Requiem Of A Failed Hero

325 Proposition (2)

"A proposition?"

Raith said with a frown. As said, her words were like that of a snake. With her grating voice, they were pleasant to the ear but focus on them too much and one would miss the cunningness behind each word spoken

"Since you said... You are more than capable enough to challenge both gates. I was thinking of bringing before you an interesting offer."

Raith's brows slowly creased.

"What is this proposition that you have?"

"Defeat both dungeons alone."

"And what do I stand to gain from that."

"For free maybe? Since you are not a hypocrite compared to the hunters who charge astronomical amounts for a suffering country like India"

Raith felt her words bite his guts. He smiled before replying to her.

"You bring to me a proposition, if the meaning of proposition has not changed then I suppose that you are the hypocrite here. Do you intend to work me to the bones for free in the name of some proposition?"

Ruan Zhaohui chuckled.

"I don't expect a young man such as you to be so good with words."

"I usually am a very stupid person but for some reason, I am working my best to match your wits."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Raith nodded with no visible emotion on his face.

"Establishing a country takes a lot more than you are ready to bear."

Raith lifted his head to her face.

"You probably don't know but the UN will not allow you to freely possess Antarctica... except if you show them a difference in power."

Raith squinted his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, except you are an unranked hunter who defeated a gate that not even Li Mingwu could defeat and also went on to defeat a gate that has pestered India for five years. The entire UN will stop at nothing to get Antarctica back from you. I know you are probably thinking... let them come, you can take care of all of them but this isn't about you. It's about the people you wish to protect.

At some point the people need to make a living outside Antarctica for the sake of individual growth and development of the community, if you make an enemy of the United Nations, your people will not be safe outside Antarctica.

But if you defeat both gates you will be proclaiming yourself to be the strongest hunter even amidst the unranked. You will become one of us, the fourth of us even stronger than Li Mingwu. It will become evident to them that you are not just a national resource but a worldwide resource. Anywhere you go will be feared and respected, all nations shall respect your people and your words.

In addition, you need to establish relationships with nations that would greatly contribute to the development of your economy."

Raith's brow came tighter. It was because he couldn't resist the truth that was evident in what she had just said. But hunting two gates just seemed too much. He was sure of one, but two...on a go.

"Plus I personally will reward you with runestones, the best ranks of weapons, and exclusive entry into all nations, you don't even need to have a passport and I have an item that you won't ignore."

"An item I won't ignore?"

"Have you heard of Hiroshima?"

"No... I am not vast in the knowledge of this world."

"I see... Hiroshima was said to be a victim of an atomic bomb, but that was just a cover-up story because of the level of destruction that happened in that city."

She paused and looked at Raith expecting a certain surprised expression but she found nothing. She continued her talk regardless... perhaps in hopes that the shock would come soon.

"But in reality. What happened there was a fight between two entities, ancient history from 1845 tells us that it was between a man and an angel, some say it was between a demon and an angel. The fight did not spare the land, it destroyed every single life that was around Hiroshima.

After the fight was over, a part of the angel's wing was torn off. That part has passed through years and remains the same, it has been worshipped, it has been hated, and even I am struck by its beauty and healing power."

"And you will give such an item to me?"

"Yes, I will... if you do manage to defeat two gates."

Raith's lips curved up.

"You really do bring one hell of a proposition."

"I know. I am quite thorough in my thoughts... I also consider your best interest."

"Or you are just trying to see how strong I am."

"And isn't the prize for your display worth it?"

Raith smiled and lowered his head.

"Because all you have said makes a lot of sense. I like the offer, add money too."

She raised a brow,

"I didn't expect that you'd be the money type."

Raith released a stomach laughter, he even slapped the table one or twice before he slowly stopped. Still chuckling he proceeded:

"Look at all of this, you think I wouldn't be the money type? I have personal goals too. I have cars I wanna drive and this entire place cannot continue to run on the resources I have right now."

"I see... it is interesting knowing you. How much do you want?"

"Five hundred billion dollars."

A bead of sweat ran down her face from her temple.

"You say what now?"

"What is it too much?"

"For one who claims to not be a hypocrite compared to the hunters that change in quote..." She gestured an air quote, "Astronomical amounts, does five hundred billion dollars seem less astronomical to you?"

"Well, you are the one who wants to display, I'm merely charging you for how much I'll be entertaining you."

"Ah, seriously..."

She giggled. Short of words to say to him she went silent for a while then came back...

"I'll give you two hundred and fifty..."

"Four hundred."

"Three hundred and fifty..."

'For just wanting to confirm someone's rank for the sake of balancing the prestige of the unranked and protection of the world, I am spending quite the money. You better be proud of me wherever you are Li Mingwu... you rotten old man'

Raith paused, squinted his eyes, stared at Ruan Zhaohui for a couple of seconds, and smirked.

"Okay fine. Nice doing business with you. Give me all necessary arrangements to enter the gate and get back to me in three days."

Her eyes went round.

"Three days?"

"What? It is too small?"

"No, it is perfectly fine"

'I thought he'd request a month of preparation but three days? Three days?!'

"Okay then... I will do the necessary preparations and get back to you."

Raith slightly lowered his head but looked towards the small door as noise rose again but this time it was noise of the people.

"Is everything okay?"

Ruan Zhaohui asked.

But a smile formed on Raith's face.

"Some elites were designated as hunters to help hunt food for the people. They probably have arrived."

Raith said, standing up. He guided Ruan Zhaohui outside the lodging. He was still gentle in the way he spoke to her and handled her.

As they reached outside, the upstarting village was filled with crowds of people, at the village center was a large monster carcass, full of meat, the head was missing and separated from the large body.

Apparently, the team led by Jarvis had encountered an anomalous boar, as large as a mammoth. They were looking bruised and battered–it was very easy to tell how much they struggled.

Amber Rose especially was so ruined that are breastplate had a webbed crack drawn right in the center. Her eyes looked heavy and void, she was barely standing and was being assisted by a dark-haired guy.

Jarvis, full of elegance in white and black smoke matched towards Raith, hanging his greatsword on his back. He bowed to one knee in front of Raith.

"My liege, I have completed the task you committed onto my hands."

"Ah, I can see that too. Well done Jarvis. You can hang around and return whenever you like."

"Yes, my liege. I also brought the spoils of war to please your taste." Jarvis opened a black smoky pouch. It was one of the things that were naturally added to him after his upgrade.

Upon turning the pouch over, colorful crystals and runestones began to pour out of it. It took a few minutes for the outpouring to stop and it was like a mountain equal to Raith's eyes. The kids could dive into it if they wanted.

'Just how many monsters did this guy kill... Jarvis has gotten strong.'

The crowd awaited Raith's response but stared hungrily at the beast that occupied their middle.

"I think these people are waiting for you."

Ruan Zhaohui whispered to Raith.

Then he looked at all of them—that was when it became obvious.

"Could it be... that they want to feast?"

Ruan Zhaohui smiled much.

"I'm baffled that it took you this long to realize. You are quite slow-witted. You need to declare it a feast."

Raith knew that much. But saying like her saying it pressured him to do it. He couldn't escape from the role of leading the people even if he wanted to. Things like this he would love to avoid but he has also come to understand that some things he just has to do.

He stepped forward and looked around. There were mumbles before but as soon as he stepped forward a deafening silence overwhelmed the air.

"Here in front of us... lies a large boar, far meaty than anything I have ever seen!! Tonight! We feast!!"

The crowds rose in cheers and scream as he declared while he squirmished back to where he was coming from.

Ruan Zhaohui shook her head.

"And you really plan to lead a country?"

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