss under his feet. From time to time, a touch of delicate white skin that belonged to a child was revealed.

A dark light flashed in Matou Zangyan's empty and gloomy eyes. he...Machili Zolgen was once a righteous partner....

In order to eliminate all evil in the world, and for this impossible ideal, with the last glimmer of hope, in 1800 AD, he visited Einzbern, an artificial house built by the disciples of the third magician.

The summoning of heroic spirits itself is the magic of the clock tower. Einzbern is the descendant of the alchemists who once successfully realized the"materialization of the soul".

Therefore, he felt that as long as he had the Holy Grail of Einzbern, he could realize the summoning of heroic spirits that was considered impossible. This was the beginning of the matter and the beginning of the Holy Grail - with Tohsaka Yoshito and the"Winter Saint" Yu Together with Stysaliz Reich von Einzbern, they created a ceremony called the"Celestial Cup" in Fuyuki City.

From then on, Einzbern, Tosaka, and Matou were called the"founding three families."

But before the ceremony was completed, the three Yu families killed each other for their own purposes and wanted to monopolize the results.

Coupled with various objective reasons, the final ritual failed, which was later called the"First Holy Grail War."

But in the second, third, and now fourth Holy Grail War, they all failed!

This almost made his body, which was almost decaying, go crazy!

He is no longer the partner who pursued justice, but is obsessed with the reality of immortality!

"Lord...Grandpa, it hurts me so much, woo woo woo..."

A childish voice came from the sudden swarm of insects.

Matou Zangyan's thoughts were interrupted, and he forcefully forced out a smile.

"Be good, Shinji~ For the glory of the Matou family, you must hold on."

If you want to blame it, just blame the Tohsaka family for suddenly changing their minds.

However, in this way, although Shinji's magic talent is very low, there is still time left for him to transform. Also very long.

Also...The amount of magic power transmitted by oneself will also be doubled, and the body will decay even faster....

Matou's dirty pupils were swallowed up by a flash of darkness, and he waved his hand.

The sound of Matou Shinji crying and wailing suddenly stopped, and there was a vague sound of vomiting as bugs burrowed into the boy's throat, and the sound of an asshole cracking - if a righteous partner were here at this time, he would definitely slap his thigh with joy. , and said the last sentence, very happy!.

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